The old man covered his forehead with both hands, and stared straight at the table with sharp eyes. His brain quickly recalled the scenes just now, and the more he thought about it, the heavier his heart became.

Jade Scorpio can be considered an illusion and ignores it, but he can't.

If he remembered correctly, he had the same feeling as Jade Scorpio when he handled the documents just now.

It was also the feeling that there was an undetectable strangeness in the room for a moment. At that time, I thought it was a trance illusion caused by exhaustion.

But that may not be the case at the moment.

One may be a coincidence, but two can never be an illusion.

Is it possible that a half-step god and him had illusions one after another?

Now thinking about the strangeness I noticed, it seems to be the feeling of being spied on!

Someone is watching them out of sight!

When he came to this conclusion in his mind, a layer of cold sweat immediately appeared on the old man's back, and his steady breathing rate fluctuated rapidly.

Is there really someone spying on them without anyone noticing? !

The old man pursed his lips slightly, suppressing the shock in his heart and trying to keep calm.

No way, this conclusion is too scary.

How could someone ignore the spiritual perception of him and Yu Tianxie and observe them from the shadows!

The meaning behind this is really scary to think about.

You must know that he is a physical cultivator at the peak of the eighth level of supernatural powers, and Jade Scorpio is even a powerhouse in the half-step divine palace!

Being able to sneak into the base silently and avoid all kinds of alarms and their perceptions, its strength may far exceed their imagination.

It must be an unknown shrine stronger than Jade Scorpio!

But, if it is really an unknown shrine, how did he find the undersea base?

And after finding the undersea base, he didn't do anything, just snooped around and then disappeared?

If it is an enemy, what is the point of doing so?

Excluding him and Jade Scorpio, the rest in the base are some bartenders and bartenders who have no combat power. They can take this opportunity to easily kill them and destroy the entire base.

But obviously the spy didn't do this, but left on his own after spying on himself and Yu Tianxie.

It doesn't make sense logically, or does he want to take advantage of the fact that the killers of the joint organization gather here and catch them all in one go?

Is this necessary?

The old man frowned tightly, with a dignified expression of being puzzled, completely unable to understand the logic of the spy's actions.

If it is said that the snooper is not Jingu, how can he explain that he can come and go freely under the noses of the two of them?

But if it is, the logic of this action cannot be guessed.

Or maybe there were no snoopers at all, just their psychology, a coincidence?

Various possibilities emerged in his mind one after another, and the tiredness that had just been relieved came back to his head again. He silently exhaled, leaned against the soft chair, closed his eyes and meditated.

Anyway, no matter what kind of possibility it is, you must be prepared.

The old man has been in the underground world for many years and naturally knows what to do. He should pay attention to even the slightest possibility of finding something sneaking into the base.

Playing it safe, being prepared for every situation in advance, and making sure nothing goes wrong is how he survives.

Anyone who ignores any possibility is irresponsible for his own life.

"Find a reason, let them come to the base as little as possible from tomorrow." The old man thought for a moment and made a decision.

If there were any scouts at the Jingu level, Bao Buqi wanted to take advantage of all the killers gathering at the base to catch them all.

This possibility is not small, we must be prepared.

Even if they want to come to the base from tomorrow, they have to come in batches.

Similarly, the old man also decided to find an opportunity to move out of the base.

In the current situation, the submarine base is very likely to be unsafe, and staying any longer is tantamount to putting yourself in danger.

It is better to move the position as soon as possible to avoid disaster.

The old man thought in his heart that his body had already taken action, got up from the soft chair, packed up the documents with a blank expression, then opened the door and walked out calmly, without saying a word the whole time.

He had no intention of informing others, but wanted to act alone.

It's better to have someone in the base. If something unexpected happens here, Jade Scorpio will be his first alarm.

At that time, I will also be able to learn the news as soon as possible and make the next step as soon as possible.

Jade Scorpio who was meditating couldn't think of it anyway, just for a while, the old man who was quite kind when they met for the first time plotted against him.

Going through the secret door to the bar base, the old man ignored the greetings from other bartenders and bartenders, and walked into the teleportation room without saying a word.

The other bartenders had become accustomed to the expressionless and stern look throughout the whole process, thinking that the old man was out on business so he didn't dare to ask more questions, and continued to do his work with his head down.

At this time, Lu An, who was drifting far away in the deep sea, did not know what happened in the submarine base.

