The sun was shining brightly, the sky was clear and cloudless, and the sun was shining brightly.

In such a clear sky, the Eagle Demon just swaggered and soared high in the sky, slowly flying towards the main island.

Not afraid of anyone seeing it at all.

It was like an ordinary wild goose crossing the sky without attracting anyone's attention.

Even if someone in the player's village happened to look up and see its ordinary figure, they would only think it was a passing bird.

Slowly passing by the contestants' village, Ying Yao, who was cursing Hei Die and other forces viciously in his heart, stopped cursing at the right time, lowered his head slightly and looked down, with a little emotion in his blood eyes.

The flight speed that has been maintained has also slowed down, and it has been circling in the sky for a long time, unwilling to leave.

The eagle demon showed a tangled look, but immediately turned his head and adjusted his direction to continue on his way.

It wanted to go to the contestants' village to meet Lu An, but it didn't have anything in its hands, so it wouldn't be easy to come to the door. Going there empty-handed was not conducive to it claiming credit, and it didn't have the face.

Let's go find the mouse first.

It has made very little profit these few days, and it is worried that it will be scolded if it goes there with empty hands and a face.

Don't give credit to it when the time comes, it's lucky that Lu An doesn't grab and beat it.

Thinking of this, the eagle demon immediately gave up the idea of ​​visiting Lu An, turned around and flew away from the contestant village honestly.

Looking down at the scenery of the island below, when he saw the strict patrolling guard group of Britain, the three blood eyes of the eagle demon flashed a ruthless look.

Speaking of which, these British guards are also one of the culprits that made it so many days without harvest.

It's a pity that I can't trouble you, otherwise, I will let you know the end of my good deeds.

With a heavy cold hum in his heart, the eagle demon was about to fly away, but he caught a glimpse of something inadvertently out of the corner of his eye, causing it to freeze suddenly.

I saw many trucks parked outside the contestants' village, being inspected by the guard group one by one.

There are supplies and ingredients such as daily necessities in the truck, and the dazzling array of cargo boxes is dazzling.

At this time, the porters and drivers were being inspected in a row, and their whole bodies were scanned by the scanner.

"Spatial equipment such as storage rings, please leave them to us for temporary storage, and they will be returned to you when they come out."

"Also, the porters don't have to enter the athletes' village, just the drivers. There are special intelligent machines inside that will help unload the goods."

The leading officer stood up and announced in a low voice. A pair of sharp eagle eyes swept across the drivers and porters, making them feel cold all over their bodies, as if they were being targeted by some kind of terrifying creature.

"Oh God, when was this new rule? Why didn't anyone inform us that it wasn't like this last time I came here." The man who spoke was a porter, also a Briton, who seemed to be a believer in Christianity.

"Special treatment in extraordinary times."

Facing the repeated complaints from the crowd, the officer just stood there with his hands behind his back, ignoring their grievances at all.

He is a soldier who carries out orders. It is useless to vent and complain to him. He has the ability to go to his immediate superior.

Some time ago, Yuanmeng players were attacked in the Sunset Islands, causing Britain to be condemned and ridiculed by many countries internationally, which can be called their shame!

The first time they were caught off guard, and now they are heavily guarded, there is no way it will happen again!

Enter the confiscated space and equipment, carefully check the materials and goods, and non-essential personnel are prohibited from entering.

Even the driver is a British commissioner carefully selected after three generations of review, and his identity and background are absolutely fine.

They even have to verify their identity every time they enter or leave the delivery, which shows the strict precautions of Britain.

The attitude of the guard group was very firm, even if the porters were dissatisfied, they couldn't say anything, so they could only slander inwardly.

They are just part-timers, and it is not easy to get this lucrative job. If they annoy the guards and lose their jobs, the loss outweighs the gain.

Without continuing to chat with them, the officer immediately asked the middle driver to get on the car and enter the contestant village to deliver the goods, and signaled the porters to rest where they were and not to leave their sight.

Very strict and ruthless, with no room for negotiation in tone.

Looking at the black muzzles pointing at him in all directions, the porters had no choice but to rest on the spot and wait for the drivers to come back after delivering the goods and pull them away together.

The porters were suffering, but the drivers didn't think too much about it, and since the fire didn't burn themselves, they naturally didn't complain at all.

The well-versed trucks entered the players' village in an orderly manner until they completely disappeared at the end of the road.

"Damn it, what son of a bitch said he could get in? Don't let me know who it is, or I'll have to skin him and feed it to the neighbor's dog!"

