Lu An's tone was full of temptation, like a strange Uncle who kidnapped a little girl with a lollipop, and gave a low smile behind his back.

Amnesia? Alright amnesia, this is awesome.

If it wasn't for the little mermaid who could see him, Lu An promised that he would definitely laugh out loud, so as to vent his lingering smile.

Well, I didn't realize that the little guy in front of me is still a patient with amnesia.

No wonder his vigilance is so low, and he can even tell outsiders about such important things as his memory loss.

It's pitifully low defensiveness, and I'm not afraid of being missed by caring people.

Lu An didn't have the slightest awareness that he was a caring person. While laughing secretly in his heart, his brain was spinning rapidly, thinking about how to lure the little mermaid back home.

Amnesia, three-eyed mermaid, strange ability, mysterious scales.

All the signs indicate that the little mermaid has an extraordinary background and is definitely not a mediocre person.

Judging from Lu's rich experience, the golden scales covering both sides of the little mermaid's cheeks and the halberd-shaped vertical pupils on its forehead are almost a symbol of noble status.

Maybe it's the legacy of the sea, a noble existence among mermaids.

Dragon people!

Such a sea clan little mermaid with a mysterious origin, since someone Lu met him, there is naturally no reason to let him go.

Whatever it is, take it home first.

It just so happens that there is still an aquatic pet in my family, as long as the little mermaid is abducted, the three types of sea, land and air will be complete.

At that time, even if it has a shocking secret, it must belong to Lu.

Lu An's little calculations in his mind were thumping loudly, and before he had written his horoscope, he began to imagine about digging out the secrets of the little mermaid after kidnapping her.


Although she didn't understand what pharmacies and experts were, the little mermaid roughly understood what Lu An meant.

I just want to let myself go with him and help myself find my lost memory.

The small body was still tumbling in the sea, and he was very tangled in thinking about it, and finally shook his head and let out a cry to reject Lu An.

"That's it." Hearing this, Lu An was taken aback, and sighed with regret.

The little mermaid means that it really wants to find its good friend, but it is also reluctant to leave the sea.

For it, the ocean feels very friendly to it, and it can wander freely in the sea, and fish and beasts have no hostility towards it.

But there is no such feeling on land.

Generally speaking, I don't feel safe leaving my own territory, so I don't want to follow.

How else can this be done? Salad!

Lu An didn't expect this to be the reason why the little guy didn't want to leave.

"I really don't want to think about it? It's actually very safe on land."


The little mermaid turned over and refused with a firm expression.

The sea is its home, and other places are not safe.

It's not going anywhere! Just stay in the ocean!

"All right."

The little counselor has said so, and Lu An can't help it, so he can't forcefully catch it.

Wouldn't it be a fall short in the relationship he just established?

Moreover, he had suffered from the flash bomb before, so he didn't have the confidence to guarantee that he could catch the little mermaid 100%.

The speed of this little guy in the sea was much faster than him, and he jumped a few hundred meters in a hurry, and he could only follow behind to eat ashes.



At this moment, the little mermaid suddenly called out again to catch Lu An's attention.

It saw it take out the azure scales that Lu An just returned to it.

The little hand rubbed it lightly for a few seconds, then reluctantly turned the water and threw the scales towards Lu An.


Reaching out to take the scales, Lu An was puzzled, not understanding what the little mermaid meant.

Wasn't it important to return the baby just now, why did you change hands and throw it to him now?

"Isn't this your companion? Why do you give it to me?"


The little mermaid focused her eyes on the scales, reluctantly looked twice, then turned her head to force herself not to feel bad, closed her eyes and yelled at Lu An.

"You mean to give me this scale, so that you can sense it when I enter the sea?"


"Oh~ thank you, I like your gift very much." Knowing what the little mermaid meant, Lu An burst into a smile.

The blue scale is equivalent to a locator. If he enters the ocean in the future, as long as the little mermaid is not too far away, he can sense it and use it to find himself.

But the premise is to take out the scales.

It's a very expensive gift.

Lu An knew the importance of this scale in the heart of the little mermaid, it could be said that it was something that accompanied it all the time.

Sending himself off like this now, Lu An suddenly felt unreal.

"Hmm..." The little mermaid swam over and circled Lu An, sizing him up with blinking eyes.

In fact, if it was changed to before, it would never be possible to give the baby scale to Lu An as a contact token.

