The same old pre-match speeches, Lu An went in one ear and out the other, automatically filtering out these unnutritious topics.

I only noticed a few people who will be playing today.

Shen Li, Gu Mengmeng, Tian Ming, Zhang Daoquan.

I have to say that Tianxuan was very lucky, there were four matches on the first day, and the opponents were not very strong.

The only regret is that Tian Ming's match is in the second arena, which is scheduled at almost the same time as Gu Mengmeng, so he can't go to watch it, which is a pity.

After Hu Haizhou Balabala finished his lecture, he led everyone out of the hotel and got on the bus to the main island with satisfaction.

Probably because of the attacks in the past two days, it is obvious that Britain's security deployment has increased a lot. As soon as the bus drove into the main island, the oncoming inspection by the 100-member guard group.

The man in plainclothes headed by him has reached the middle stage of supernatural powers, his eyes are sharp and murderous.

At first glance, it looks like an officer in the British system.

Seriously checking the documents, the male officer asked someone to scan the entire bus with a scanner, and then he put his head into the window to look around, and signaled to let it go after confirming that there was nothing abnormal.

Those who didn't know thought they had entered some important military area.

Sweeping around through the car window, basically there are guards patrolling everywhere.

With so many eyeliners, most of the petty thefts are basically eliminated, and the difficulty of criminals smuggling has also increased geometrically.

"The management is too strict."

Looking out through the car window, Xiang Yuan couldn't help being amazed, and turned to look at the big guy:

"Have you heard that something happened in the small town of the main island yesterday. Five guys suspected of being an assassination organization were chased all the way from the center of the town to the beach, and they seemed to be hacked to death on the spot. Good guy, I heard that they died It was miserable."

He stretched out his hand and gestured: "I heard that when I went to eat steak in the morning, only one hostage survived by chance, and it belonged to our country."

"I've never heard of it, who doesn't sleep at night to be a paparazzi." Zhao Yaoyao yawned sleepily, and quietly glanced at Hu Haizhou with resentful eyes, wishing to blow his dog's head off.

If she had heard about this earlier, she might have joined in the fun, but now she just wants to sleep.

Early in the morning, he was woken up by a phone call from Hu Haizhou, a sick minded ghost, and ended up gathering to come down.

Today, she didn't have a match and was rushing desperately, she was like a beast among animals.

"I know, I know! Yesterday I watched the live broadcast over the wall and saw it! The whole process was on the scene! Well, you didn't see the scene of those two people being hacked to death with an axe. You have to spit it out."

Fan Tianlan raised his hand proudly when he heard the words, and described it vividly to everyone, and he said it in a good way.

Improperly a storyteller.

"However, the hunters they mentioned seemed to be a gang, because in the end, a hand behind Sister Zhou forcibly turned off her mobile phone, and only the back of the hunters could be seen.

Fan Tianlan's face was full of regret, but fortunately, the hunters seemed to be only chasing and killing the five killers, and even if they found out about Sister Zhou, they didn't kill her.

Fortunately, after the incident, Sister Zhou restarted the broadcast to report that it was safe, otherwise, I dare not imagine how much trouble there would be.

Recoil Fighter is one of his favorite anchors. He just got on the list this week. If he was so helpless, he would cry to death on the spot.

It's amazing, I didn't expect that there was another person in the car at the scene.

A certain person bowed his head in silence and quietly acted as an audience to listen to the two of them bragging.

Fortunately, Fan Tianlan didn't reveal his identity as the big brother, otherwise Lu An would have laughed out loud on the spot.

With Fan Tianlan talking about stand-up comics, the atmosphere in the bus was very lively, and the bus drove smoothly into the arena.

It was only half past seven, and there was already a crowd of people outside the arena. Before the competition started, the atmosphere gradually became hotter.

It was rare that there was no reporter to interview, and Lu An was also happy to be at leisure, and followed into the Tianxuan rest room on his own, as if he didn't treat himself as an outsider.

The game started on time at eight o'clock, and their earliest game was Shen Li's game at half past nine, and there was still two hours of preparation time.

"This is the schedule list we have drawn up today. These people need to pay attention to them. They are our enemies."

Hu Haizhou was clutching a list, on which were listed all the battle tables.

There were quite a few people, and some of them were highlighted with red pens.

For example, the sea god in Lorra.

It's just that Hu Haizhou's list may be wasted.

Except for Wei Xiaoran, who had a good attitude, the others basically didn't intend to read it carefully, just glanced over it in a hurry, and then patted their chest to express that they had finished reading it seriously.

