Lu Chan, this group of people near Wang Ze, are the top part of this group of elite geniuses.

"Go! Help others."

Wang Ze shouted, and immediately, they quickly flew over and joined the defensive battle.

Seeing them leave, Lu Chan breathed a sigh of relief.

Being stared at by this group of guys made Lu Chan feel a little uncomfortable.

When these guys leave, Lu Chan can let go and fight.

With a vertical figure, Lu Chan left the corner of the wall and came to the open space of the city wall with a wide field of vision.

"Come on, little brats!"

Lu Chan grinned, and the revolver's rate of fire suddenly soared from four or five shots per second to seven or eight shots per second.

And Lu Chan began to aim at those... the war feather monkeys of the third rank, and even the fourth rank 4.

Shooting efficiency has been raised to a new level.

Just now, Lu Chan was still holding back his strength, but at this time, when Wang Ze and others left, Lu Chan started to get angry.

Chapter 9 Cyclonus's exploits! (20/[-])

This time the burrow competition.

Each contestant's bracelet is inspired by the potential "supersophon meme" in it

Every kill, or even an assist, will be given a corresponding merit value based on the calculation of the extraordinary sophon meme, and there will be basically no statistical flaws.

At this time, with Lu Chan's high-speed kills.

Lu Chan's Merit Point is also growing rapidly.

First-Order Extraordinary Creatures: 1 Xun.

Level 2 Extraordinary Creatures: 5 Honors.

Third-order extraordinary creatures: 2 merits.

Tier 4 10 extraordinary creatures: [-] merits.

Fifth-order extraordinary creatures: 50 merits.

Sixth-order extraordinary creatures: 20 merits.

......The more you kill high-level extraordinary creatures, the more merit points you get.

At this time, Lu Chan was in a state of high-speed killing, and Lu Chan could easily shoot and kill even those third-order, and even fourth-order, fourth-order war feather monkeys.

Therefore, Lu Chan's meritorious value naturally increased by leaps and bounds.

Every second, Lu Chan's meritorious value would skyrocket by a number.

Merit value: 24... Merit value: 45... Merit value: 84... Merit value: 11... Relative to the second place, count points, and even A ten-point increase.

Lu Chan's meritorious value was like a hang-up, and it was soaring all the way.

Especially when Lu Chan started to take the initiative to aim and shoot those... intermediate war feather monkeys.

Merit value, it quickly broke through two thousand, three thousand, and flew towards the five thousand mark.

......At this time on the earth, almost all the many extraordinary people who watch the changes in the list.

Everyone was stunned.

"It's so fast and so special!"

"Definitely yes, otherwise, I am afraid that only extraordinary masters can achieve such a rapid increase in efficiency."

......At this time, many other martial arts halls, other cave entrances: and many other geniuses who participated in the cave competition also noticed this scene.

"Fuck,...this guy is cheating and messing with the calculation of the Tomoko meme!"

"Definitely yes."


"This Lu Chan, I have heard, is the black of our Nuoshan City. He has an extraordinary qualification of up to 35 points. I didn't expect such a genius to cheat."

"No matter what kind of genius he is or not, as long as he dares to cheat, he will be disqualified."

"That's it... so blatant, I'm afraid that their Transcendent Martial Arts Hall will directly cancel their training contract."

At this time, everyone who pays attention to the crazy changes in data.

Ninety-nine percent of people think this is called "Lu Chan"

The guy is cheating.

The few remaining ones are also on the sidelines.

......Over time.

Soon, this matter was reflected in the Holy Inquisition Military Academy.

Regarding the possibility of cheating among the superhumans participating in the competition, the Holy Trial Military Academy immediately entered a state of high importance.

After all, the research on various transcendent Sealed Artifacts conducted by their Holy Inquisition Martial Arts Hall is the most peak existence on earth.

And this time, the "super-sophon meme"

, which is a very mature and stable meme they study.

If it is easily interfered by the students, it will be laughable and generous, and will be severely slapped in the face.

Soon, several top super meme researchers stimulated the projection ability of super sophon memes, but they saw such a scene.

A knight, on the wall of the base of the cave, holds a revolver and shoots frantically.

Those... the war feather monkeys hit by him are almost all killed in one hit.

At the same time, with the help of other students' super-sophon memes, they also saw this scene with other visions.

Although it can interfere with one, it cannot interfere with so many.

And the detected data is also completely normal.

This has basically ruled out interference.

And if interference is excluded, that is to say.

The madness of this knight - it's true! Soon.

This scene appeared on the data list of the entire Federation's [Crypt Ladder Competition].

【Rank: 1.

The name is Lu Chan.

Merit value: 58] Note, after the test data is completely normal, the extraordinary person obtains the merit value entirely by virtue of his strength.

When this text is displayed in front of all the extraordinary people in the federation who are concerned about the list.

What... It's possible that the superhuman beings that everyone pays attention to are in a state of ignorance.

This data is normal! Such hurricane, rapid progress data is actually normal.

It's really unscientific.

At this time, those extraordinary people who were clamoring for cheating were slapped in the face one by one.

At this point, the official announcement came out.

That proves that this is indeed real data, obtained by virtue of strength.

Obtained by strength, and this data rose so fast.

Well, this guy named Lu tyrannical!............Ten minutes passed quickly.

At this time, Lu Chan was sinking his thoughts and was in a high-speed shooting state.

"Bang bang bang..."

The intensive gunshots made Qi or eight, all of them rushing towards Lu Chan, the second-order 2 and third-order war feather monkeys, one after another, were shot to death.

However, behind the seven or eight war-feathered monkeys, there are twenty or thirty war-feathered monkeys rushing over.

And over the entire Iron Crown Grotto base, thousands of war-feathered monkeys are densely packed in the sky, rushing down frantically, and the darkness is overwhelming.

Rao is that the entire base is full of firepower, and it can't stop these... The rush of the war feather monkeys.

Even, a large number of war feathered monkeys have directly entered the fortress.

"It's...too much!"

Rao was Lu Chan, and he couldn't help frowning.

"Moreover, the follow-up ones are all second-order 2, third-order, and even some fourth-order 4 and fifth-order ones have also begun to appear."

"Help... ah..."

At this moment, a student not far away screamed in pain.

I saw that... the second-order 2-level gun: the superhuman, was directly caught by a... fourth-order 4 war feathered monkey.

Once this is caught in the air, it will definitely be dismembered by those... crazy and cruel war feather monkeys.

Lu Chan raised his gun.


With a bang, the four-tier 4 war feathered monkeys that were fighting were all killed with one shot.

"All students, retreat along the stairs in an orderly manner, retreat."

At the beginning, the situation is sudden and it is not advisable to retreat in a hurry.

At this time, everyone has stabilized, and the enemy's class is starting to get higher and higher, and it is time to retreat, otherwise there will be heavy casualties.

And with Du Lan's roar, those...transcendent students immediately flew down the stairs quickly.

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