With a sudden awakening of consciousness, Lu An stared intently at the long and narrow eyelashes of the person in front of her who were trembling with anxiety, decisively threw down the tablet in her hand, and wrapped her arms around her soft and boneless snowy waist and hugged her tightly. In the middle, close your eyes and enjoy the beautiful moment quietly.

After a long time, my lips parted.

Lu An slowly opened his eyes, and met a pair of shy eyes full of mist. Its owner bit his lower lip and shifted his gaze slightly, not daring to meet his gaze.

Lu An didn't speak, but looked at her expression quietly with an inexplicable smile on her face.

Gu Mengmeng's hands unconsciously clenched the thin quilt to cover her body, her lovely face was already covered with bright red glow, her slightly parted cherry red lips breathed out rapidly like a goldfish, trying to suck the surrounding air into her lungs, the snow that was exposed to the air was greasy The fragrant shoulders are dotted with water drops, adding a touch of charm to the soft and cute appearance.

This beautiful scenery is like a sharp spear piercing into the soft place deep in someone's heart, and they are distracted for a while, unable to extricate themselves for a long time.


Feeling that there are arms around her waist, the warm body temperature is transmitted to the limbs closely to the skin, coupled with the slightly heavy scorching breath in front of her, Gu Mengmeng feels like being struck by lightning in an instant, her body seems to lose its support, and it feels wonderfully numb Instantly made her weak and limp, and fell on Lu An's warm and broad chest.

The long black and white hair that has not been combed hangs down her waist, covering her soft and flawless white back, like a peerless beauty half-hidden with a pipa, looming in the hair.


Lu An took a deep breath to subdue the evil fire in her heart, and slightly exerted her arms to caress her white and flawless soft jade back.

Like a spirit snake swimming and caressing, Gu Mengmeng couldn't help but let out a groan, and slightly opened her shy and shy eyes.

"Are you shy? You were quite brave just now."

Seeing her lovely appearance, Lu An couldn't help pinching her tender face, quietly feeling the softness from her chest.

He bowed his head and hurriedly swept across without leaving any traces, secretly sighing that his icy muscles and bones are so real that it is too much to bear.

"Lu An, do you like me?"

Gu Mengmeng pondered for a long time and finally plucked up the courage to raise her head. Shui Ling's eyes were fixed on the man in front of her whom she loved so deeply, trying to see the most real emotion from his eyes.

"Of course, I have liked you since a long time ago." Lu An nodded affirmatively without even thinking about it, and pampered her long wet hair.

There was no hypocrisy in what he said, and he said it with a clear conscience.

From a long time ago, he decided to raise this little girl for the rest of his life. If he didn't love her, what would he say?

As soon as these words came out, Gu Mengmeng's eyes burst into surprise. Although she knew about it, she was still very pleasantly surprised when she heard Lu An's firm answer without hesitation, as if she had received some kind of promise.

The small face is smiling like a flower, extraordinarily sweet and attractive.

"Me too! I like you the most!"

Scenes of memories of getting along with Lu An emerged in her mind, like burning firewood, adding infinite courage to her, helping her to say the most important whisper in this life.

"Big lazy pig, let's do that."

Lu An's eyes widened suddenly, like a thunderclap in his ears, the pupils couldn't help constricting.

"Mengmeng, you..." The words suddenly stuck in his mouth, and he could no longer make a sound.

His already uneasy heart was like a thunderbolt, and he couldn't believe that these were the words that Gu Mengmeng could say, which was completely different from his usual days.

"Ugh... don't you want to." Seeing his dumbfounded eyes, Gu Mengmeng thought that Lu An was disliking her, a layer of mist quickly appeared in her shy eyes, and it would rain like pear blossoms in the next second the trend of.

"No, no, it just felt too sudden and a little nervous." Lu An took a deep breath and hurriedly comforted her, wiping away the crystal tears from the corners of her eyes: "Mengmeng, are you serious? This is a major event in life. Once you decide There can be no regrets."

Although he really wanted to do that, but this matter was very important to girls, he thought he was not a good bird, but he was not a scumbag.

You must be responsible for doing such a thing.

"Yeah! I made up my mind a long time ago! It's just that I never had a chance!" Gu Mengmeng pouted, wrapped her arms around Lu An's neck and muttered, "I want you to be my husband! No matter what happens in the future, Don't leave me behind!"

She had already thought about it in her heart, today is to take the oath of sovereignty and be the first to take down the lazy pig!

Even if Sister Shen Li and the others come over in the future, they will still be a head lower than Mrs. Mengmeng!

With this thought in mind, she gently closed her eyes, leaned over and exhaled like a blue, and pressed against Lu An's lips, scoring twice again


Lu An didn't speak, but his firm eyes explained everything invisibly. He gently hugged the soft body in his arms, and took out a glass bead with an inscription inside and crushed it. In an instant, invisible fluctuations covered the entire bedroom.