Then they started to do their own things, going to the room to catch up on sleep, practicing cultivation, eating and playing with mobile phones.

Half an hour passed by, and in a blink of an eye, the individual competition of this World Talent Competition officially started.

It was still a nonsense opening speech to mobilize emotions. The host Bai Yu forced Lai Yitong to announce the official start of the individual competition.

Unlike the regular season, the battle space in the individual competition is a huge arena with an area of ​​about 800 meters.

Basically put an end to the idea that one party can't win and run around for time.

As long as you fall off the ring, you will lose.

The time of the match can be fast or slow. Those with disparity in strength can complete a battle within a few minutes, while those with even strength can take more than ten to twenty minutes.

The current fastest record is the end of the battle in one minute and three seconds set by Hans Guo.

This guy is a mechanical player. He rolled out a steel fortress as soon as he entered the field, suppressed the opponent with overwhelming firepower, and finally blasted the opponent's defense to end the game.

The visual impact is very shocking, and the continuous roar of gunfire brings a feast of visual enjoyment to all audiences.

Everyone watched with gusto, only his opponent was being beaten.

To be honest, in Lu An's opinion, the individual competition is more enjoyable than the team competition.

If you need any tactics, just bang and it's over, let's see who can't hold it first.

The battle is fast-paced and intense, and it's a lot to watch.


"Coach Hu, hello, there are two games left and it's your country's Shen Li's turn. If you're ready, please follow me to the waiting area and wait for the game to start."

"Wait a minute!"

There was a knock on the door, and the fluent Tianxuan language of the employees of the competition came from outside the door.

"I'll go by myself." Seeing that Hu Haizhou and the others wanted to accompany them, Shen Li stood up and politely declined the coaches' plan to accompany them.

"Come on, Ali!"

"Come on, be careful not to get hurt."

"Try to break a record and come back!"

"Don't get hurt~ I'll treat you to Baihua Niang when you come back."

Shen Li was like a female general who was about to go to the battlefield, and everyone opened their mouths to see her off.

"I'll try my best." She smiled, turned to open the door with confidence and left with the staff, her figure gradually disappeared into the corridor.

"I'm going out to watch the live broadcast."

After all, it was my elder sister's first game, so what if I didn't go to the scene, Lu An immediately decided to go to the auditorium to watch the game.

"No, the outside is full of people, where are you going to look?"

Xiang Yuan was fascinated, now the arena is full of seats, and the second arena next door is almost the same, let alone seats, I am afraid there is no place to stand.

You have to risk being recognized, why not just sit in the rest room and watch the game.

This equipment is not bad, it is basically the same as watching live.

"I found a good place last time."

Lu An doesn't care, can't the high platform also see it? No matter how bad he ran on the crossbar, there was always something to look at.

As long as you think about it, there is always a way, right?

He opened the door and slipped out quietly, and soon flew along the auditorium to the high platform with embedded lights on the top without anyone noticing.

Looking down at the mountains and the sea, the figures sat in a row, holding banners and cheering passionately.

"You are here."

Just a few minutes after he sat down, there was a sudden sound of breaking wind behind him.

Subconsciously, he reached out and grabbed a skull the size of a baby's fist without any surprise.

"How did you come up?"

Returning the skull to Gu Mengmeng who was outstretched, Lu An hugged her and sat on his lap.

"I saw you come out, so I followed."

After twisting into a comfortable sitting position in his arms, Gu Mengmeng looked down comfortably at the battle that was about to end.

"The stinky girl used me as a cushion as soon as she came up." Ru An viciously rubbed her long black and white hair, and Lu An showed a satisfied smile.

"You have a game today, right? What time is it?"

"Ten o'clock! Hurry up, it's only half an hour away from Sister Shen Li!" Gu Mengmeng touched her head and said with a smile: "The master said, she will come to watch my competition later."

"Then you have to work hard, are you confident?"

"Of course, I decided to take the first game seriously, try to solve it cleanly, and then go back to play."

"Little girl knows how to play."

Resting his chin on Gu Mengmeng's shoulder, he happily teased her to pass the time.

"Next, I invite Tianxuan player Shen Li, and Keelang player Asli Widrov to come on stage!"

"I was wrong, don't scratch me hahaha, sister Shen Li's competition has started..." On the high platform, Gu Mengmeng was caught and tickled by Lu An with one hand, struggling and begging for mercy.

"Are you still skinny?"

