Resurrection Of Reiki: Undecided When Things Happen

Chapter 935 Nine Heavenly Sects Of Ancient Times

Filled with puzzlement, Shen Li ignored the overwhelming cheers from the audience or the broadcast booth, and silently entered the tunnel to leave the ring, leaving them with an iceberg-like cold back.

At this moment, whether it was the reporter group led by Bingbing in the broadcast booth or the Tianxuan audience around the world, they all shouted hysterically and excitedly.

Far away in Tianxuan's All Souls Academy, all the students and teachers who were watching the game erupted in loud cheers, showing their excitement.

Not only Wan Ling, but Longteng, Changqing, Xuanyang, basically all the universities and colleges in Tianxuan are like this, and they are all cheering for Shen Li.

Following the end of the preliminary round of the team competition, Tianxuan dropped a blockbuster in his second appearance, completely amazed the whole world!

The shocking number of 18 seconds ended the battle in a flash.

The tip of the iceberg of the giant dragon Tianxuan was revealed to the whole world.

"Oh yeah! I won! Sister Shen Li is too good!"

Watching Shen Li return to the tunnel, Gu Mengmeng stretched her hands and happily sat on Lu An's lap, as if she had won.

"Well, it's amazing haha."

Watching the wonderful replays of the projection, Lu An couldn't help grinning, hugging the person in his arms slightly and showing a bright smile.

Laughing happier than his own victory.

After playing in a loop for two minutes, the host Bai Yu announced that the next round of the competition is about to begin, allowing players from both sides to appear one after another.

A new round of competition started again.

The collision of the competition was fierce, and it was enjoyable to watch. Although it was not as shocking as Shen Li's, it was not far behind.

After all, everyone's level is evenly matched, unless the difference in strength is really huge, otherwise it is completely impossible to end the battle in 18 seconds.

Those who are confident to participate in the individual competition have no two brushes, and everyone is not a vegetarian, so how can they easily reduce themselves to the opponent's background board.

"It's time for me to play." Looking down at the time, Gu Mengmeng writhed in Lu An's arms reluctantly.

"It's almost ten o'clock? Oh, I didn't even notice."

As soon as she reminded her, Lu An immediately withdrew her eyes from the game, looked down and patted her head violently.

I was so engrossed in watching that I didn't even notice that twenty minutes had passed.

Of course, he can't blame him, Mr. Lu, after all, the individual competition is very suitable for him, and he can't help but be fascinated.

"Hmph, a certain pig is patronizing to watch other people fight, how could it care about my insignificant little competition." Gu Mengmeng puffed her cheeks slightly, turned her head and muttered in a low voice pretending to be unhappy.

"My, mine, I'm sorry." Lu An scratched her head apologetically, and reached out to rub her hair to get forgiveness.

The trick of stroking the head is his Lu's experience. In the past, as long as he used this trick to make Gu Mengmeng angry, the effect can be said to be immediate, and it can be said to be reconciled at the speed of light.

This time is certainly no exception.

As expected, Gu Mengmeng immediately squinted her eyes enjoying the warmth and strength of the big hand above her head.

Everything was in Lu's calculations.

"It's not impossible to forgive you, but I have to give me some rewards!" Without the slightest sense of urgency that the game is coming, she finally tried to express her little plan.

"Okay, you can get any reward you want, as long as I can do it." Looking at Gu Mengmeng who was acting coquettishly towards her, Lu An poked her face amusedly.

What did he say, it turned out that he dug a hole here and waited for himself to jump.

"emmm, I won you a kiss, then go back and play games with me!"

"Pfft, are you sure?" Lu An couldn't help laughing out loud, it was him who rewarded him, it was obviously Gu Mengmeng who rewarded him, right?

"Of course I'm sure! I want this! If you win, you have to play with me all day today!"

Gu Mengmeng nodded her head with a full face of affirmation, her earlobe was reddish, and she saw the time when she got up from his arms: "There are still five minutes, I'm leaving first."

After finishing speaking, he took the little skull and quietly left the high platform.

"Xiao Nizi..." Looking back to see her disappear, Lu An shook his head and laughed for a moment, then refocused on the game.

Not to mention, all kinds of fancy things are quite interesting and have given him a lot of inspiration.

"Next, we invite contestants Tianxuan Gu Mengmeng and Hanguo Jiang Jinwen to appear on the stage. I look forward to an exciting match from both sides!"

Five minutes passed in a flash, and after the replay of the highlights, the host Bai Yu spoke passionately with his magnetic voice, making all the audience excited again.

Chen Li from Tianxuan half an hour ago is still fresh in their memory, and they wonder if this scene will be equally as shocking.

Lu An stared intently at Gu Mengmeng walking out of the east half, with a hint of a smile on his face.

Xiao Nizi usually looks very skinny, but she didn't expect her appearance to be quite solemn.