This is an array pattern bead purchased at the Zhenhuang base before. It covers a variety of functional arrays, and it is very convenient to crush and use.

The sound-proof formation can not only isolate sound, but also isolate part of spiritual consciousness, which is just right for the current situation.

After finishing all this, he turned off the light casually, hugged Gu Mengmeng lightly, and turned his back on the guest without affection.

At this point, the bedroom was plunged into darkness, and even the starlight outside the window could not penetrate the curtain to illuminate the inner bedroom, and the wonderful scene in it could not be seen by outsiders under the protection of the sound insulation array.

No one knows that at this night, some indescribable and charming things are happening quietly in a certain pavilion by the lake.

The stars hang high in the sky, and the bright starlight silently witnesses this night of joy of fish and water.

Turning the clouds and rains upside down Luan Luan upside down Phoenix is ​​nothing more than the case.


As time slowly passed, the stars receded and the day dawned.

In the early morning, instead of feeling tired at all, Lu An stretched with a refreshed face.

Glancing sideways from the corner of the eye, he noticed Gu Mengmeng who was sleeping beside him, Lu An's bewildered expression instantly swept away the drowsiness and drowsiness, and replaced it with a touch of tenderness and indulgence.

Before she woke up, Lu An poked his face over and kissed her lips lightly, resting his head on one hand and quietly staring at her lovely and peaceful sleeping face, he smiled lightly.

After nearly a whole night of tossing, it is understandable that I slept so soundly.

Looking away, seeing her exposed white skin and little feet, Lu An helplessly covered her with a quilt.

"Go to sleep and clean up when you get up."

Recalling everything that happened at night, Lu An still feels a little dreamy, like dreaming.

He never expected that his virgin career would end here.

But there is no other way, Gu Mengmeng is so proactive, if he remains indifferent, wouldn't he be no different from an eunuch?

After meditating for a while in a trance, Lu An shook his head and crept up, without making a sound during the whole process.

I opened the bedroom and took a look outside to confirm that the little ones were still sleeping, and at the same time, I was relieved and sneaked into the bathroom, jumped into the bathtub and took a simple bath.


I don't know how long it has passed, Gu Mengmeng, who was sleeping soundly, subconsciously hugged her forward, but she missed it. She didn't feel the familiar touch, she opened her eyes in a daze, and was slightly stunned when she saw the empty scene around her. , Immediately, the lingering memories of not long ago flooded into her mind, which made her confused consciousness suddenly wake up, blushing and shrunk into the bedding.

A few minutes later, I poked out my little head quietly, covered my heart with my hands and felt the heartbeat that could be called a deer, recalling the previous scenes, my heart was both shy and sweet. Biqu library

Now, she should be his wife.

A burst of pain came from a certain part, making her cutely frown her lovely eyebrows, and quickly shook her head to stop her wild thoughts...

In the temporarily remodeled kitchen, Lu An was concentrating on cooking his own lean meat porridge and chicken soup. The mouth-watering aroma floated outside through the crack of the door. Behind him, a pair of jade hands suddenly stretched out to wrap around his waist. The salt in his hands was almost sprinkled. into chicken stock.

"What are you doing, you lazy pig."

The owner of these hands is none other than Gu Mengmeng. She poked her head out from Lu An's left side playfully, her movements were very intimate.

"Why are you up? Go back and rest."

Seeing this little girl suddenly appearing behind her, Lu An put down the salt in her heart and turned around to hug her: "Eh? You've finished taking a shower? Don't you feel hurt?"

He heard that a girl's pricking pain is very painful, and it usually takes a long time to walk around normally, but Gu Mengmeng is alive and kicking, and she doesn't look ill at all.

"I'm a monk of Shenzang, don't treat me like an ordinary girl, this little pain can be solved casually!"

Gu Mengmeng raised her head with a smug face. She admitted that what Lu An said was true, but it was aimed at ordinary women, not including senior monks like them.

"That's right, I forgot about it."

In his eyes, Gu Mengmeng was no different from ordinary girls, but he neglected the magical thing of cultivation realm.

"You are making soup."

"Yeah, give you some light supplements to replenish your nutrition."

Gu Mengmeng looked over her head, her eyes immediately turned into crescent moons, she hooked his neck with a smile and kissed his cheek fiercely: "You are so kind to me."

"They're all my little daughter-in-laws now, so what if I don't treat you better." Brushing the hair on her side cheeks, Lu An pinched her little face: "Go out and wake up those little guys, and I'll give you a treat later." comb hair."