"It's too skinny, haha, let me go." Tears came out of her laugh, and when Lu An stopped, she collapsed into his arms and gasped weakly.

"See if you dare to make fun of me." Reaching out to pinch her little face, Lu An turned his attention to the countdown to the game.

In the battle space, Shen Li and her opponent looked at each other, waiting for the moment when the ten-second countdown ended.

Her opponent was a male contestant from Kilang Kingdom. At this moment, he was staring at Shen Li with a solemn face and tense muscles, not daring to relax in the slightest.

Facing this unknown and powerful enemy of Tianxuan, he must face it with a 500% state of mind!

The male contestant's eyes are burning with fighting intent, so what about the eighth level of Shenzang, he is fearless to anyone!

"Game start!"

The countdown suddenly turned to zero, and in an instant, the man moved.

Roaring loudly and swiftly like a phantom, he turned into thousands of clones, and swept away with the surging water knife that moved the space in his hand.

In an instant, the dense water element covered the huge arena, and each avatar held a bright blue water knife with ripples in its hands, and the noisy energy shook the arena.

"Fight with me!"

Thousands of clones uttered their voices together, and Hong Zhong Da Lu's rolling sound waves swept across the world, like a judgment of heaven's punishment issued by gods and Buddhas in the sky.

"Forbidden Technique: The Desolate Ice Age."

However, facing the water waves and clones rushing from all directions, Shen Li just pointed to the sky indifferently, and the fingertips bloomed with ice blue shimmer.

A circle of miniature circles suddenly emerged from the bottom of her feet, and then expanded and spread at an incredible speed, expanding to the entire arena at the speed of sound in just half a second!

The magic circle splits and circles of formation patterns fill the void, and suddenly, the world changes color!

The endless roar of beasts seemed to come across the border through endless years, bringing the severe winter that froze the world.

The entire arena was filled with wind and snow in an instant, and the heavy snow blocked the male contestant's progress. Every snowflake contained unparalleled coldness, and when it fell on the body, it turned into pale frost that could not be melted.

The bone-piercing cold and the biting cold wind froze the water jet, making it difficult for him to move forward. Even if he exploded with spiritual power, he could only be covered by heavy snow in despair.

Until the last moment, he was horrified to discover that in the endless snowstorm, there seemed to be huge blurry animal shadows gradually taking shape...

"The match is over, Tianxuan Chenli won! It took... 18 seconds!"

The moment the male contestant's consciousness was completely frozen, his figure suddenly disappeared, followed by the slightly startled voice of the referee that echoed throughout the audience.

"Second, second?"

Not only the referee was dumbfounded, but all the audience in the arena and even around the world were dumbfounded, watching the live broadcast on the screen in a daze.

Kilang player, the fifth level of Shenzang, can't even hold a single move? !

Carried away directly by the ice!

In the contestants' village, no matter which country they were from, their eyes were more or less solemn.

"Andre, how do you feel?"

In the box of White Bear Country, Kisfaff broke the heavy atmosphere with a smile and took a panoramic view of their expressions.

"Very strong, her ice is unusual, not an ordinary ice element."

Andre stared at the screen intently, and could freeze a fifth-level monk of Shenzang in just a few seconds. One can imagine how cold it is in the magic circle.

"That's right, and if you saw these beast shadows at the end, I'm afraid the true power of her Yuan Skill has not been fully displayed yet."

Kisfafe pressed the remote control to rewind the playback and freeze the screen on the looming beast shadow in the blizzard.

Just looking at their blurred figures, there is a primitive aura of vastness and antiquity rushing towards the face, it is obvious that these things are by no means ordinary beasts.

"Tianxuan is stronger this year than previous ones, you guys need to have some psychological pressure, don't repeat the mistakes of last year."

Kisfafe stroked his beard and sighed, wondering in his heart whether Andre or Shen Li were stronger than Shen Li in light of the cold winter.

"No coach, we are always doing our best."

Andre shook his head, he was unwilling to lose to Tianxuan in the last competition for a long time, and he will not be able to do so this year.

I hope that they can be drawn later, and they will have a good fight.

"So weak."

After the game ended neatly, Shen Li stood in the field for a long time after being excluded from the battle space, and only realized after Bai Yu's friendly reminder that he came back.

His expression was very strange, and he hadn't recovered from the battle yet.

How should I put it, she didn't expect that Kielon couldn't even handle the blizzard.

So much so that the subsequent tide of beasts and the ice age did not have a chance to play.

Am I too cautious or is he too weak?

Modified something late, my pot

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