
The silver-haired old man was shocked and angry when he heard the words, but as the director of the John Research Institute, he has a very strong ability to regulate emotions, and he suppressed the anger in his heart in just a few seconds, without showing it.

But the ugly-looking man in the toga next to him was not as good as him, and looked at the air with a stinky face without saying a word.

That expression seemed to be serious dissatisfaction and anger towards Lu An, but he didn't dare to look at him or show it, he could only show his face to the air.

In such a scene, the others couldn't help but feel puzzled, and their eyes swam back and forth between the three of them vaguely.

How did the people from Tianshen Pharmaceutical know Lu An? It stands to reason that they should not have any intersection.

Involuntarily, many people's eyes showed a little spectacle, and they looked forward to the development of the matter with great interest.

They could see that the two of them definitely knew Lu An, and the process was probably not very pleasant.

But Lu An's performance is very intriguing, as if he forgot them.

Ammus was also very confused, not knowing how Lu An intersected with Tianshen Pharmaceutical Group.

Noticing the silver-haired old man, Samisha's eyes flashed with memories, and the past scenes kept flashing in her mind. After five seconds of thinking, she finally found a certain memory from two months ago, and her image of the old man gradually became clear.

Isn't this the two people I met at the Crown Auction before!

She remembered that Lu An seemed to have had a little conflict with them at that time, and the man in the toga was thrown out by Lu An unceremoniously, and he fell to the ground in a very embarrassed state.

However, she didn't know the specific reason for the conflict, because Lu An didn't say it clearly, after throwing away the man in the toga, she followed Adar and left.

Thinking about it now, it is probably because of the wood species that were photographed at that time.

Thinking of this, Samisha quietly reminded Lu An in the form of voice transmission, reminding him of the silver-haired old man he had seen somewhere.

Saudi Arabia, auction, broken horn of Qilin.

After getting her reminder, Lu An suddenly remembered who the silver-haired old man was.

Isn't it the people from the John Institute!

I didn't expect to see him again after two months. It seems that the status of this Laoshizi Research Institute is not ordinary.

"Oh, I remember, is your name Zhou...Zhou Jun?"

Lu An suddenly realized that he clenched his fists and clapped his hands, moved the white tail on his neck and looked at the man in the robe stuck for a long time, racking his brains to squeeze out his brain cells, and finally remembered his name.

The stuck appearance seemed a bit disrespectful, but at least the name was right.

It can't be blamed on him, Mr. Lu, after all, the auction was just a small episode, he would forget about it when he went back that day, and almost completely forgot about it in a few days.

Now that he can recall Zhou Jun's name, he has a good memory.

Seeing that Lu An still recognized him, Zhou Jun's livid and ugly face eased, but overall it was not much better.

He couldn't forget the scene where Lu An threw himself away in public, embarrassing him in public.

"It's just a small misunderstanding, Your Royal Highness, please think carefully again. If we can cooperate, the results in the future will surely not disappoint both parties."

Johanna calmed down and explained briefly, and immediately refocused on Samisha.

The meaning of his words is obvious, he just doesn't want to continue to have bad relations with Lu An.

Even though he was very dissatisfied with Lu An in his heart, he is not what he used to be now, and the shocking battle where Lu An fought against the Four Gods yesterday is still vivid in his memory.

With such terrifying strength at such a young age, even if he doesn't like Lu An, he definitely can't make enemies with him.

It's best not to offend this kind of young arrogance.

The little old man is a little interesting.

Lu An was quite surprised by the silver-haired old man's reaction, but after thinking about it, it seemed reasonable and normal.

As far as the auction was concerned, the communication between them from the beginning to the end was only a word, not even a small conflict, at most it was a little unpleasant.

Coupled with yesterday's game, it is normal for the old man not to want to have another incident with him.

They didn't want to cause trouble, and Lu An was also happy about it. After all, he is not a big villain who likes to bully others.

Seeing that Samisha was being entangled again, the two stood silently by the side and watched the play quietly, without any intention of making a move to break the siege.

It's just that Lu An looked at it and found that the young white man next to Zhou Jun looked at him a little bit uncomfortable.

From the corner of the eye, he glanced at the past, looked up and down, and then retracted his gaze.

The body is vain, and the energy, blood and essence have been depleted a lot. It is conceivable what this bar hunter has done recently.

"Sorry everyone, I don't have any thoughts on this right now. If you have nothing else to do, please go back first. We still have training to do today."

