If it wasn't the unique aura of evil spirits, what would it be.

Lu An pondered for half a second, then thought of their identities and had a slight guess in his mind.

The research institute of the biopharmaceutical industry, or maybe because of some kind of atmosphere contaminated by experimental research.

After struggling for a few seconds, Lu An withdrew his gaze and stopped paying attention to them, and walked towards Samisha and the others with Gu Mengmeng.

"Huh, thanks to you, otherwise we wouldn't be able to leave for a while." Ammus stroked his forehead helplessly, sighing with a headache on his face.

If it weren't for Lu An's appearance today to attract some of the firepower, it's hard to guarantee that they will be entangled for a long time.

"Uh huh, it's not too bad, use me as a shield, right?" Seeing Samisha's embarrassed expression, Lu An rolled his eyes speechlessly.

Standing by the side watching the play was good, but Samisha suddenly misfortune and used him as a shield, and most of the good and happy mood was lost in an instant.

"I can't help it, haha, whoever made you famous, they are afraid of you." Samisha knew she was wrong, she laughed dryly and spread her hands helplessly: "You have also seen that these guys have a special status, I am a princess of a country Of course it is impossible to fight hard with them, you can only use your tiger skin as a banner."

She spoke so confidently that Lu An couldn't find any reason to refute.

"That's right, to deal with them, you have to let ruthless people come, so when I saw you were entangled just now, I went back to the hotel and pulled him out to save the scene."

Well, co-authoring is your real purpose.

Hearing Gu Mengmeng smiling and asking for credit, Lu An, who was kept in the dark, suddenly realized, and viciously reached out and rubbed her head.

He also said why this little girl insisted on calling him out to watch the show, so it was for this purpose.

Watching a play is false, but resolving the siege is true.

"That's right, Mengmeng, you are smart, you know we can't handle it."

Samisha smiled brightly when she heard the words, and praised Gu Mengmeng without hesitation, which greatly satisfied the little girl's vanity.

"Oh, this group of people can't be driven away, maybe they will come again in a few days."

Ammus sighed repeatedly with a headache. He felt that he was not so tired leading a team as a coach and analyst. Dealing with these researchers made him feel deeply exhausted and exhausted.

Sighing several times to relieve the depression in his heart, he slowly raised his head and said, "Don't talk about them, Lu An, do you want to go to training with us?"

It was not easy to meet this man early in the morning, and Ammus thought of taking Lu An with him on the spot: "I seem to have heard you say that you are going to teach Samisha cold weapons, right? The training hall There just happens to be corresponding facilities here, why don't we go and have a look together now?"

"Yeah, you seem to have dragged on for a week, and you haven't started teaching me until now."

After being reminded by Ammus, Samisha immediately recalled what Lu An said a week ago, and she couldn't help crossing her arms and looking at him suspiciously.

You can't be yourself and you can't.

Although Samisha didn't say it out loud, Lu An could see it from her eyes.

"What kind of eyes do you have? I am a master of weapons, okay? I have a dog tag of level 7! You are questioning me and distrusting me!" Lu An yelled very confidently on the surface even though he had no idea in his heart.

A dog's mouth is comparable to vibrating gold.

Hearing his tone so loudly, the suspicion in Samisha's eyes instantly disappeared a lot.

"Let's go, today I will show you how powerful Lu is."

Seeing that she still had some disbelief, Lu An immediately decided to show his hand today and completely consolidate his position of authority in Samisha's heart.

He was in a hurry, he was in a hurry.

Seeing that the provocative method with her eyes was effective, Samisha couldn't help but secretly smiled in her heart, she nodded in agreement calmly on the surface, and then looked sideways at Gu Mengmeng: "Mengmeng, are you going?"

"Hey, me? Yes!"

Upon receiving Samisha's invitation, Gu Mengmeng was startled for half a second, then raised her voice a few minutes and happily agreed.

Today is the day off, she was planning to go play with Lu An, and now it's great to get Samisha's invitation.

In case she is looking for a reason to follow.

"Okay, let's all go together!"

Lu An rarely followed to train, and Ammus was naturally overjoyed. He stretched out his hand to touch the void, and the black spirit shuttle appeared out of thin air.

"It's not too late, everyone, get in the car, we're leaving now, Dulfab and the others have already passed by."

Ammus got into the car first, and the other three got into the spirit shuttle one after another.

Speeding along the driveway unimpeded all the way, he arrived at the training hall where Dulefarb was located within ten minutes.

As soon as they got out of the car, the players from other countries passing by stopped their footsteps and let out a low voice, and focused their eyes on Lu An.