The sullen look is so stupid and cute, I have to record it and make fun of her later.

Lu An thought about taking out his phone, but the sudden spatial fluctuations behind him stopped his movements.

"Eh? Elder Ming, hello."

A spatial vortex suddenly bloomed behind him, and Hou Ming walked out slowly wearing her familiar fashion three-piece suit.

In the distance, the host Bai Yu seemed to be feeling something and glanced sideways. He was slightly stunned when he saw Ming, and then he showed a friendly smile and nodded his head unobtrusively.

Obviously, he recognized Ming.

However, his small actions deceived the audience, but he could not deceive the reporters from all over the world who were always paying attention to the four corners. He turned the camera over and cried out in surprise the moment he saw Ming.

"Hello Elder Ming, I heard from Mengmeng that you've been researching a certain slab recently, have you made any progress?" Lu An greeted her with a smile, and then asked curiously.

He knew that Ming had been looking for traces of the sect since the unblocking, and the stone slab he studied recently might be related to this matter.

"It's not a big deal - we'll talk about it later, the game is on."

I wasn't too surprised by Lu An's curiosity. Just as he was about to explain his confusion, he discovered that Gu Mengmeng and the two had already entered the battle space. The huge countdown projection in midair meant that the game was about to start.

Ming intends to watch the first game of my good disciple seriously.

Hearing this, Lu An also remained silent, turning his head to look at the battle space.

It can be said that it's not that enemies don't get together, personally Sai Tianxuan and Han Guo meet again, and I don't know whether it is good luck or bad luck.

Anyway, in the battle space, Jiang Jinwen's face was gloomy, his eyes fixed on Gu Mengmeng, his hatred was almost materialized.

How could he not hate, they were beaten home by Tianxuan in the first round of the team competition, and the domestic public opinion was about to scold them to death.

In fact, it's normal for Tianxuan to lose, but the key point is that Tianxuan sent four substitutes! It's still a fucking three-support lineup!

But with such a contemptuous lineup of garbage, they actually beat the three of them who are the strongest!

Not to mention their great cold in the Republic of China, this matter would be an unacceptable shame and humiliation for any country!

To sum up, it is conceivable how ruthless Han Guo was scolded in China, and even he was personally affected, and his personal social account and reputation plummeted.

Therefore, he urgently needs a beautiful game to wash away his shame and clear his name!

And this cute Tianxuan woman in front of her is the best choice!

Take your knife today!

Without a woman in his heart, Jiang Jinwen only has his own reputation and future in his heart, and women will only interfere with his speed to reach the top!

"Game start!"

"The Realm of Void Ghosts!"

In an instant, Jiang Jinwen pulled out a scimitar composed entirely of pitch-black mist, and the blood vessels in the arm holding the knife bulged, as if trying to break through the skin to untie the bondage.


A deep and painful roar floated out of his mouth, Jiang Jinwen's eyes gradually became as black as ink, wisps of black mist drifted out of the pores, and a phantom of an evil ghost gradually condensed behind him.

The evil spirit is huge, with only a thin layer of flesh covering its chest cavity, protruding ribs are visible to the naked eye, and dark green beads are inlaid on its shriveled abdomen.

The corners of the ferocious mouth that had been torn to the ears spit out a highly toxic thick green gas, corroding the air.

Jiang Jinwen hunched over, stretched out his hand to hold the knife with a strange smile, and looked up at Gu Mengmeng. His expression was surprisingly consistent with that of the evil spirit behind him, as if he had already been possessed and controlled by him.

However, his expression only lasted for a few seconds, and the moment he saw Gu Mengmeng clearly, the crazily laughing stopped abruptly, replaced by pupils that shrank rapidly.

He saw that the Tianxuan girl with a harmless face just now was galloping towards him with a white knife in her hand, and a majestic skeleton exuding endless majesty appeared behind her at some point.

It held a huge hideous bone knife with its five fingers, and its hollow eye sockets shone with bloodthirsty scarlet light!

What is even more frightening is that every time Gu Mengmeng takes a step forward, the space behind her will distort following her steps, manifesting a thousand layers of purgatory, countless strange corpses sinking into the sea of ​​blood, floating thousands of miles away!

She was like a guide who led the sea of ​​blood to spread rapidly, and the heavy air was like solidified clay, overwhelmingly pressing on Jiang Jinwen, making him unable to breathe and scream.

In front of the floating butcher's sea of ​​blood, he and the virtual ghost seemed so insignificant, no different from those corpses, it was hardly worth mentioning.

"Buddha thousands of miles away!"

There was a distance of 100 meters between the two, Gu Mengmeng's eyes flashed scarlet, she jumped high with the knife in her hand, and slashed out like a madman.

The Skeleton King raised his sword at the same time, driving the entire floating butchery to sweep across the sea of ​​blood and slash with an earth-shattering sword!

In an instant, the screams of endless blood sea undead resounded in the entire battle space!