"Who is your little wife,

I want to be a big wife! "Gu Mengmeng crossed her hips to correct her, then walked out of the kitchen with cheerful steps, got into the bed and carried out a plan to harass Bailu and Ilya.

"Little girl, what's the difference between the two?"

Lu An frowned slightly, not understanding the relationship between them, shaking his head helplessly smiled and continued to concentrate on seasoning.


Time flies, time flies.

In a blink of an eye, they spent another whole week in the endless void sea.

In total, nearly half a month has passed since the day they entered the endless void.

Three or four days at most.

The deck is still very lively, but when they have nothing to do, they will basically sit here and watch the void, discussing some interesting topics.

This is also one of the few leisure time they have, after all, they can't get out of this ghost place, let alone any leisure and entertainment.

Ever since I encountered weird void creatures on the day I came in, the rest of the time has been a desolate place where no birds shit.

If an ordinary person were here, he might really be sick.

However, if there is a loss, there is a gain. Although most of the time is very boring, but fortunately, I have gained a lot of knowledge, especially Huang Xuan, who is basically a thousand and one nights for all the girls. Whenever she is bored, she will pester her and talk story.

What ancient anecdotes, big gossip and the like can be heard with great interest.

With Huang Xuan's previous status, even if most of her memories are missing, but with the foundation here, it is more than enough to tell a story.

"Master Lu, do you want to eat Internet celebrity homemade ice cream? It costs sixty-six yuan apiece."

On the big deck, Lu An just came out of the Vientiane Cave, took out his tablet and was going to play games with Xiang Yuan and the others. When passing by Fanexuan and others, Zhao Yaoyao suddenly stopped him, and proudly handed him a small ice cream .

"Sixty-six dollars for this thing? Made of gold?"

His right leg that he had stepped out suddenly retracted, and he was shocked for a moment.

Good guy, this thing is not as big as his palm, at most enough for three mouthfuls, and it costs sixty-six yuan?

"I don't know, but I heard from the manufacturer that the cost will be more than 40 yuan." Zhao Yaoyao said innocently, blinking her eyes.

"What the hell? I checked to see if there are medicinal ingredients in it or something." Lu An took the ice cream and carefully checked the small print on the package, feeling more and more speechless the more he read it.

"There's nothing special about this thing. I didn't dare to buy sixty-six for b tonic. You can buy 44 small puddings for this price."

He opened the package and took a bite: "It's just an ordinary ice cream, and it doesn't have any special taste. I can make you a popsicle even though I can directly steal the money. I'm really crying to death."

Three mouthfuls and nothing, and a fire to burn the packaging and wooden sticks, Lu An patted Zhao Yaoyao's shoulder and sighed: "Don't buy this kind of internet celebrity product in the future, if you have this money, why don't you give it to me and I'll help you do it. Why don’t you have to be a big wronged species.”

An ice cream is sixty-six yuan, designed to deceive some ignorant people who like to follow suit.

Maybe after a while, it will become like the first cup of milk tea in autumn and ten sausages.

Its name is a test of love, but in fact it is a harvester of injustice and dog licking.

If you don't even buy me a sixty-six yuan ice cream, what face do you have to say you love me?

Thinking of these low-level remarks, Lu An couldn't help laughing out loud, picked up the tablet and walked to Xiang Yuan and the others, leaving Zhao Yaoyao alone in the wind.

"Is this beauty a wronged child?"

Looking up at Elder Ming who was still sailing, Lu An opened the tablet casually.

More than ten days have passed, and the spirit boat has been traveling at a high speed. The scene outside the boat is flying by. The ghost knows how many kilometers they flew.

There is still about a month to go back to the Sunset Islands, and I hope to find the Void Island as soon as possible.

He skillfully opened the old man's ring, changed his weapon and prepared to continue attacking the Valkyrie, a disgusting thing that had stuck with him for several days.

"Come on, how many times are you going to die today?"

Seeing his posture, a group of people immediately swarmed around like dogs smelling shit. Xiang Yuan even took a bowl of hot and sour powder and ran to add five spoonfuls of chili, happily squeezing behind him to wait and see.

"Don't worry, I'm already familiar with this thing, let's get over it today." Lu An boasted arrogantly, and then decisively entered the boss battle.

"So tumbling!"

As time went by, seeing Lu An's arrogance and arrogance at the beginning became silent, Xiang Yuan was so happy that he licked the powder in his mouth.

Rolling under someone's knife and being hacked, he directly ate three big mouthfuls of this operation, the meal is really delicious.

"Dense paraffin, when I get out, I will fly cherry blossoms and beat these bastards to death."

After dying hundreds of times in a row, Lu An's old face was completely darkened, he exited the page and uninstalled the game decisively, his gloomy eyes stared intently at the void, desperately needing to find someone unlucky to vent his anger.

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