Shock, awe, scorching heat and all kinds of brilliant sights were all focused on him.

The reason was that yesterday's battle was too shocking, and the dark horse Saudi defeated Luo Ra.

Among them is this Lu An, who rewrites the situation of the battle with his own strength.

This monster that could seriously damage the four late-stage supernatural powers left an indelible impression on their hearts.

"Let's go, you're famous, and now there are not many people in the contestant village who don't know you." Seeing the eyes of contestants from other countries, Samisha teased with a smile.

"Ha ha."

Nodding slightly to them to express their friendship, the three of Lu An followed Ammus into the training hall.

There are quite a lot of people in this training hall. There are many coaches and players walking back and forth in the lobby. When they saw Ammus come in, they greeted him with a smile.

After yesterday's game, he was greeted far more times than before.

In the final analysis, it was because they defeated Luo Ra that their strength was respected.

They came here in a friendly manner, and Ammus naturally couldn't take them down. He greeted them one by one, and took the three of them into the elevator after greeting them warmly.

Rubbing his stiff cheeks, Ammus wiped the sweat from his forehead and let out a sigh of relief.

The current treatment, he never had when he led the team in the last term.

They took the elevator to the 21st floor. As soon as they got out of the elevator door, they saw Adar and others sitting in the lobby, resting and chatting.

"Hey, you finally sent those people away, hey friends, you are here too, rare visitors!"

Noticing their presence, Adar grinned gloatingly.

As soon as he came out this morning, Samisha was caught by a group of researchers who had been guarding for a long time, and he was so happy at the time.

It's just that he hadn't laughed for a long time, and the joy turned into sorrow happened. He saw Samisha walking over quickly and punched Adar hard on the head without giving Adar any time to resist.

The muffled sound caused the eyes of the people around him to narrow their eyes involuntarily, and the corners of their eyes twitched constantly. Looking at Adar who was slumped on the sofa, he gasped in his heart.

"It's okay, they were all driven away."

After tidying up her schadenfreude brother, Samisha rubbed her fists indifferently, regardless of whether he could hear her or not.

"Mouth is really cheap, and Fan Tianlan is like a crouching dragon and phoenix, no wonder they can get along with each other."

Witnessing that Adar was knocked unconscious, Lu An chose to stand by without mercy, secretly applauding Samisha in her heart.

"With this strength, I guess Aidar has a concussion."

Gu Mengmeng looked at the fainted Aida secretly clicking her tongue, and looked at Samisha with admiring eyes.

It's up to Samisha to beat up my brother.

"Now that everyone is here, let's start today's training. Adar will call him later."

Duelfab was speechless, shook his head and stood up to change the subject: "Those who need special training can go to the corresponding training room by themselves, and I will inspect them one by one later."

"I'm going to practice cold weapons."

Cold weapon?

Dulfab was slightly surprised, and immediately noticed Lu An and nodded in relief.

He also heard from Samisha that Lu An was going to teach Leng Weapon, but he didn't expect to come until now.

It is true that lazy cancer is late.

Knowing that it was Lu An who wanted to teach, the coaches readily agreed, fearing that he would change his mind a second later.

Live like a real dad.

When the personnel arrived, Dulfab mobilized everyone to enter the training room to start training, while Ammus led the three to the weapons training room.

"That's it."

After entering the mechanical door, Ammus touched the wall casually, and the soft lights in the entire spacious room suddenly brightened.

The indoor space is larger than a football field, and there are a variety of weapons that emit cold light on the weapon rack against the wall and on the spar table.

There are many kinds, at first glance, any country has all kinds of weird weapons.

The center of the field is empty and flat.

"This is the weapon training room. This is for you to activate the training facility."

Ammus took out a tablet from the wall and handed it to Lu An, and helped him set up the Tianxuan language.

After finishing everything, he quickly left the training room on the grounds that he would not disturb the training.

"Do you know how to use it? Do you want me to teach you?"

Seeing Lu An frowning and fiddling with the tablet, Gu Mengmeng came up to snatch it, flicking and clicking continuously with ease.

As a knife repairer, she often goes in and out of the weapon training room, and is very familiar with everything in it.

After transferring the tablet to the facility area, Gu Mengmeng returned the tablet to Lu An and asked him to choose a training facility.

There are hundreds of pages for the practice facilities alone, and there are twenty-five types per page.

In the end, Lu An gave up the fancy things and chose the most common wooden stakes.

The reason is simple. For beginners, wooden stakes are the best sparring objects.

Click on the tablet, and dozens of azure blue wooden stakes suddenly popped up in the center of the field, with bright red patterns blooming on the surface.

