In a short period of time, Lu An couldn't think of any good metaphors, so he could only improvise and use an anime with a deep memory as an example.

Seeing Wei Xiaoran's adorable and confused expression, Lu An immediately understood that she hadn't read it at all, and simply explained one or two concisely, paving the way for his next words.

"It's enough if you can understand it roughly, you don't need to understand it much."

Seeing that she seemed to understand but half understood, Lu An waved his hand to signal that there is no need to delve into it, cleared his throat and returned to the subject.

"I also said before that your situation is like the substitute messengers inside. Even if you have nothing to do with each other, you will meet because you are both substitute messengers."

"There is no connection between the two, but they will meet and meet due to various coincidences, and the source of all this is their different identities from ordinary people."

"If you really want to get to the bottom of it, maybe it can be understood that the substitute messenger has a strong mental power, so he can be keenly aware of the same kind as himself in the crowd, and thus create an intersection."

Lu An racked his brains for lame metaphors, trying to make Wei Xiaoran understand what he meant.

"You mean to say that the real reason why I was able to go up the arrow path and meet Huang Xuan was because of some hidden spiritual connection, not a pre-arranged fate?" Wei Xiaoran hugged her knees tightly, half understanding whispering.

"That's almost what it means. Anyway, it's an established fact that Xiao Ran and you have a relationship with Xiao, and Huang Xuan was Xiao's weapon before. It's probably because of this layer of fetters similar to the spiritual power of a stand-in messenger that you will eventually meet and get acquainted."

With extremely low quality, Lu An plucked a piece of fragrant green grass from his feet to play with at will, twisted it into grass balls and flicked it with his fingers, and shot it into the lake, splashing a large amount of water.

"Anyway, I don't believe in Xiao's ability to calculate to the present after countless years, let alone planning in advance. Since ancient times, history has changed countlessly. Take Elder Ming's words, the law of heaven is eternal and impermanent."

"Fate is a fickle thing. If you think about it, it's better than the Tianji Fairy Pavilion, which was killed by the backlash of heaven because of spying on the heavenly secrets. But in the end, it's just a big change in the world."

"Have they counted in today's technological age? Do they count on the recovery of martial arts? Do they count on the comeback of monsters? Don't they know nothing about these things?"

"Let's talk about Xiao, let's take the previous deeds as an example. She counted that she went to the imperial capital to attend a banquet and suffered such a catastrophe, no, isn't it beyond her expectations?"

"A group of bigwigs who have mastered the secrets of heaven in the past and the future have joined forces and paid a terrible price for hiccups, but they have not been able to count the farts. Xiao, a lone archer, how can he compare with them in this way."

"Of course, I didn't mean to offend Senior Xiao, Huang Xuan, don't take it to heart." Lu An grabbed another piece of grass with his paw and started to make a fuss.

"Don't worry about it, benefactor, I'm not the kind of person who doesn't understand things, and what you said, benefactor, is true. Xiao's understanding of karma and fate is at most somewhat independent, far inferior to those who specialize in this way."

Knowing that Lu An insulted Wei Xiao in order to comfort him, Huang Xuan understood very well and didn't care, smiled and nodded to admit that what he said was true.

"See, Huang Xuan has already said that, don't worry about this thing at all, worry about some unfounded behind-the-scenes chess players, if you think about it carefully, they don't exist at all."

Lu An waved his hands old-fashionedly: "I don't even have the ability to calculate the present, so how can I arrange your fate after endless time?"

"If you want me to say, at most, I will arrange some small tricks on you and Huang Xuan, so that you can meet again and pick up the legacy again, that's all."

"Is that so..." Wei Xiaoran buried her head in the lake, feeling that what Lu An said was not unreasonable.

The Tianji Xiange, which is comparable to the Nine Heavenly Sects, is not that powerful, and Xiao Xiao is even more impossible.

Maybe it's just like what Lu An said, Xiao just left behind, so that she can find Huang Xuan by following the hidden connection like a stand-in messenger.

"Okay, don't be sad. Destiny is an illusory thing, let alone a fixed form. It can't arrange everything in your future."

In just such a short time, there were no less than ten pieces of grass that were folded in someone's claws, and all of them sank to the bottom of the lake with tragic deaths.

"Besides, there is still me. If there is any bad intention to prevent her from succeeding, it will be over? Although I personally feel that the possibility of such a situation is unlikely."

"Eh?" Hearing his muttering not far away, Wei Xiaoran's eyes staring at the water slightly widened, as if she didn't hear what Lu An was saying just now.

"Hmm~ Engong's words mean that if something happens to Xiaoran, he will personally protect her." Different from her master's performance, Huang Xuan smiled when she heard the words, and there was a weird chuckle on her lips It's meant to be a joke.

"That's right." However, Lu An was only focused on making a fool of himself, and didn't hear the ridicule hidden in Huang Xuan's words, so he nodded and admitted it generously.

"Who dares to touch the people around me, just look at the fate of Hei Die and the British Alchemist Association."

"Anyway, with me in front, no one can hurt you at all."