The entire sea of ​​blood in the Futu is actually composed of sword intent and sword gang, and every howl of the undead is the scream of the sword gang tearing open the air!

Sword out ghosts and gods cry!

Jiang Jinwen didn't even have time to resist, he was dragged into the sea of ​​blood of the Buddha in a trance, and could only watch helplessly as the huge Skeleton King raised his knife to slash him down, but his body couldn't move a single bit!

It's like being bound in place by the invisible blood sea undead!

One by one, the treasures activated on their own to launch defenses, frantically trying to awaken his sanity, but in the end it was all futile.

In the face of murderous soldiers, those with unstable minds are doomed.

"The game is over! Tianxuan Gu Mengmeng won! It took... 37 seconds!"

Layers of defense were easily torn apart by the knife light. Seeing that Jiang Jinwen was about to die under the knife, the referee rescued him from the battle space in time.

The attack was quick, but it was still half a step too late. Although the Fubutu knife didn't touch his body, the knife gang had already sliced ​​through his body.

The right half of the body was almost cut off from the shoulder to the lower abdomen, and the blood spurting out soaked most of the clothes and even injured the internal organs.

The referee could only heal his wound briefly, and then call the medical team to carry him away for comprehensive treatment.

Looking back, the place where Jiang Jinwen was standing before in the battle space has been occupied by a huge bone knife, like a miserable Baicheng wall filled with scarlet knives.

Really scary.

The referee secretly thought that it was a fluke, if Jiang Jinwen was hit by this knife, he would definitely die without a whole body.

After kicking Gu Mengmeng out of the battle space, the referee gave the host Bai Yu a look, indicating that she can leave the stage.

"Awesome, the Buddha Knife is for Mengmeng to play with, did you teach it, Elder Ming?"

Seeing her wielding the Buddha Knife like a finger without being corroded by the evil spirit, Lu An was slightly moved.

Once upon a time, Mengmeng couldn't even hold back the evil spirit, but now she can use it to scare people.

"Well, I have been teaching her to face the evil spirit of killing inside the Buddha Knife, and now it is a small achievement."

Ming nodded generously and admitted that if he wanted to completely control the Futu knife, he had to face its inner scene. Now it seems to be very successful.

Not only can he use the evil energy for his own use, but he even gave birth to the birth of a weapon spirit. The talent is really good.

But there are still flaws, and the mind was slightly affected by the Buddha's evil spirit just now.

"It's time to go back to the rest room, Elder Ming, are you going?" Looking at Gu Mengmeng's entrance, Lu An looked back at Ming.

"No, I still have something to do." She refused quietly, she just came out to watch the apprentice's competition, and now it's time to go back and continue the unfinished business.

"Is it related to the slate? Elder Ming, please tell me." Lu An entangled Ming with a playful smile, full of curiosity in his heart.

It is definitely a big deal to keep Elder Ming busy like this!

"Forget it, since you want to hear it, I will tell you about it." Thinking that Lu An is also her own, she simply didn't bother to hide it:

"This time I went to the starry sky. Although I didn't find the sect, it was not without gain. You should have guessed it when you come to Lu boy."


Ming nodded slightly, and said slowly with the technique of sound transmission: "The stone slab is not left by our sect, but by the Tianqiao Fortune Sect who was side by side with our sect back then."

As soon as she finished speaking, she caught a glimpse of the bewildered Lu An out of the corner of her eye. Then she remembered that he was illiterate, and shook her head helplessly.

"Boy Lu, you are also literate. If you have time, go to Wanfa Tiandian and read more books. Mengmeng and the others know all this information."

To the detriment of Lu An, who was full of embarrassment, Ming still gave him a simple science of the situation back then.

"In the era of my seat, there were nine heavenly sects, which refer to the nine strongest top forces in the world, and the Tianqiao Good Fortune Sect is one of the nine heavenly sects that are as famous as my Vientiane Fa Tianzong."

"Suoga, it sounds amazing, but Elder Ming, there were very few first-class sects in your era?"

Lu An showed the original expression, and then asked a low question.

He remembered that Ming said before that the Wanxiang Fa Tianzong was a top-notch sect, how did it become a top-notch sect again?

"A first-class force can also be divided into strengths and weaknesses. The division of power levels back then was not as detailed as it is now. The highest level is first-rate."

Ming could tell what this guy was thinking at a glance, so he explained briefly and then got down to business.

"Tianqiao Good Fortune Sect says it's good fortune, but it's actually playing tricks, but their tricks can be said to surpass the sky."

"And the slate I found was left by their eighth elder, Gu Yunzi, and some messages were recorded on it."

When Ming mentioned this, his eyes were slightly darkened, with a faint killing intent surging:

"That old guy has a bad personality. He has set up thousands of mechanism locks in the stone slab. If you want to check it, you need to unlock the mechanism locks completely. This seat is busy with this these days."

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