"Who else could it be, those guys from Hei Die's Scorpio group, they thought they would know everything by stepping on a spot at night, they really thought that Britain was a fool who ate nothing."

"I'd like to see if they can still maintain that swearing face when I go back, wasting our status in vain."

In the middle porter, two British faces are sitting on the grass with their backs against a big tree, bowing their heads and drawing circles in boredom.

It seemed that they were silent and did not communicate with each other, but in fact, the two had already started abusing each other through voice transmission.

Those who scolded Hei Die and Britain, as long as they could be blamed, they all took the blame.

The anger in the hearts of the two of them.

Those who stayed at home were forced to cooperate with the Scorpio team, and used their identities to disguise themselves as porters and sneak into the players' village to arrange poison.

As a result, he was forcibly intercepted by the British military as soon as he arrived at the gate, and he couldn't leave like a prisoner.

Not to mention his mother was poisoned, all the space equipment was stripped away, and his pockets were whiter than his face.

They are simply wasting their lives.

"I thought the Black Butterfly Scorpion team had some great tricks, but it turned out to be shit. If you ask me, they can't even compare to the envoys of the Baiye Ghost Gate. At least they almost succeeded in attacking and killing them."

"It can't be helped, look at this layer of forbidden barrier, I guess even that white-skinned bald head wouldn't dare to touch it easily."

The two were chatting while drawing circles, but they didn't realize that a black eagle appeared behind them at some point.

He was standing on the branch of a tree, tilting his head and staring at them quietly, his three blood eyes were silently laughing in a trance.

There is no place to find if you break through the iron shoes, and it takes all the effort to get it.

Hiding his body and tilting his head to stare at the two porters, these words suddenly popped out of Ying Yao's mind.

"My king has been unlucky for so many days, today is finally a good luck."

Look what happened to it, two extremely suspicious humans!

The two "porters" look no different from others, they are ordinary people.

But in the blood-red field of vision of the eagle demon's third blood pupil, the two of them had a strong murderous look, and their figures and faces were extremely distorted and out of harmony.

Like two twisted monsters.

The eagle demon knows what this means. Its evolved blood pupil has the effect of destroying delusions, and can see through illusions and other abilities.

The reason why these two people were distorted was because they used some kind of ability to change their body shape and appearance!

The eagle demon guessed that it should be a technique similar to the bone shrinking skill and disguise technique.

But it doesn't care about these things, it only cares about the identities of the two people in front of it.

The good-natured facelift changed his face and wanted to enter the contestants' village, who would believe him if he said he didn't have a ghost in his heart?

The eagle demon narrowed his eyes slightly, and decided to wait for them to leave the vice island and find a chance to capture them in one fell swoop.

Intuition tells it that there is some kind of secret hidden in the two "porters".

As long as it is dug out, it will have the face to ask Lu An for credit!

The two killers who were still chatting didn't know that they had been targeted by a monster unknowingly, and they were thinking about taking credit for them.


While the eagle demon was looking for a target, Lu An was also patiently teaching Samisha in the training hall.

"There are many ways to attack with a halberd, such as: shoveling, chopping, sweeping, stabbing, nailing, hooking, chopping, picking, pecking, pinching, etc., and there are many detailed changes."

"It's not easy to be flexible in combat."

To be honest, this is Lu An's first time teaching someone how to use a halberd, and the teaching method is very unfamiliar and not very proficient.

Standing in the center of the field holding the sharp and introverted Hei Yao, Lu An first roughly explained the basic usage of the halberd, and then went straight to the topic.

"Look, this is one of the halberd techniques, the hook."



The piercing sound produced by the sharp blade cutting through the air continued. Lu An raised his right arm slightly, and saw his arm tremble slightly. The blade hangs against the wooden stake in an instant, and pulls back hard.

A large piece of sawdust shattered with the sound, and a very obvious blade-shaped gap appeared on the blue wooden stake.

This is the power of the hook. If the person in front of him is not a wooden stake but a flesh and blood body, it is absolutely inevitable that the body will be torn apart and the flesh and blood will fly flying under this hook.

"It's a peck."

With light footsteps, the body drove the black halberd to rotate half a circle, and the crescent blade immediately pierced into the stake, and when it was pulled out again, the wound was several centimeters deep.


Once the move was successful, Lu An changed his attack method unabated and swept from bottom to top, as if the wooden stake in front of him had become an enemy with flesh and blood, trying to disembowel it.

One move after another, it was like a continuous storm beating on the wooden pile, until it was destroyed until it was beyond shape, Lu An gracefully stood up the black halberd and stopped.