This matter is in Lu

It seems normal for An to be true. His communication network is limited. If there is something wrong with these guys, who will he talk to in the future?

At that time, I am afraid that I will really become a widowed old man.

"Oh~" Huang Xuan smiled lightly when he heard the words, stretched out the voice line with a weak voice that only his master could hear, and glanced at him unobservably from the corner of his eye.

Sure enough, just as she expected, Wei Xiaoran's redness had risen, she buried her head in her knees in a panic with blushing, it was hard to notice the change in her face from the outside.

"Come on, I should go back and see if Ilya and the others are asleep. Xiao Ran, don't think too much about it. We are here." Biquku

Glancing at his own pavilion, he vaguely saw the faint light shining through. Lu An clapped his hands and got up to say goodbye, and turned around to return to his residence.

Seeing Wei Xiaoran's sad expression buried in deep thought, he probably needs to calm down for a while, he has said all he can, and there is no more chicken soup to buy, so if he doesn't leave now, he will wait.

In less than ten minutes, Lu An felt that his brain cells had been consumed for a month, and his pig brain was seriously overloaded. He could no longer think of new words, so he had no choice but to resign.

"Lu An."

But at this moment, Wei Xiaoran suddenly made a sound, making Lu An, who had just walked ten meters away, pause, turned around and asked in confusion, "What's wrong?"

"That...can you sit with me for a while?" Wei Xiaoran still buried her head, only showing her snowy eyes, and mustered up the courage to ask to stay, her voice was dull and trembling.

"Ah? No problem!" Lu An was taken aback when he heard this, but he readily agreed.

Although she wanted to go back to her kennel to sleep, Wei Xiaoran rarely asked for help. If he refused such a small request, wouldn't it hurt his fragile heart?

There was no other way, so Lu An had no choice but to turn around and roll back to sit beside her, and continued with her plan of weeding.

"Benefactor is here, so the concubine will resign first. Because she just woke up, there are still many hidden dangers in her body that I haven't had time to deal with."

Looking back and forth three times between her master and Lu An, Huang Xuan thoughtfully found a reasonable excuse to return to her body, leaving the space for her master.

"Huh~ Thank you, Lu An, for letting you waste your training time to comfort me." Wei Xiaoran muffled, facing the lake and hugging her knees tightly, so that Lu An couldn't see her side face clearly at all.

"Hey, shouldn't this be the case, which one of us is with whom, is it better now?"

It was just a few minutes to comfort others, he thought he was not so short of time, it might as well add some fun to his boring time.

"Well! Thanks to you for enlightening me, I've figured it out now!" Wei Xiaoran nodded slightly unrecognizable: "No matter what relationship I have with Xiao, what identity I have, I am me, not someone else!"

"Although there may be some Xiao factors in it, it is my own wish to choose the path of arrows. I like the path of arrows, and it has nothing to do with others. Even if I know all this, I still like it!"

She figured it out, it doesn't matter if it is Xiao's reincarnation, anyway, she just likes archery, and there are so many good girlfriends and friends around, so she is fundamentally different from Xiao.

"Hmm~ It's good if you think so, it seems that my hard work has not been in vain." Seeing Wei Xiaoran recovering, Lu An also relaxed a lot.

Although brain cells died on a large scale, fortunately, the effort was worth it.

"You just said that you will protect me, is that true?" Wei Xiaoran asked in a soft voice after a moment of silence, trying to stay calm and make sure that she would not reveal her flaws.

"Of course, it was like this before. As long as I am here, I will do my best to ensure that you are not harmed. It used to be like this now, and it will still be like this in the future."

Lu An randomly picked up a piece of grass, and he was so bored that he had already started to trim it vigorously, trimming the grass into different patterns.

Yellow Dragon Flying to the Sky, Eight Steeds, Venus with a Broken Arm, various animals and so on.

There is a pile of finished products next to him, and a small piece of grass under his feet has been emptied by him.

"Hmm..." Hearing his answer, Wei Xiaoran was a little glad but also a little disappointed. Fortunately, Lu An didn't hear her other meaning, and the loss was also due to this reason.

Is it just us...

But the loss is the loss, Wei Xiaoran no longer has the courage to continue, after all, she has exhausted all her courage just to speak out to keep Lu An.

After sitting quietly with her for half an hour, Lu An finally patted her on the back to comfort her, then got up to leave, and then returned to his home.

On the deserted lakeshore, there was a glimmer of light beside Wei Xiaoran, and Huang Xuan appeared, looking in the direction where Lu An was leaving, covering her mouth and chuckling: "Benefactor is gone."


Sensing that Lu An had gone far away, Wei Xiaoran slightly relaxed her vigilance and raised her head from between her knees, she could vaguely see that the roots of her ears were rosy and hot, and some scars that had not faded could still be seen on her cheeks.

"Xiao Ran, I have something to say, I don't know if I should say it or not." Looking at her expression, Huang Xuan squatted beside her, hesitating to speak.

After thinking about it, for the sake of her master, Huang Xuan still said this sentence to make her furious on the spot

whispered: "Xiaoran, you like Engong, right?"

