“I want information about that city on the Red Continent, the Holy Land of Mary Joy!!”

When Luo Xiu’s voice fell.

The vast backyard space fell silent again.

Whether it was Xia Qi, Alice, or Reilly, their eyes widened in shock.

Good moment.

“What are you talking about, Mary Joa, Rosho, what are you going to do? Don’t be impulsive! It’s hell out there!”

The girl Alice’s voice rose more than an octave.

When she caught the word ‘Mary Joa’, her little face turned white unconsciously, her eyes were red, and she was almost about to cry.

Even though Luo Xiu hasn’t explained in detail what he wants to do, Alice clearly knows-

Since he asked for information about Mary Joy, he definitely didn’t just look at it.

This time, he’s really going to do something big again!

It is several times or even ten times more terrifying than the Hive Island incident!

“Hey, Luo Xiu, are you serious? Mary Joy’s place is not a good place, even if you enter, there is a high probability that you will not be able to get out. ”

Reilly frowned, not without worry.

“Of course I know this, don’t worry, I won’t do something I’m not sure of, and I’m a fool to die for nothing. ”

Luo Xiu grinned confidently and motioned to everyone not to worry too much.


The girl Alice wanted to say something, but before she could speak, she was stopped by Xia Qi raising her hand.

“I see, I won’t ask you what you’re going to do, and you don’t have to tell me, I’m just giving you the information you want. ”

Xia Qi spoke calmly.

“Well, that couldn’t be better. ”

Luo Xiu nodded.

“So, what do you want to know about Mary Joa?”

Xia Qi asked.


Luo Xiu clenched his fists.

“I want to know everything about that city, from the structure to the layout, the distribution and function of each building, and which Draconians live in, as long as I have all the relevant information. ”

Listening to Luo Xiu’s request, Rao is Xia Qi couldn’t help but breathe.

The more information needed and the more detailed it is, the greater the things Luo Xiu has to do.

If this is done, it will definitely be an earth-shattering event.

It is several times or even dozens of times more serious than the previous Hive Island incident.

Just when Xia Qi was stunned, Luo Xiu continued to speak.

“In addition, I would like a list of the Draconians who are currently in Chambord, and it would be best to be able to record their basic personal information, hobbies, and bad deeds one by one. ”

Luo Xiudao.

After a moment of silence.

“Okay, I got it. ”

Xia Qi took a deep breath and nodded heavily.



‘Jingle Bell’

The sound of hammers pounding is incessant.

It was the sound of Lao Lei, a professional coater and carpenter, repairing the façade of the bar.

“Mr. Reilly”

Alice, who was in charge of helping Reilly, stole a glance inside the bar.

His expression was full of panic and fear.

“No one can stop what a man decides to do, and don’t worry too much, Alice, besides, he himself said that he would not die in vain. ”

Reilly smiled and comforted his disciple.

“But… That city is hell. ”

Alice lowered her head and whispered, her originally ruddy little face gradually pale.

“His words, absolutely fine, we just have to wait for the good news. ”

Reilly Road.


Alice responded absentmindedly.



Inside the bar house.

“Luo Xiu, that’s all I can find in a short time, if you can wait, I’ll help you collect some more. ”

Xia Qi said.

“Then please, then I leave it to you, then again, there are only three Celestial Dragons in Chambord now?”

Luo Xiu asked.


Xia Qi nodded, and pushed the information about the three Celestial Dragons to Luo Xiu.

Luo Xiu’s eyes swept away.

The first one is an old acquaintance.

The fat, pig-like, godless-eyed, and fool-like Draco is none other than the Draco Charross who was knocked down by Luffy the Straw Hat in the original plot.

The second after that is also the sister of Char Rose, who was stunned by Reilly’s Overlord color in the auction room, Charulia.

Even if he wanted to pretend that the Draco people were dignified and settled in Mary Joa, Luo Xiu didn’t want to become a fool like Char Rose.

As for Charulia, it is naturally pass.

“Well, the last one”

Luo Xiu opened the third document directly.

A photo of a blonde man was the first to come into Luo Xiu’s sight.