If he knew that a small action of his own would startle the old man to shift positions, he would definitely laugh out loud.

"Go home and rest."

Opening his mouth and yawning, Lu An slowly drifted towards the deep and dark front.

As soon as he yawned, sleepiness flooded his brain, and even the mood of going back to watch the individual competition dissipated.

His schedule today was really packed, and he was finally able to go home and have a good sleep.

"I don't know if my sister has returned home." Lu An drifted silently, his mind began to think wildly, and a mess of distracting thoughts emerged one after another.

He kind of missed the air conditioner in Shen Li's bedroom.


Suddenly, the movement in front of him brought back his lost eyes.

I saw that the surrounding sea water began to appear chaotic turbulence, countless bubbles were born and shattered one after another, as if something was stirring the wind and clouds ahead.

"What kind of sea beast is it?"

Lu An opened his mouth and yawned, looking a bit bored.

He has seen a lot of big whales, big sharks, and so on. He has even seen eight-headed black-bone sea turtles, and he is no stranger to these things.

So seeing this situation, Lu An thought it was another deep-sea monster fish, so he was not very interested.

There is already enough seafood in his ring, and he can't hold it any more.

Relying on the fact that he is a ghost, no fish can attack him, Lu An is not afraid, and swaggers forward.

It's just that before he floated a few meters away, a golden light suddenly appeared in the distance, which made him stop suddenly.

In the deep and dark endless deep sea, this golden light is so dazzling, it is like a little sun that illuminates the darkness.

The golden light approached from a distance, driving bursts of violent water waves.

It was a little bit of golden light at first, and as it gradually approached, it was already the size of a fist.

It wasn't until this time that Lu An was able to see what the golden light was.

This is a villain, with several golden fish scales covering both sides of the cheeks, the pupils on the forehead are shaped like halberd points, and the lower body is completely transparent.

It is Lu An's old acquaintance, the little mermaid who has been following the heart of the ocean before.

At this time, it was playing happily with a group of deep-sea fish, and they caused the turbulent seawater around it.

"Why is this little brat here?"

Of course Lu An knew the little mermaid, and during this time he often got mixed up with the four little ones in his family.

Almost too familiar, every day the dog comes home with the gift it gave.

"It looks like we broke up early today, what time is it?"

Lu An roughly calculated that it should not be until twelve o'clock in the morning. Normally, none of them would come back to lay their bodies in the middle of the night, so today is considered early.

Thinking that this little guy was prejudiced against him, Lu An also gave up the idea of ​​showing up to say hello, seeing them coming in his direction, he decided not to disturb them.


But things always backfired. Lu An didn't want to disturb the little mermaid, but it seemed to notice something strange.

The cheerful expression paused slightly, and the small body stopped thirty meters away from Lu An, replaced by a puzzled face, twisting the body to look around, as if looking for something.

"This cry, tsk tsk." Hearing the little mermaid's cry again, Lu An felt very comforting, and looked at it silently with folded hands.

This expression, could it be that he has noticed himself?

Thinking of this, Lu felt curious, knowing that if he didn't take the initiative to expose himself, even the half-step god-level Jade Scorpio would not be able to detect him.

How could this weak little mermaid sense him?

"Wow, woof!"

Unable to find the source of the abnormality, the little mermaid couldn't help calling out her friend in desperation, causing Lu An to almost laugh out loud.

"Hahaha, shit, Bengbu lives, who the hell taught the dog to bark?"

Pursing her lips and suppressing a smile, Lu An somewhat had an answer in her heart.

The dog who can get in touch with the little mermaid, besides his little Hu, is definitely taught by that dead dog.

"This is the end of hanging out with Erha for a long time."

Witnessing the little mermaid being led astray by her own dead dog, Lu An showed sympathy.

If you continue to mess around, you may even forget your own cry, the effect is already beginning to be seen.


Just when Lu An was secretly laughing, the impatient little mermaid found that she couldn't find the source of the abnormality. After thinking for a moment, she stood in front of all the deep-sea fish and called softly.

Immediately afterwards, the soft golden light that bloomed all over the body was gathered, and all belonged to the third eye between its foreheads.

In an instant, only the vertical pupils on its forehead were the most dazzling light in the surrounding several kilometers.

Lu An saw its halberd tip vertical pupil bursting with golden light, condensing into a beam of light and sweeping around as it turned.