But after getting along with good friends during this period, it also learned from Xiaoha Xiaobai that Lu An is actually a very good person.

Although he is usually not very polite to Xiaoha, he takes them out to play whenever he has time and buys them many things that he has never seen before.

It can be seen that Lu An is a good person, and I misunderstood him the first time I met him.

That's why it gave the scales to Lu An.

A certain person never expected that in just such a short time, the little mermaid beside him would turn him into a peerless good person.

If it knows what it thinks in its heart, it may be ashamed and ashamed.

To be honest, Lu An wanted to tie it back from the very beginning.

Or the wind blowing in the dog's ears is too good.


Lu An scratched his head and felt a little embarrassed. The little mermaid gave him his most precious treasure. This gift is not insignificant.

It's not rude to come and go, and he can't justify it if he doesn't send something back.

However, there is nothing in my hand that I can give away.

Lu An casually rummaged through the Black Moon Ring, the corner of his mouth twitching slightly.

It's really not decent, it's either bones or sundries, it's a poor mess.

In the end, he decided to rummage through the pile of pills. The pills in his hand were all from the Vientiane Cave, and maybe the little mermaid would like them.

For this reason, he focused on the water elixirs that were cloudy and cold, and after a few minutes, he finally found a bottle of elixir that was eye-catching.

"Myriad seas, clear water and cloud liquid."

What's inside is not a elixir, but a liquid similar to a medicinal liquid. You can still see the light blue light inside through the jade bottle, which looks very unusual.

"It's just you."

He had five bottles of this thing, and he took out one of them and called out to stop the little mermaid.


The little mermaid stopped swimming and let out a suspicious cry, blinking and watching Lu An take out the strangely shaped Shiraishi head.

But in the next second, it was attracted by an extremely strong aura of the sea, its eyes moved left and right to find the source of the aura, and finally locked on the head of Shiraishi in Lu An's hand.

"Here, here it is for you."

For the purpose of building a good relationship, Lu An generously stuffed the jade bottle into the delicate hands of the little mermaid.

Although the little mermaid doesn't go with her, it's always right to establish a good relationship first.

There are people in the sea who are easy to handle. Give me a gift. If you need to do something in the sea in the future, the little mermaid might be able to help you a lot.

For example, help him keep an eye on the joint organization's undersea base and other small things.


It can be seen that the little mermaid likes it very much, and asked Lu An repeatedly if he really gave it to him, and after getting an affirmative answer, he held the jade bottle and did not let go, swaying around with a full face of intoxication.

It's like a cat that inhales catnip and is almost intoxicated and passed out on the spot.

"The jade bottle is not used in this way, you have to open the cork."

Seeing the little mermaid using the jade bottle as a sachet, Lu An told it to isolate the sea water to open the jade bottle, and suddenly a thick and extremely thick light blue fairy mist gushed out and rushed straight to its sky cap.

The appearance was very similar to some du criminals, so scared that Lu An quickly plugged the bottle.

"Hey, wake up, hey! Wake up!"

Lu An hurriedly stretched out his hand to wake the little mermaid up, and when he turned to look at the jade bottle, his eyes changed, as if he was looking at some kind of prohibited item.


The little mermaid woke up wobbly, rubbed her head, and her drowsy eyes glowed again.

It has never had such a wonderful experience, it feels as if it is integrated with the sea and flies in the sky.

"You suck less, this thing sucks too much and something will happen."

Seeing that it was addicted to its own world, Lu An shook his head and told it softly, and left on his own when he saw that it didn't respond.

This guy will be unable to extricate himself for a while, and he will look at it again when he has time.

It wasn't until some time after Lu An left that the little mermaid recovered from the intoxicated state, looked around and realized that Lu An had already left, and then yelled farewell to the dark deep sea.


At this time, Lu An, who had quietly drifted to the vice island of the contestant village, did not know that the high-flying little mermaid had regained her sanity.

As soon as he floated out of the sea, he saw two familiar figures colliding fiercely on the shore, and the sharp blade made the beach a mess.

High above the sky, a black eagle stood on the top of the pitch-black rosary, staring silently at the fight below, combing its black and shiny feathers with its beak from time to time.

"What are you doing?"

The eagle demon was combing its beautiful feathers comfortably, when suddenly a ghostly whisper came from its ear, which made it tremble in fright, and accidentally pulled out a certain feather on its body forcibly.