Although his appearance is too feminine, it is barely normal compared to other stupid Draconians.

Draco Salders!!

“Sure enough. ”

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Luo Xiu’s eyes were slightly cold, and there was a cold light in his eyes.

“Luo Xiu, do you know him?”

Xia Qi asked casually.

“With a little karma, it’s all right. ”

Luo Xiu grinned, even if he set a goal.

“Draco Saldes, even among the Draconians, he is an outlier, and he was also involved in the incident between you and the Navy two days ago. ”

Xia Qi said.

“I want to hear about it. ”

Luo Xiu said curiously.

“The two billion you extorted from the Navy are from this guy. ”

Xia Qi said.

“Oh, is this still a big wrong? Is he so kind?”

Luo Xiu was skeptical.

Of course not, the condition he put forward to the navy was to marry Vice Admiral Momoto Gion. ”

Xia Qi replied.


Luo Xiu raised his eyebrows, and the coldness on his face deepened a little.

“It seems that you have decided, then I won’t say anything more, about where he is now and the guards around him, I will help you investigate it clearly, and then send it over. ”

Xia Qi responded.

“Then please Sister Xia Qi. ”

Luo Xiu thanked him.

“Where, it’s business, isn’t it?”

Xia Qi squinted and smiled.


The tea in Luo Xiugang’s mouth spurted out in an instant.

“Ahem, Xia Qi, if you don’t say it, I almost forgot. ”

Luo Xiu seemed to have thought of something.


When it came to Qian Xiaqi, she was interested.

“You should have seen when I fought Reilly just now, my knife didn’t change form at one point. ”

Luo Xiudao.


Xia Qi nodded, looking curious.

is also quite interested in the changes in Luo Xiu’s iron broken teeth.

“Actually, the attack I hit in that form is a real diamond, and it should be worth the loss of your bar and the cost of these intelligence. ”

Luo Xiudao.

‘Jingle Bell’

At the moment when Luo Xiu’s words fell.

Outside the bar, there was a sudden clanging sound.

“Mr. Reilly, where are you going?”

The cry of the young girl Alice was heard.

“Xia Qi, you don’t plan to stop it, Reilly must have heard it and is ready to dig up diamonds. ”

Luo Xiu reminded with a smile.

“What’s the matter, let Reilly dig first, just save a lot of effort. ”

Xia Qi smiled.

“Hahaha, then whatever you want. ”

Luo Xiu didn’t get involved in the affairs of the old couple and wife, and instead devoted himself to reading the materials.

A whole afternoon.

Luo Xiu patiently went through all the information.

Radiance followed the leadership of the host Alice, and swept the shopping streets on the island to his heart’s content.

As for Reilly.

worked hard all afternoon to dig diamonds, but at the last moment, as expected, he was cut off by Xia Qi.

At the moment, he was drinking depressedly.

However, Luo Xiu was aware of the cunning beneath Reilly’s depression, as well as the needle-like substance hidden in the pocket of his shorts.

Six o’clock in the afternoon.

Alice and Radiance, who went out shopping, returned happily with large bags and small bags.

The dinner with Luo Xiu and Guanghui joining was still rich and lively.


Reilly made a random excuse to wander around and headed straight for the casino with the diamonds in his pocket.

Luo Xiu and Guanghui also said goodbye to Xia Qi and Alice briefly.

After that, we rode back to the hotel on Hotel Street 35.

Half an hour later.

Hotel Street arrived.

Luo Xiu got out of the car with the brilliance in his arms, looking at the lively hotel in front of him with people coming and going, and the brightly lit lively hotel, the corners of his mouth raised a slight arc.

“I haven’t looked for you yet, but you sent it to the door yourself, in that case, you’re welcome. ”

Luo Xiu grinned, his smile full of coldness.

“Commander, what’s wrong?”

Brilliant tilted his head in confusion.

“It’s nothing, it’s just that something might happen next, or I’ll send you to Alice’s side first, and I’ll pick you up when it’s taken care of here.” ”

Luo Xiu asked.


Radiance shook his head without hesitation.

“Where the commander is is where the glorious head is going. ”

“Haha, okay, let’s go. ”


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