Resurrection Of Reiki: Undecided When Things Happen

Chapter 960 Mingjue's Past, Buddha's Bone Monument

"Mingjue Temple?"

Lu An frowned slightly when he heard the name, and couldn't help but climbed up to the Eagle Demon's back and plucked out a feather, ignoring its resentful eyes, holding the bird feather with two fingers and rubbing it lightly.

Mingjue Temple, he seems to have heard the name of this temple somewhere before.

But the time was too long, and this memory was buried in the deepest part of his consciousness, and he would not be able to remember it for a while.

But what is certain is that the name represents something extraordinary.

"Mingjue Temple, it should be your Tianxuan Buddhist sect, I seem to have heard of it before."

Like him, Samisha also had a slight impression of Mingjue Temple, but she bit her lip and thought about it for a long time, but she couldn't remember where she saw it.

It made her a little irritable.

"Well, it's one of the most prosperous Buddhist holy places in Tianxuan." Gu Mengmeng nodded and explained, carefully browsing through various news materials without blinking, trying to find relevant information that she had seen before.

"Mingjue Temple is as famous as Baifo Temple, Xihang Zen Land, and Jinfo Mountain. They are all regarded as the top Buddhist sects in Tianxuan, and they are very famous."

"Oh, I remembered."

Hearing Gu Mengmeng's explanation, Lu An suddenly woke up like a dream, as if some kind of shackles had been opened in his mind, and the long-term memories that were dusty and about to be forgotten immediately flooded into his brain.

He had indeed heard the name of Mingjue Temple, but it was before he crossed over.

How old is this memory.

It's all news from several years ago, and it has nothing to do with him, so it's no wonder I can't remember it.

Reaching out to pat his forehead, Lu An tried hard to recall the past memories.

Looking back now, this news is quite interesting. Five years ago, Mingjue Temple officially announced that it had become a half tourist attraction and openly recruited disciples from the outside world. At that time, it caused widespread heated discussions.

Mingjue Temple once became famous and became the first choice for many young people who love Buddhist culture.

It was also because they dared to be the first to openly snatch people as the first birds, which provoked Buddhist forces such as Baifo Temple to follow suit.

But these have nothing to do with him. He was only 13 years old at the time and was still in junior high school. These TV news were still too far away for him.

This memory was the first time he heard the name of Mingjue Temple, and it is still vivid when he thinks about it now.

In addition, he has also seen fragmentary information in other places, and the closest time is when he slaughtered the demon girl in Sufeng City.

At that time, he browsed through social platforms and saw a lot of related speculations, and nine out of ten mentioned Mingjue Temple.

With these fragmentary memories, it's no wonder I heard the name so familiar.

"I still can't remember."

Here Lu An remembered it, but Samisha was still thinking hard, and couldn't remember where she had heard about Mingjue Temple.

Unable to remember, Samisha simply didn't bother to waste her brain cells, so she went to Gu Mengmeng's side and put her shoulders on her shoulders to read the past news with her.

"Did you find it? If you didn't find it, I suggest calling the old man."

Seeing that Gu Mengmeng searched for a long time but couldn't find it, Lu An couldn't help but suggest that she change direction.

If the white-skinned bald head is really related to Mingjue Temple, then why did he become the deputy leader of the Black Butterfly Scorpio team?

There may be a mysterious past hidden in it.

He doesn't think that such a big event is put on the Internet in a grand manner, even if there is, it will mislead the public, so it's better to ask Gu Zhenshan.

Maybe we can learn the truth from him.

"You're right, don't look for it anymore! I'll ask grandpa directly!"

His words awakened the dreamer, and Gu Mengmeng was annoyed after searching for a long time but couldn't find it, so she grabbed her hair and turned off Qiandu, opened the address book and dialed Gu Zhenshan's phone number.

If she can't find it, then she can stop looking for it. She didn't want to disturb Grandpa's rest.


Tianxuan, Tianhai City.

In a bustling Gu village, a large group of Gu family children gathered to watch the individual competition, looking at the peerless demeanor of the contestants on both sides with fascination.

From time to time, he shouted for the tense and exciting situation on the court.

In Gu Zhuang's main house, in the huge underground secret room, Gu Zhenshan sat cross-legged, exhaling spiritual energy like a torrent.

There is a vision looming above his head, and there is a faint star palace that evolves and dies.

The majestic star palace contains the supreme and fierce sword intent, which seems to be able to move mountains and seas, and overwhelm rivers and crack the sky.

"Master, your dear granddaughter is calling!"

Just as he was meditating, the mobile phone placed on the table of the Eight Immortals suddenly rang with a unique ringtone that made people laugh.

Gu Zhenshan suddenly opened his eyes, and the vision and aura of the star palace collapsed one after another. Like a hungry tiger who hadn't seen food for a long time, he flashed over, carefully picked up the phone, and his tiger eyes widened.