According to the introduction, this wooden stake is called rhyolite crystal wood. It is very hard inside, and the bark on the surface has the ability to regenerate at a super speed.

Anyway, it's pretty solid.

"Don't read, tell me what you want to learn first."

Looking around, I found that Samisha had run to the weapon rack at some point and was fiddling with weapons enthusiastically.

Hearing Lu An call her, she immediately turned her head and said without hesitation: "Xueji, just the one you used before."

She had already figured out what she wanted to learn, and the Tianxuan weapon called "Halberd" used by Lu An was very good.

"Hey~ Halberds are hard to learn, why don't you learn knives from me, knives are so easy to use."

Gu Mengmeng was a little disappointed when she heard that, she thought that all kinds of weapons and knives were the first, but she didn't expect Samisha to practice halberds with Lu An instead of practicing swords.

As the saying goes, the knife, the moon, the stick, and the gun will last a lifetime, so if you learn anything, you have to learn the halberd from Lu Daan.

Although spears and halberds are not the same type of weapons, they are similar in her opinion, and they belong to the type that is difficult to learn and difficult to master.

"Hey, what kind of knife do you want to learn? I have a good eye, so isn't it cool to use a halberd?"

After discovering that Gu Mengmeng was secretly planning to rob him, Lu An immediately used the Wuzhishan method to cover her head.

"Haha I've been thinking about this for a long time, halberd is good for me, and Lu An is also the most proficient in halberd, teach me not to mislead my son." Samisha waved her arms and laughed, and trotted over.

"Uncle likes the first sentence, but uncle is very dissatisfied with the last sentence."

What do you mean not to mislead your children?

After not worrying about this for a long time, Lu An noticed Samisha's empty hands: "Aren't you going to get the weapons? I think they are of good quality."

This is not a weapon, but a halberd with a head?

"I don't need them, I have them myself."

After saying that, Samisha stretched out her right hand, and her delicate hand touched the emerald decoration hanging on her forehead.

In an instant, the emerald flashed a fleeting dark green luster, and then a light green light like ripples appeared on her forehead.

It manifested into a ball covering Samisha's right hand, and gradually evolved into a jade halberd under their noses.

The whole body is jade white, clinging to strips of light green patterns, interwoven at the front of the halberd to form a pattern like magic pupils.

The overall appearance is completely modeled after Lu An's Hei Yao.

"This is my rare treasure, called the Pupil of Holmes. It can be regarded as a treasure with both offensive and defensive capabilities. It can transform into any weapon."

Samisha grabbed the Halberd of Hormes jerky and turned it, and shook it in front of them.

"I didn't realize that the gemstone you usually carry is still a treasure. I thought it was an ornament."

Slightly raising her eyes to focus on the jewel on her forehead, Lu An smacked her lips faintly.

It's because his vision is low. After all, it's normal for a princess of a country to have treasures all over her body.

"Hey, I still have a bunch, I want to send it to you, but I think your black halberd is better than me." Samisha smiled slightly, indicating that Lu An can start teaching.

"Do you need me to accompany you, I am very good at swordsmanship."

Gu Mengmeng leaned her head over to ask, secretly thinking about it.

Samisha is still not proficient in using a halberd. Didn't she say that as a sparring partner, she can bully her casually?

She, Gu Mengmeng, is used to being bullied by Lu An, and now she wants to experience what it's like to be bullied by others.

The three hit it off, and Lu An was ready to teach Samisha how to use the halberd step by step.

Otherwise, with her crappy skills, she can't even grasp a halberd, and if she just goes out like this, her "master" will be laughed to death.


At the same time, at the other end of the sub-island where the players' village is located, the eagle demon flew out of the red maple forest in a good mood after beating and scolding the prisoners in the prison, planning to go to the main island to "look for food".

To be more precise, it was to find a little mouse for Lu An.

Harpie's performance during this period was not satisfactory.

Because of Lu An's reputation for killing too fast and viciously, the difficulty for him to find little mice has increased exponentially in recent times, basically he can't find one in a day.

So it was very annoyed, and hated the viciousness and cunning of the little mice, which made it ashamed to meet Lu An, let alone fight with that dead dog.

"I hope I can gain something today, otherwise don't blame me for hypnotizing one by one."

The eagle demon's bloody eyes were fierce. After several consecutive days of defeat, it was about to lose its mind. If it failed to gain any more today, it would find someone to hypnotize and interrogate one by one. If you don't believe it, you can't find it.

This period of time is a bit busy, and the early update will be resumed in up to three days ==

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