The eagle demon was about to yell, but found that the voice was very familiar. He turned his head suspiciously and looked around, but nothing happened.


Having returned to Vice Island, there is no need for Lu An to remain in the state of a ghost, and use the Yang Token to reverse the Yin Token, and his body will return to flesh and blood.

"Oh, it's really you, master. When did you come, master? I'm sorry for the little eagle's disappointment."

The shadow of Lu An was reflected in the bloody eyes of the eagle monster, and he quickly fluttered his wings and got up and stood on his shoulder in fear, with a flattering smile on his face, as if thinking of something, he quickly shouted to the two people who were fighting below: "Pause, don't bother!" Hit it, the master is back!"

As soon as the Eagle Demon opened his mouth with a sharp bird voice, the fierce fighting below stopped immediately, and the two looked up together.

"Yo Lu An, I thought you had an accident, and it took you so long to come back."

Samisha fixed the white jade halberd on the ground just like Lu An did before, and she felt a little relieved when she saw that he came back safe and sound, and she immediately became extremely curious.

"Emmm, I'm not injured, there should be no conflict. Lu An, don't stand in the sky, come down and tell me if you found the submarine base." Gu Mengmeng put away the floating butcher knife and waved to Lu An, not afraid of being heard by others.

"Master, don't worry, the little eagle has explained this place in advance, and the British guards will not come over."

"You think I'm worried about this?" Lu An just smiled and shook his head for the Harpy's supplement, and then slowly landed with it.

"What are you doing? Why are you here?" He didn't expect to see these three when he just went out to sea. It seemed that they were practicing in duels.

"Accept you." Facing his question, Samisha blurted out without thinking, with a very natural expression: "You go to investigate Heidi's submarine base alone. I am worried that you will be found and hunted down, so I came here to meet you in advance."

"That's right, master, Kitty Hawk also has a clone on the main island, as soon as it finds your figure, it will be transmitted over as soon as possible."

The eagle demon will never let go of the opportunity to ask for credit. Seeing that Lu An mentioned this matter, he immediately followed his words to invite a little credit for himself.

"Well, I said, why do you come here without rest at night." Lu An nodded slightly to express his understanding, with a faint smile on his face.

I also know that it took a lot of pains to meet him.

"Actually, it doesn't count. We came here after killing the single killer." Gu Mengmeng smirked a few times in embarrassment, and then changed the topic back to the right track: "You haven't said you found the submarine base yet."

This is also what Samisha is most concerned about, and she also wants to know what Lu An has discovered.

Tonight, going out with the Eagle King to sneak attack on the killer was countless times more exciting than usual training for her. It can be said that she has found an excellent partner for training.

"Well, you said you are here to support me, but you really want to get first-hand information?" Lu An rolled his eyes helplessly and said, "No rush, I'll take my time."

After simply organizing the language, he narrated what happened in the submarine base, only hiding the story related to the little mermaid.

It's just that as he gradually explained what happened, he faintly noticed something was wrong.

Samisha is okay, but Gu Mengmeng's expression is a little weird, she doesn't know what she is thinking.

"Buddhist shrine, you still want to sneak into the contestants' village and cause chaos... Mengmeng, what's wrong with you? Did you find anything?"

After Lu An finished speaking, Samisha frowned and muttered to herself, her face was not very good-looking, but soon she noticed that there was something wrong with Gu Mengmeng's expression next to her.

"A little bit, I seem to know who the white-skinned bald head Lu An saw." Gu Mengmeng looked strange, took out the phone from the storage bracelet and started fiddling.

"Do you know who the bald head is? How is this possible? The members of the Black Butterfly team are always very mysterious, and they shouldn't be exposed." Samisha was taken aback when she heard this, a little unbelievable.

As far as she knows, the Black Butterfly Zodiac Department has never revealed its true identity, let alone the deputy leader of Scorpio.

How did Gu Mengmeng know?

"Oh, I only remembered it after hearing what Lu An said."

Gu Mengmeng took the mobile phone and tried to search for information, and said with two purposes: "I'm not sure, but a Buddhist disciple is a white-skinned bald head with an evil Dongzhou face, I probably have a little impression."

"This is what my grandfather said. It seems to have something to do with Mingjue Temple. Wait for me to look for it."

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