Chapter 10 I can fight to the end! (20/[-])

Everyone is extraordinary, and their physical qualities are super strong.

After it has stabilized, retreating is naturally not a problem.

Many students also retreated and fought back.

Many students are self-contained teams, taking care of each other, plus it's that... The five extraordinary master-level mentors sheltered everyone, and the retreat was smooth.

"Lu Chan retreat quickly."

I saw that the students were almost retreating.

Du Lan immediately roared at Lu Chan who was in a shooting state.

"Teacher, don't worry, these... The war feather monkey can't give me any pressure.

I just fought and killed on the city wall, no problem at all."

Lu Chan responded unhurriedly.

Du Lan wanted to say something, but a voice suddenly sounded from the side.

"Don't worry, I've been paying attention to this guy for a long time. It's very special. These... low-level and middle-level war feather monkeys, I'm afraid it's really difficult to pose any threat to him."

Only voices were heard, but no figures were seen.

"I'm watching over here, don't worry about anything."

The voice said so.

"it is good!"

Du Lan also answered very succinctly.

The "Eternal Hidden One" of the extraordinary ninth order 9

, but which one is the strongest secretly guarding this group of students.

With him around, Lu Chan will naturally not be in any danger."

At this time, for Lu Chan, it can be said that he has no scruples.

Together with many other night watchmen, they guarded the city wall and launched a frantic attack.

Although occasionally one or two war feather monkeys will attack.

Lu Chan, on the other hand, supported the shield of thorns, which had been strengthened to +25, and easily withstood these....... the diving attack of the war feather monkey.

Now, with Lu Chan holding a shield, even if it was a small car that came hurriedly, Lu Chan could easily block it with a shield without taking a half step back.

Therefore, those war feather monkeys who rushed over all slammed into the shield, were then held back by the taunting and taunting, and then were shot in the head by Lu Chan.

Shield and gun.

At this time, Lu Chan was as hard as a rock in a wave, indestructible.

"Eternal Hidden"

The stone ridge is in a hidden state for eternity.

At this time, he stood quietly about twenty meters away from Lu Chan, and his eyes were shining brightly at Lu Chan.

He could see that the silver-level revolver was extremely powerful.

Although Lu Chan said that this silver revolver is strengthened by +12.

He didn't believe it.

However, after a full five or six minutes of investigation.

In the end, Shi Fang gave up.

Lu Chan's body has a very strong self-enclosed extraordinary characteristic.

He has the talent of extremely dark insight, and he can't see the slightest bit.

"What a little guy who is very deeply hidden!"

Shi Fang couldn't help but chuckle.

"I'm afraid what the owner of the museum said will come true. This Lu Chan is very likely to become the pillar of our Southern Sect, and can even end the [-]-year dispute between the North and the South in one fell swoop."

The battle is still going on.

Those...high-level burrow night watchman squads, Lou, stick to their feet, and their killing efficiency is also extremely high.

Lu Chan, on the other hand, held a shield in one hand and a gun in the other:.

Back against the wall stack up to two meters thick, the same is true, do not retreat.

It's not that Lu Chan doesn't want to.

It was because of the many war feather monkeys, none of them could fight, and they were not even qualified to force Lu Chan back.

And Lu Chan killed these... War Feather Monkey, on the one hand, madly brushed invincibility, and on the other hand, madly brushed merit.

Why don't you talk about these... 4rd or [-]th tier [-] war feather monkeys.

Even if it is a high-level war feather monkey of the fifth or sixth order.

Even if those... the top extraordinary master-level war feather monkeys appeared at this time, Lu Chan was able to put on a shield and kill them here.

Moreover, a knight, a profession with abundant stamina, long stamina, and tenacity of will, is very suitable for this kind of protracted battle.

Don't dare to say anything else, just these 2st, [-]nd, [-]rd, [-]th, [-]th and [-]th tier war feather monkeys.

Lu Chan said confidently, "I can fight like this for three days and three nights."

When Lu Chan persevered and fought fiercely against the city wall.

All the people in the entire federation who were concerned about the competition of the underground ladders firmly remembered "Lu Chan" on this day.

of this name.

Because, starting from half past nine, this is called "Lu Chan"

The extraordinary knight entered the state of battle.

With its super strong and tenacious fighting characteristics, its meritorious feats are all the way up, forming an absolute crushing advantage.

.............near noon 1.

Iron Crown Cavern base.

In the sky, the number of war feather monkeys is already very rare.

And most of the war feather monkeys also began to retreat.

And in the corners above the city wall, there was a crazy roar at this time.



The two extraordinary sixth-order war feather monkeys were held back by Lu Chan's mockery.

These two guys frantically attacked the shield of Lu Chan, who was holding the shield and squatting in the corner.

Lu Chan, on the other hand, was holding a revolver from a gap on one side.

"Bang bang bang..."

Bullets kept falling on the two war feather monkeys.

The reason why these two war feather monkeys are so difficult to kill is that...these two war feather monkeys should be boss-level existences.

This kind of leader-level war feather monkey, they have the intelligence comparable to human beings.

Moreover, both of them are wearing extraordinary equipment, which is why they are so difficult to kill.

However, no matter how difficult it is to kill, they can't withstand the blast of this +30 strengthening magic weapon.

A dozen shots: later.

Along with howling, the two sixth-order war feathered monkeys fell one after another.

Looking up at the sky, the number of war feather monkeys is very rare, and most of them are submerged in the dark night.

The battle that lasted for more than two hours finally came to an end.

The Iron Crown Grotto Base, with the absolute advantage of the base's terrain, repelled the extraordinary feathered monkey that was attacking.

But judging from those... destroyed tanks, armored vehicles, turrets, and a certain amount of buildings, as well as the corpses of some superhuman humans.

Obviously, the defense this time has also paid a lot of price.

Although Lu Chan also wanted to see humans with absolute superiority, swept through the caves, and the alien races in the caves bowed their heads and dared not invade the earth.

However, human beings can only shrink in defense and passively withstand the attack, and even every attack, human beings will be killed and injured a lot.

This is the bloody, cruel, and desperate fact that humans are fighting against the burrows.

Every victory is a tragic victory.

This is the fact that weak humans face the mighty burrows.

With the retreat of the war feather monkeys.

Many people around the high-level military burrow night watchman all looked at Lu Chan.

During the two hours of continuous fighting, they actually saw Lu Chan holding a shield and holding a revolver, fighting from the beginning to the end.

The surrounding war-feathered monkeys have piled up into a hill.

From their expressions, it can be seen that they are full of admiration for this fierce and extraordinary knight.

And the entire Iron Crown base, even if it won the victory of the guards.

But no one cheered, no one celebrated.

Some were just silently picking up the corpses of the same kind, the corpses of the war feather monkeys, and the extraordinary star beads that fell on the ground.

Buried for the same kind, buried in the ground is safe.

At the same time, collect the corpses of aliens and decompose them to obtain resources, collect extraordinary star beads, and improve their strength. This is what every human being who guards the burrow must do after the war.

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