Samisha impatiently pulled out the big banner for training, and that appearance immediately forced many people to speak out of their mouths.

With Samisha's attitude today, I'm afraid it will be useless again.

After so many days of entanglement, they also knew that they couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry, so Dang even decided to retreat first and wait for two days before returning.

Tianxuan has a good saying that gold and stone can be opened with sincerity.

They believe that as long as they are clingy enough and shameless, they can always wait until the day Samisha promises.

Thinking about it, some people turned their attention to Lu An, but thinking of his performance and various deeds yesterday, they honestly withdrew their small thoughts in their hearts.

If you can't provoke him, this man has a bad temper. If you provoke him, you might really attack researchers like yourself.

These old bones and small bodies cannot withstand violence.

After a while, many people said goodbye to Ammus and Samisha, and turned to leave the place.

"Is it true that Miss Samisha stopped thinking about it?"

The silver-haired old man Johanna was a little reconciled. Because of the request from the superior, he had been entangled for several days.

It is not easy to get her to cooperate with Tianshen Pharmaceutical.

"Let's talk about it later. We are going to train. Mr. Johanna, you should go back early."

Samisha was very determined, and felt that these people were simply sick.

If I want to cooperate with myself to study the body, I really treat her like a guinea pig.

These guys just saw that she was easy to talk due to her status, so she had the ability to go to Lu An for a try.

I saw that he didn't even dare to fart.

Hearing this, Johanna had no choice but to tap the ground with his stick, signaling Zhou Jun to follow.

"Wait, honorable Princess Samisha, we Tianshen Pharmaceutical Group came here with great sincerity this time, can we use your time for a while and find a quieter place to discuss it?"

Seeing that Johanna turned around helplessly and was about to leave, Zhou Jun hurriedly moved to keep up, but the young man next to him suddenly spoke, making him stop.

Johanna was also slightly taken aback, and then turned his head to look at the young man, his brows were slightly furrowed, and his eyes revealed a hint of dissatisfaction.

Even though he hid the fleeting look very well, it was still accurately captured by Lu An who was always watching them.

Have a story?

Eyes flicked between the three of them, and Lu An blinked curiously.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Sunnis John, and I am the director of John's Research Institute under Tianshen Pharmaceutical."

He brushed his forehead with a smile and said: "We, Tianshen Pharmaceutical, have great sincerity this time, and sincerely hope that Her Highness the Princess can cooperate with us."

"Of course, there is also Mr. Lu. We are also very interested in your miraculous recovery. I know a nice and wonderful restaurant. I wonder if I can have breakfast with you?"

Also have my share?

Seeing him turn his head to look at himself, Lu An couldn't help but smile amusedly.

Well, Tu Qiongdagger saw it, and saw it coming to him when he was watching a play.

Lu An didn't expect this guy to have such a big appetite, and it wasn't enough to keep an eye on Samisha, and he even set his mind on him.

Ignoring Gu Mengmeng who was smiling mischievously next to her, Lu An tilted her head and glanced at them.

"You Tianshen Pharmaceuticals are very good, you have a big appetite."

It was a pity that only Johanna understood the meaning of the words that were neither yin nor yang, and Sunnis did not understand the profoundness of Tianxuan's language.

Instead, they thought Lu An was praising them.

From the corner of the eye, he hurriedly glanced at a few people, mocking Lu An's ignorance in his heart with a hint of jealousy, ignoring Johanna's desperate eyes, and calmly raised a faint smile on the surface:

"Of course, our Tenshen Pharmaceutical Group is the most well-known biopharmaceutical company in the world, with countless multinational subsidiaries. In terms of industry strength, it is absolutely well-deserved No. 1 in the world."

"In fact, it's not just Mr. Lu and Princess Samisha. We pay attention to all the players who have performed well in the competition. So far, 23 talented players have reached a cooperative relationship with us."

He went on to boast again, bragging about the huge business empire and financial resources of Tianshen Pharmaceutical, as well as the various benefits of the cooperation.

It looks really awesome.

Seeing that he was bragging desperately, even turning a blind eye to the gradually gloomy faces of Johanna and Zhou Jun, Lu An couldn't help but continued to watch his performance amusedly.

He had vaguely heard of Tianshen Pharmaceutical before, and it seemed to be a super big company, but he didn't study it in depth.

But now that Sunnis is bragging so hard, talking about the future, he understands it.