The golden light has inexplicable divine power, as if it can see through all illusions in the world, and there is no hiding place for any monsters and ghosts in front of it.

And so it is.

Just as Lu An thought, when the vertical pupil beam swept over him, a feeling of being completely exposed to the other party's vision arose spontaneously.


The beam of light froze on him in an instant, and the little mermaid looked like she had seen a ghost, and froze in place with an unbelievable cry.

"What's the matter?"

Realizing that he was a little abnormal, Lu An followed its gaze and looked down. When he saw his appearance, he couldn't help blurting out: "What the hell?"

I saw that his ghost form was completely illuminated by the golden light for some reason, and it still felt faintly solid like a real body.

Even the touch feels extremely real.

"Wori, what kind of magic mirror do you have, little guy? It shows me everything?" Lu An opened his mouth slightly when he realized that his body had changed, and he was extremely shocked.

The little mermaid's sky-eyed bull, is it really Erlang's real eyes?


The moment he saw his face, the little mermaid immediately recognized that Lu An was the one who wanted to catch it at the beginning, and also the shit-shoveling officer of his good friend.

He immediately retreated more than ten meters, as if something was wrong and he turned his head and ran away.

However, it is probably because the dog has been blowing his ears at him during this time, and he didn't turn his head and run away when he saw Lu An like the previous few times.

Keeping a certain safe distance from him, the little mermaid waved her hands vigorously to express herself, but it couldn't speak human language and could only communicate by guessing.

Q: What should I do when the species are different and the two parties cannot communicate?

Lu An Answer: Go to the small auxiliary card translator.

Immediately calling out the little assistant to help translate, Lu An understood the meaning of the little mermaid.

It was asking itself what was going on, how it became like this.

"Hello, little guy, this is one of my forms, you just have to be the same as your fish tail form."

With the help of the little assistant, the little mermaid was able to understand the meaning of his words smoothly.

Immediately, the little guy opened his eyes wide and asked Lu An repeatedly if he understood what it said.

After getting an affirmative answer, he looked cheerful and ecstatic, but he didn't lose his mind, and still kept a certain distance from him.

But judging by its excited look, it might not let Lu An leave for a while.

"What's your name? Where do you come from? Don't worry, I don't mean anything malicious. It was a misunderstanding before. I just want to make friends with you."

After finally getting an opportunity, Lu An naturally couldn't let it go, and immediately opened his mouth to explain for himself, and inquired about the origin of the little mermaid by the way.

This little guy is the only mermaid he has ever seen. His vertical pupils and means all show that it has an extraordinary origin, and it is hard to guarantee that there is some big secret hidden in it.

"Hey..." However, the only response to him was the little mermaid's disappointed whisper.

Understanding the meaning of the cry, Lu An's expression became extremely strange.

forget? do not know?

The words of the little mermaid are very simple, it has no name, does not know what it is called, and does not remember where it comes from.

He only knew that he was in that special sea area when he woke up, and there was only one blue scale beside him.

The one he stole.

Seeing its eyes full of resentment, Lu An scratched his head in embarrassment, took out the blue scales and stretched out his hands to return them to the little mermaid.

However, realizing that it was still wary of itself, it used its strength to wrap the scales and eject them.

Regaining the scales that accompanied her waking up, the little mermaid's attitude towards Lu An suddenly softened a lot, and she continued to call out.

It hasn't left that sea area since it woke up, until the Heart of the Ocean appeared.

What happened after that Lu An also understood that this guy followed all the way, and finally followed him to the Sunset Islands.

"It's weird, you really don't have any memory at all, you don't even know what you are?"

After careful questioning, Lu An was speechless, the little mermaid is a typical question and doesn't know.

I don't know anything, so far I only have the memory before waking up, and I don't even know my own abilities.

According to it, the divine light with vertical pupils just now, including the previous large-scale flash bombs and the control of sea beasts, are all the powers it can master instinctively.

But the strange thing is that it knows how to express what it wants to express.

"Little guy, your memory loss is very serious. Nine times out of ten, you have amnesia. This is a very serious disease and needs to be cured!"

Seeing that the little mermaid's expression didn't seem to be fake, Lu An, the top villain, suddenly had a bad idea, and opened his mouth and said:

"Little guy, my family runs a pharmacy. The house is quite big. I often take in small animals that run away from home. If you trust me, why don't you go back with me and I'll find an expert to show you? Xiaoha, they are here too! "

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