After confirming that the caller was really Gu Mengmeng, she immediately grinned happily from the bottom of her heart, and answered the call without saying a word.

"Hey, is it Mengmeng? Why did you remember to call grandpa? Did you eat well over there?"

As soon as she opened her mouth, her granddaughter's true nature was revealed instantly, and she kept asking for warmth without leaving a word, and her expression was looking forward to Gu Mengmeng's response.

"Everything is fine here, Grandpa, you don't have to worry." Gu Mengmeng was already used to Gu Zhenshan's attitude, so she responded perfunctorily and got straight to the point: "Grandpa, I have something I want to ask you."

When Gu Zhenshan heard the words, a very smug Zhang Yang smile appeared on his face: "Mengmeng just ask, as long as Grandpa knows, I will tell you."

If Mengmeng asks him something, then he, the grandfather, must know everything. Even if he doesn't know, he should help to find out, and he must never let his granddaughter down.

"Grandpa is like this. Didn't you tell me before that Mingjue Temple has an evil white-skinned bald head? Can you tell me more?"

"Why do you ask this?"

Just as Gu Mengmeng opened her mouth, Gu Zhenshan on the other end of the phone, who had never thought about it, froze slightly, and immediately lowered her voice and asked in a low voice.

There was a rare seriousness in the words.

Gu Zhenshan's face was serious and serious, he never thought that Gu Mengmeng was looking for him because of this matter.

Decades have passed, Gu Mengmeng suddenly asked this matter, there must be a reason!

"Grandpa, the thing is like this..." Gu Mengmeng explained to Gu Zhenshan concisely, and finally whispered curiously: "Do you know him, tell us about it."

"Don't provoke him, that person is not as simple as he appears!"

Knowing that the white-skinned bald head has actually become the deputy leader of the Black Butterfly Scorpion team, Gu Zhenshan frowned and confessed in a deep voice, with a faint trepidation in his tone.

Facing Gu Mengmeng's urging questions, he finally revealed some information.

"It all started seventy-eight years ago. At that time, I visited Mingjue Temple to study, competed with their monks, and became friends with their chief senior brother." Gu Zhenshan's eyes showed nostalgia , I miss the time when I was young very much.

"Friend? Grandpa, why haven't I heard you say it?" Gu Mengmeng turned on the speakerphone and let Lu An listen to it together. Hearing this, he couldn't help interjecting.

Mingjue Temple! In terms of power theory, they are top-notch in Tianxuan Buddhism, and their Gu family is incomparable.

Grandpa actually knows people from Mingjue Temple Discipline Academy? Then why haven't I heard him talk about it before.

"There is nothing to say, because of an accident, he sacrificed." Thinking of the bad memories of the past, Gu Zhenshan closed his eyes heavily, and let out a heavy breath.

Even after all this time, he still couldn't let go of it.

"The reason why he sacrificed was related to the white-skinned bald head that the kid next to you saw! Not only my friend, but Mingjue Temple was almost destroyed because of him!"

Good guy, a shocking secret is really involved.

Hearing Gu Zhenshan's words, Lu An couldn't help being surprised.

What is Mingjue Temple, one of the most prosperous Buddhist sects in Tianxuan, such a top power, almost disappeared seventy years ago? !

If Gu Zhenshan hadn't said this, no one would have believed it. After all, there was no such thing in the news reports.

"Let's get down to business, that white-skinned bald head is indeed from Mingjue Temple, and I know him too." Gu Zhenshan leaned on the Eight Immortals table to recall the past, and told them eloquently.

"That guy's name is Mingkong. He is the same generation as the abbot of Mingjue Temple. He has no common name. He is an orphan picked up by the previous abbot. He has albinism, so his skin is so white. It is probably because of this reason that he was abandoned by his parents. of."

"I've met that guy many times when I went to the door to discuss. He's quite withdrawn. When others take the initiative to chat with him, he doesn't answer."

Gu Zhenshan said slowly: "But who would have thought that this guy is an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf, hiding evil intentions."

"Seventy-eight years ago, for his own selfish desire, he colluded with Ah San and Yinghua Buddhist Gate to sneak attack while the abbot of Mingjue Temple was in retreat, causing him to be seriously injured, and then went deep into the sacred place of Buddha's light in Mingjue Temple. The treasure of the temple."

"The old man doesn't know what the treasure of Mingjue Temple is. He only knows that this guy became full of evil after he came out and his strength increased greatly. He was seriously injured and his whereabouts are unknown.”

"The Buddhists from the two countries who colluded with him were also wiped out by the Bafang Buddhist sect who rushed to help. After this battle, Mingjue Temple's vitality was severely damaged, and it took several years to recover."