"These are the basic introductory moves of the halberd, can you see clearly?"

Ignoring the fast-recovering azure wooden stake next to him, Lu An rubbed his chin and turned his head to ask, but when he saw clearly what the two were doing, his old face suddenly darkened.

"Mengmeng, are you fucking the gods and demons?"

Not far away, Samisha hugged the halberd of Holmes with both hands, and stared at him with shining eyes, making his scalp numb.

That look seemed to wish to eat him, Mr. Lu.

And Gu Mengmeng was even more outrageous, holding up her mobile phone and snapping at him, seeing Lu An looking over and grinning, she immediately lowered her head and quickly pressed the screen.

Upload Moments successfully!

"Precious Video of Early Gouzi Teaching Samisha Fang Tian to Draw a Halberd"

Soon, there were a lot of likes in less than two seconds, and Gu Zhenshan's comment was the most prominent.

"It's a good play, and it's very eye-catching. The next time I call him to perform in the village, it happens that the old man hasn't seen him for a long time."

"Mengmeng, pay attention, I don't think the Saudi princess is a good person, you have to watch Lu An closely, otherwise I can't help you if something happens, I can't beat him."

This is Gu Zhibing's message, right after Gu Zhenshan.

Are these guys staring at my circle of friends 24 hours a day? When did grandpa leave customs?

Seeing Lu An approaching from the corner of the corner of the eye, Gu Mengmeng put away her phone as if nothing had happened, and smiled brightly at him.

"Record my video, right?"

You don't even need to think about what you're doing, you think it's okay to just smile at me?

Lu An was about to take revenge by ruffling her hair, but seeing Gu Mengmeng's sweet smile, she suddenly couldn't do it.

Well, you are great.

Dispelling the idea of ​​revenge, Lu An shifted his target to Samisha.

"How? Do you understand?"

"Am I too poorly qualified? I only understand part of it, and your demonstration is a bit fast."

Samisha held the white jade halberd rather embarrassedly, her blue eyes switched back and forth between the black halberd and Lu An.

How strong, if Lu An took out the black halberd yesterday, the battle with Luo Ra would have been even more devastating.

Samisha feels that Lu An holding the black halberd is his strongest form.

"Versailles, isn't it? You can understand it once and say you have poor qualifications?" Lu An looked a little helpless when she heard this, and didn't know how to evaluate her.

Why does it look stupider than Mengmeng?

Although the moves he demonstrates are basic moves, they are all derived from the simplification of the battlefield. Naturally, the details of the number of moves are not comparable to those of performance moves on Du Niang.

You can understand the part after just one demonstration. Samisha's talent can be described as a monster.

It's no wonder that the little assistant and elder Ming said that her physique is popular.

After all, who doesn't want a little genius.

It's a pity that he, Lu, took the first step. Now it belongs to his family, and it's too late to grab it.

"Come on, come on, I'll teach you how to play the halberd, and when you're familiar with it, Mengmeng will be your training partner."

Lu An held back Samisha with some trepidation in his heart and returned to the center of the field, and began to teach her basic skills.

Because it was the first time to use this kind of weapon, Samisha swung her halberd very clumsily, and there were often jokes that the halberd moved people around, making a lot of jokes.

However, with the passage of time and the hand-in-hand teaching with Lu An, he has gradually advanced to the level of an entry-level apprentice.

After teaching Samisha the basic halberd technique, the three of them practiced until the afternoon. During this period, Ammus and Dulfab visited many times, and they often left again after watching for a few minutes.

In the afternoon, Gu Mengmeng really felt refreshed and experienced the feeling of being bullied.

Relying on his superb swordsmanship, he insisted on beating the extremely clumsy Samisha, with a happy and bright smile on his delicate and pretty face.

"Master! Master Xiaoying has something to report!!"

Lu An was holding a water bottle to watch the battle between Samisha and Gu Mengmeng, pointing and correcting a few words from time to time.

But he never thought that there would be a sharp and ear-piercing howl from outside the skylight, and then a black shadow would rush into the training room, brake suddenly in the air and stop in front of Lu An.

It's an eagle demon.

"Master! Master Xiaoying found the secret base of Black Butterfly and other coalition forces! And also discovered a big secret! Black Butterfly sent the Scorpion team to find you!"

Before the three of them could make a move, the eagle demon gasped out of breath, causing Lu An's expression to change slightly.

Damn it, Gu Mengmeng and the others are still here.

Let's eat stewed tool eagle tonight!

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