"Eh?!! You, what are you talking about!" Hearing this, Wei Xiaoran wanted to be poked into a little secret hidden deep in her heart, so she stood up on the spot, and Hongxia, who had faded away, once again Emerged: "Huang Xuan, why are you teasing me again?"

"I didn't tease you. The fact that Xiaoran likes benefactor has already been shown on my face. Don't worry, there is no third party here. I won't say anything about it."

Under her instruction, Wei Xiaoran quickly stroked her cheeks and ears with both hands, the slight heat from her palms immediately made her lose the battle, she sat down on the ground like a defeated rooster.

The little secret was exposed by Huang Xuan on the spot, but she was still powerless to refute the key point.

"Hmm~ Xiaoran is really different now, she actually has someone she likes."

Huang Xuan looked at the lake like her, and suddenly nodded in satisfaction: "From the perspective of a concubine, benefactor is indeed worthy of you, Xiaoran."

"The most powerful martial artist in the world, the one who has never come back to one of ten possessions, and cares about Xiaoran so much, he is indeed the best candidate for a spouse. It is normal for Xiaoran to like her. If the concubine is a human being, she will probably be moved by this."

She opened her hands and counted Lu An's good points, the more she talked, the more satisfied she became.

For her vision, no one can match Lu An.

"But, he already has a girlfriend, she is Mengmeng, and Yaoyao seems to be interested in him too, that girl treats others differently from him..."

Wei Xiaoran drew a circle, not hiding the disappointment in her eyes.

She admits that she secretly agrees with her, but Lu An already has Gu Mengmeng, if she interferes, wouldn't she be robbing her best friend for a man? So I can only hide this liking silently in my heart.

"Then what's the matter, just go after it if you like, Xiao Ran, if you continue like this, then Zhao Yaoyao will be the first to get there. I see that girl's offensive is quite fierce, and then there will be no place for you."

Huang Xuan encouraged her in a low voice as if she had come here: "Xiao Ran, you have to know that good men like En Gong are rare. In our previous era, anyone with a bit of strength was surrounded by beautiful women, and women also If so, you have to seize the opportunity."

Knowing her master's intentions, Huang Xuan realized that she had to do something, otherwise the Japanese defender Xiaoran would be saddened by hiding alone in the shadows, and she would not feel good as a tool spirit.

Wei Xiaoran didn't speak, just listened quietly to Huang Xuan's chatter beside her, glanced at the pile of green grass carvings left by someone from the corner of her eye, and quietly put her hand into the storage ring.


At the same time, Lu An had already returned to his pavilion, and saw the two little girls, Bailu and Yiliya, sleeping soundly, smiling like an old father and not disturbing them. After covering them with the quilt, he exited the bedroom and turned into the auxiliary bedroom. If you plan to play stand-alone games, you will take a break.

However, before he could play for long, something unexpected happened quietly.

There was a soft knock on the bedroom door, and someone who was lying on his side playing with a tablet looked up, his expression froze immediately.

Seeing Gu Mengmeng wrapped in a bath towel, the plump mountains were squeezed by the bath towel, a large area of ​​snow-white skin was exposed to the air, even steaming, and the black and white long hair was wet, obviously just out of the bath not long ago.

Sneaking in, she tiptoedly locked the door, turned around and saw Lu An on the bed in a daze, with a shy look on her face.

"Meng, Mengmeng, why are you here?"

Lu An took a deep breath. Although she had slept in the same bed many times, this kind of situation was rare, and she never got tired of it every time.

"I have something to look for you, what did you do just now?" Gu Mengmeng mustered up the courage to step forward and said fiercely, she was not stupid enough to tell about the fact that she had been monitoring the pavilion with her spiritual sense.

"Well, it's a long story." A certain person scratched his cheek lightly, thinking that Wei Xiaoran's petty things were not some ulterior secret, so he simply explained it all.

Gu Mengmeng felt shy and unbearably shy with his up and down gaze, but she still held back her shyness and ran to sit upright by the bed, listening to him quietly.

After Lu An talked about it, when he heard that Wei Xiaoran had taken the initiative to keep him by his side, Gu Mengmeng's eyes immediately lit up, and she became more determined.

She is not a fool like Lu An, how could she not smell the tricks inside, Xiao Ran is going to turn into a stealing cat!

"That's the way it is. To be honest, aren't you good girlfriends? You should be careful when playing together, and help her share the trouble—"

Before Lu An could finish speaking, his voice stopped abruptly. He stared blankly at the scene ahead and opened his mouth slightly.

The white bath towel slowly fell from mid-air, like frost and snow falling from the sky, just like the horn before the duel of western cowboys, swearing that this extraordinary night will begin.

The petite figure as gentle and soft as jade threw himself into his arms, Gu Mengmeng's unique body fragrance and moist water vapor refreshed the heart and soul, and the wonderful soft and moist touch was conveyed from the lips to the heart, together with the extremely clumsy pink and tender tongue. Hold back the words that are about to reach his lips.

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