Work hard to improve yourself and develop silently.

For the flesh and blood, guard the tranquility for human beings, and strive for a longer growth time for human beings.

This is the most meaningful thing every extraordinary warrior stationed in the burrow has done.

Seeing this scene, Lu Chan was also secretly silent, and even clenched his fists.

"There will come a day when I will bring it to the human race and pacify the entire cave world! Let countless alien races in the cave hear the name of human beings, and they will be horrified!"

Chapter Six Squad (11/20)

Finished this defensive battle against the war feather monkey.

Compared with the "Long Winter Night" that has long been adapted to the dark tide season of this burrow

The crypt watchman.

These new arrivals......the transcendent students are much more excited.

At this time, in a huge fortress hall.

Many students were excitedly talking about the battle just now.

The many students who were withdrawn from the city wall were also fighting in the base by virtue of their defensive advantages.

They also killed quite a few war monkeys that landed.

Suddenly, in a short period of time, the entire hall suddenly fell silent.

Soon everyone looked at the entrance of the fortress hall.

Lu Chan walked in by himself as if nothing had happened.

But when seeing these hundreds of pairs of eyes, even several mentors put their eyes on themselves.

Lu Chan felt a little awkward in the atmosphere.

At this moment, everyone looked at Lu Chan as if they were looking at a monster.

This is not surprising, because this Lu Chan is indeed... a... terrifying monster.

After a full minute or two, everyone looked away from Lu Chan.

Lu Chan, who was relieved, came to Wang Ze and sat down:.

"It's fine!"

Wang Ze, who was beside him, patted Lu Chan on the shoulder and laughed.

"This time, you have become famous in one battle."

"It's not that exaggerated."

Lu Chan shrugged.

"Don't believe it yet."

Wang Ze teased.

"You will understand when you open the list of the burrow competition."

While drinking a glass of plain water, Lu Chan opened the list.

The previous list ranked according to talent level was a big change.

【Rank: 1.

The name is Lu Chan.

Merit value: 22 [Rank: 2.

My name is Sun Ying.

Merit value: 12] [Rank: 3.

The name is Gongsun Yonghao.

Merit value: 87] [Rank: 4 Name Qi Peijia.

Merit value: 86] [Rank: 5.

The name Yuanfengling.

Merit value: 75] [Rank: 6.

The name is Wu Xiao.

Merit value: 69]...the list is all remote superhumans.

And Lu Chan's merit value is as high as: [-].

Basically more than everyone else combined.

With such a terrifying number, I am afraid that other people will not be able to keep up.

This is a real domination.

This list is the live broadcast of the entire Longxia Federation.

Lu Chan's dominance on the list, his reputation seems to have resounded throughout the federation.

"This figure is a bit high!"

Lu Chan scratched his head.

"It's more than high, it's just... change"

Wang Ze on the side said enviously.

At this time, Lu Chan's strength had begun to take shape.

You don't have to worry too much about being famous.

Therefore, for such a high number, Lu Chan was a little surprised to stabilize his mind.

"Although, it will let you now, but what will shock you more will only come later."

Lu Chan secretly said.

At the same time, Lu Chan glanced at his invincibility.

At this time, Lu Chan's invincibility value also greatly increased.

Invincibility value: 26.

Lu Chan, who was already an extraordinary third-order, killed first-, second-, and third-order extraordinary creatures.

There is absolutely no additional percentage increase.

Even killing Tier [-], [-], and Tier [-] extraordinary creatures, the invincibility value obtained is also reduced a lot.

This time, more extraordinary creatures were killed than when they were in the underground haunted cave.

However, the acquired invincibility value has decreased a lot.

Lu Chan didn't care too much.

After all, it is much easier to obtain invincibility now than before.

"Lu Chan discusses something."

At this moment, Wang Ze on one side lowered his voice and said.


Lu Chan looked over.

"The origin tide season of the burrow is about to strike, and this large-scale sneak attack by the war feather monkey is... a sign."

Wang Ze said softly.

"And in the next few days, it is very likely that they will come again."

"Even the 'Darkwood Elves' who can also fly will come over."

Lu Chan nodded slightly when he heard the words.

Through a lot of information, Lu Chan is also clear.

The Origin Tide season is about to strike, those extraordinary creatures of the flying class, they will be tentatively exploring.

In this attack of the war feather monkeys, most of them were of the first and second order, and [-]% of them were not equipped.

In plain language.

These... war feather monkeys are all cannon fodder.

The real elites are middle-level, high-level, and even super-master-level war monkeys with equipment, skills, weapons, and extremely lethal power.

This first attack is nothing but a test.

The attack from the back is the real tricky time.

"In the following defensive battle, four of us attacked together."

"Of course, you don't have to worry about us robbing you of your merits, you can just kill the enemy."

"Just help us at the critical moment."

This time, Lu Chan showed his formidable strength. Rao is Wang Ze and other extraordinary people trained by the federal consortium also lowered their heads, changed their posture, and took the initiative to request the team to change the strategy.

The previous plan was that Lu Chan was the main defense and the main pulling monsters.

But now, Lu Chan shook his body and turned into a core output position.

"Brother Lu Chan, we are near you and won't interfere with your output."

Zhu Dongfang Mingyu on one side also fell like this:.

Although Sun Ying on the side did not speak, it could be seen from Qi Yi's expression.

She also wanted to hug Lu Chan's thick thigh.

After all, she had seen the terrible output of Lu Chan before.

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