An international super enterprise, a group specializing in the research of biotechnology and pharmaceuticals. There are many pharmaceuticals produced and sold by them all over the world.

Its products cover the low, medium and high-end markets, and they are very popular.

But it has nothing to do with him.

"I'm not interested. I advise you not to take your ideas on me, or you will bear the consequences."

Feeling tired of hearing it, Lu An interrupted Sunnis unceremoniously while hugging the little ferret, indicating that they can leave.

Leaving other things aside, in his eyes, Johanna is not bad, but Sunnis, a guy with dark circles under his eyes and self-confidence, is very unfavorable.

The image of Tianshen Pharmaceutical in his heart plummeted.

For a large international company, the director of its research institute is a waste who has been hollowed out by wine and sex. It is hard to imagine how this guy got the position of director.

Seeing Johanna's ugly and gloomy expression, Lu An guessed that nine out of ten he was a related household, someone covered him, and he came down directly by air.

After all, this kind of thing is not uncommon in various industries.

"Sorry, I don't have much interest either, and I don't need to eat. We have to go to training, and the time has been delayed for too long."

With Lu An taking the lead, Samisha naturally followed up with the conversation, looking away at Ammus in a dispirited manner.

They were entangled early this morning. Aida and the others probably have all gone to the training hall, but they are the only ones who are still entangled and cannot leave.

If she hadn't cared about international influence and status, she would have smashed the heads of these guys with one punch.

"Hey, Princess Samisha, Coach Ammus!"

Sunnis looked stunned, his boastful words stopped abruptly, he opened his eyes slightly to react, and hurriedly shouted to try to stop them.

It shouldn't be, he has said so much, why are things still developing in such an unfavorable direction?

Sunnis couldn't understand, he had just imagined that they had breakfast together in the restaurant and successfully reached a cooperation, he was rewarded and promoted by the group, and he even kissed Fangze and reached the pinnacle of life.

But the cruel reality ruthlessly shattered the plump ideal and gave him a fatal blow.

"Can you stop disturbing us? If you want me to agree, as long as you talk to Lu An, I will agree if he agrees to cooperate with the research."

Annoyed by this annoying guy, Samisha clenched her fists and said in a cold voice, throwing the blame on Lu An.

Don't you like to pester people, try to pester her if you have the ability.

She said this to all the agency personnel, so her voice was very loud, and Lu An even stood there with a frozen smile.

What do you mean by this? Why did the pressure come to me all of a sudden?

"Hahahaha..." Gu Mengmeng couldn't help but let out a coquettish smile, and gave Samisha a thumbs up.

This is a good trick, and now the trouble is all on the dog Lu An.

Sunnis' face was extremely ugly, and he froze for a while and turned his head to look at Lu An with resentful eyes, his chest heaving rapidly.

If Lu An hadn't appeared to take the lead, it would be absolutely impossible for Samisha to refuse so simply, without any room for negotiation.

"Look at your father, if you are sensible, go back to each house and find your mother."

Seeing a group of agency personnel ready to come over to persuade, Lu An's frozen smile instantly turned cold: "I'm not a Saudi princess, so I don't have so many worries. You should know the consequences of annoying me."

A slightly indifferent voice floated into everyone's ears, directly cutting off their thoughts, turning around and leaving with trembling all over, as if fleeing.

The last thing they want to deal with is this kind of reckless man who is not afraid of anything. This guy really dares to do it when he says he will do it, and he doesn't care about international public opinion and influence at all.

There is no reason to annoy him and get beaten.

Swept by the cold eyes, Sunnis' face suddenly turned pale, and suddenly remembered that Lu An was not something he could provoke, so he quickly closed his eyes and lowered his head, and hurried towards Johanna and Zhou Jun.

It's a pity that Sunnis' actions just now had angered the two of them. When he saw him coming, Johnny ignored him and turned around to leave.

"It still has to be you, Lu Da'an, I dare not stick a dog skin plaster on your body."

Seeing Lu An's gaze forcing everyone away, Gu Mengmeng poked him with sincere admiration.

What is this called? If you are crazy, you are afraid of going crazy. If you are crazy, you are afraid of dying.

"That's what you should do with these brown candies. The more polite you are with them, the better they will go."

Lu An looked at the backs of the three of Johanna who were gradually moving away, narrowing their deep eyes slightly.

He always felt that Sunnis and Zhou Jun had a strange and unpleasant smell, but he still didn't know what was causing it.

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