"I also lost contact with Mingjue Temple because of the death of the senior brother of the Discipline Academy. I didn't expect that after so many years, the white-eyed wolf is still stuck in the Banbu Jingu. I have to say it is because of karma." Zhenshan sneered repeatedly, feeling extremely at ease.

This is the fate of the white-eyed wolf. He remembered that Mingkong was much stronger than him after he obtained the treasure of the temple.

Looking at it now, on the contrary, he was the one who progressed to the Jingu first, while the white-eyed wolf was still stuck in the half-step Jingu.

Not only that, but the more you live, the more you go back, and you actually go to be a dog for a shady force like Hei Die!

How ridiculous!

Thinking of this, Gu Zhenshan couldn't help but want to bring two jugs of wine to comfort the spirit of his old friend.

"I didn't expect such a big thing to happen in your Tianxuan Mingjue Temple." After hearing the whole process, Samisha was slightly amazed.

Cherry Blossom Asan and the Buddhists of the two countries attacked Mingjue Temple together, which is equivalent to the top level of infighting in Buddhism.

That white-skinned and bald-headed man also had some skills, and he was able to unite them to attack Mingjue Temple.

"The benefits are touching. It is estimated that Mingjue Temple's town temple treasure is too tempting. That little boy can't stand the temptation."

Lu An shook his head in amazement.

The old abbot, who is as kind to him as a mountain and is equivalent to his father, can also be ruthless. Even a white-eyed wolf can't describe him.

According to what the old man said, if it wasn't for the previous abbot, this guy would have died young in all likelihood, how could he have a life of eating and drinking in Mingjue Temple.

"Did you listen to the old man? Don't mess with him!" Hearing the noise from the phone, Gu Zhenshan was immediately unhappy, and the lion-like resonant voice suddenly blurted out, shaking the three of them.

"That battle was not seen in the light, so the officials did not make it public. Instead, they found another excuse to fool the past by accident. As for the truth, everyone in the circle understands it."

"Their former abbot was attacked by Ming Kong, whom he regarded as his own son, and others at a critical moment, and he died not long after being disheartened."

"That guy Mingkong is very dark. According to my knowledge, not long after he disappeared, the Buddhist sects colluding with him in the two countries, Ah San and Yinghua, all spoke out, claiming that the treasure of their town sect was stolen by Mingkong, and demanded that Heaven Xuan gave an explanation, but in the end it was nothing."

"So! If the old man's guess is correct, he has at least three powerful Buddhist treasures in his hand! Don't treat him like an ordinary half-step god!"

Gu Zhenshan drank in a deep voice through the mobile phone, and his powerful voice was like a thunderstorm echoing in the three people's minds: "This matter must be handed over to the British authorities, or you can tell Elder Ming, or I will inform Mingjue Temple. You youngsters, don't overestimate your capabilities and join in the fun!"

"I know, I know, don't worry, old man."

Covering her ears, she signaled Gu Mengmeng to hang up the phone quickly. After she cut off the call in a hurry, Lu An breathed a sigh of relief and calmed down.

It's been a while since the old man's voice has gotten louder. It won't be a problem if he lives like this for hundreds of years.

But before he could rest for a few seconds, Gu Zhenshan called again.

After struggling for a moment, Gu Mengmeng cautiously clicked on the connect button.

Immediately, Xingshi's questioning words came from the other end of the phone: "Lu Xingzi, you encouraged Mengmeng to hang up the old man's phone, right! The old man hasn't finished talking yet!"

"Hey, how dare you, old man, you continue." Lu An didn't dare to confront his elders, so he smiled flatteringly to show that he was all ears.

"Since the white-eyed wolf is with you, and he came here just for you, I'll give you some news."

Gu Zhenshan cleared his throat and said, "I don't know the treasures of Mingjue Temple, but I have heard of Sakura and Ah San's."

"The piece that Ah San stole is a Buddha bone tablet, which contains countless Buddhist scriptures. As far as I know, two of them have effects. The perfect Buddha has unknown power."

"The cherry blossom piece is a wick cut. It seems to be able to develop Lingshan or something to suppress people, and it can also breathe out the Buddha's karmic fire to burn the sins of the world. Although there are elements of bluffing in it, its power cannot be underestimated. You should pay attention to avoid him way."

After finishing speaking, Gu Zhenshan didn't give them a chance to hang up the phone, so he hung up the phone first, sat at the Eight Immortals table and closed his eyes to meditate.

He was thinking about whether to tell Mingjue Temple about it.

Over the years, Mingjue Temple has never stopped looking for Mingkong to take back the treasure of the town temple, but because there has been no news about him, now there is news suddenly, I believe they will definitely be interested.

"Forget it, let's go there in person, and understand the grievances of the past."

There is one thing he didn't tell Gu Mengmeng, that is, he was also there when the Mingjue Temple incident happened, and the chief senior brother of the Discipline Academy died in front of him.

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