Chambord Islands, Mangrove Island No. 35.

The bustling and lively hotel street is full of people.

Couples can be seen hugging each other and laughing everywhere.

For couples in love, the hotel is naturally the best place to stay tonight.

Tonight, however, the situation on the street is slightly different.

Between couples, there are quite a few single dogs wandering around and doing nothing.

Some are dressed in rags like beggars, some are rough like veteran pirates, and there are many itinerant small traders who shout and sell goods…

At first glance, there is nothing unusual about these people.

Blend almost perfectly into the atmosphere of this hotel street.

Ordinary people can’t even perceive the slightest thing wrong.

However, if you look closely at their every move, you will find that they have a lot in common.

Their footsteps were soft.

Their ears are sensitive.

They all had murderous in their eyes.

All of them are professional killers!!

“The target has appeared!”

“Roger, received, subject is not aware of the anomaly!”

“The target has returned to the hotel, please prepare accordingly. ”


When he saw a man and a woman on the bubble car, Luo Xiu and Guanghui appeared.

The lips of the professional killers of Hotel Street began to stir.

The sound was very faint, and it was soon overshadowed by the noise and noise of the street.

It’s a communication that only run-in trained killers can hear.

“Whew, it looks like I can breathe a sigh of relief for a while. ”

“What, it’s not a big deal to target this time!”

“It’s just a fool who can’t feel anything, and he deserves to be so solemn as Lord Saldes. ”

“yes, it’s too much of a fuss to gather all of us. ”

“But that’s also what Saint Saldes is all about, he’s a true wise man. ”

“It seems that we can close the stall early today. ”


Seeing Luo Xiu and Guanghui as defenseless as ordinary little couples, they returned to the hotel in a hurry.

The professionals in ambush on the street all have relaxed smiles on their faces, and they look like they are winning.

Inside the hotel, Luo Xiu walked side by side with Guanghui and walked straight to the empty elevator.

Along the way, the two talked and laughed, as if they didn’t notice anything.

The elevator starts.

There is not even a single stop on the way.

Head straight to the top suite.

It’s also natural.

After all, the hotel is now completely occupied by the people of Saldes.

In front of the elevator doors on each floor, there are also special personnel responsible for keeping an eye on them.

In order to be afraid that Luo Xiu would notice something strange and flee halfway.

But they were clearly overthinking.

Luo Xiu never had any intention of running away halfway.

After more than ten seconds, there was a soft ding.

The elevator doors on the top floor open.

“Commander, I’m really lucky today, even the elevator is direct. ”

There was a bright smile on the bright little face, rejoicing in this ‘little luck’.


Luo Xiu touched the glorious little head dotingly.


It originally belonged to the suite of Luo Xiu and Guanghui.

The blonde young man in a luxurious golden robe sat on a luxurious sofa with his legs crossed, the red wine glass in his right hand swaying gently, and his left hand beating a happy beat.

There was a conversation in the phone bug in front of him.

“Hahaha, what idiots, these two guys. ”

A thin, short, fourteen-year-old boy who looked no more than fourteen or fifteen years old sneered mercilessly.

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“This woman is really stupid and naïve, but from the moment they stepped into this hotel, no, this street, their words and deeds have been under our surveillance. ”

The tall little giant, more than five meters tall, grinned, and his face trembled with hideous flesh.

“I don’t know what kind of unbearable expressions they will have on their faces when they know all the truth, and know that they have fallen into a net that they will never be able to break free from. ”

A sickly smile appeared on the face of the unusually pale man with a row of tongue studs.

“It’s time to open the door for the main course, it’s going to be fun. ”

A pleasurable arc appeared on the feminine face of the Draco Man.


The door opened.

Immediately afterwards there was the footsteps of Luo Xiu and Guanghui.

Passing through the narrow entrance porch, the living room suddenly opened up.

Under the bright lights, the two sides met without surprise.

“Commander, they… Who are they, and why are they in our room?”

Looking at the Celestial Dragon Man Saldes on the sofa and the more than twenty heavily armed guards behind him, Guanghui Xiao’s face couldn’t help but show a little nervousness.

It was only then that she finally understood the meaning of Luo Xiu’s words not long ago.

Looking at the panicked look on Guanghui’s face, the people led by the Celestial Dragon Man Saldes all smiled proudly.

However, their smug smiles didn’t last long.

The next second.

“Don’t be afraid, Radiance, it’s just a school of miscellaneous fish, and your commander can suppress it with a flip of his hand. ”

Luo Xiu grinned and raised his hand to caress the glorious little head.

Between the words, self-confidence and domineering are fully displayed.

“Well, my family commander is the strongest. ”

The brilliance, who had always been convinced of Luo Xiu’s words, nodded firmly.

There was no initial panic on the fair-skinned pretty face, there was only trust and worship for Luo Xiu.

Listening to the communication between Luo Xiu and the light as if no one was there.

The smug smile on the corner of the Draco Saldes’ mouth was gone.

The three major sequences of senior guards and more than 20 other elite team members behind him were all stunned at first, and then their hearts invariably gave birth to a sense of rage.

Luo Xiu was not as frightened as they had expected in their hearts.

The words were full of frivolity and disdain.

Treating them like miscellaneous fish is simply the greatest insult to them.

It’s really arrogant.

So far, he has carried out dozens of similar missions with the Draco Man, Saldes.

This is the first time they have encountered a ‘hard stubble’ like Luo Xiu.

“Bastard, do you know what’s going on right now?”

The boy who was about fourteen or fifteen years old had a gloomy expression.

“You’re so good, I’d love to know where your confidence comes from. ”

The sickly man with his tongue sneered.

“It’s the first time we’ve met such an arrogant kid as you, and you actually say that we are miscellaneous fish? It’s such a big breath, I wonder if you can be so calm after we crush the bones of your body inch by inch?”

The tall little giant grinned cruelly.

“Gagaga, Lord Saldes, please order, I can’t wait to see his expression of despair and regret. ”

The fourteen or fifteen-year-old boy sneered.

A group of heavily armed elite guards shook with swords and armor around them, unleashing a terrifying killing intent.


The corners of the Draco Man’s mouth raised a cold arc.

“Put down all the knives, how many times have I told you, don’t expose your murderous aura at every turn, it will scare the important guests of this saint. ”

Salders reprimanded.

“Yes, Saldes St. ”

All the guards responded in order.

“Sardes the Draconian. ”

Luo Xiu spoke calmly.

“You know me?”

Saldes was slightly surprised.

“Ahh ”

At this moment, Luo Xiu was like a spray emperor possessed, pointing at the nose of the Tianlong man Saldes, and slashing his head and covering his face, he scolded sharply, and every sentence hit the point.

When Luo Xiu finished speaking, the world was quiet!!


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