“How the hell do you know, why do you know so much about my deployment? ”

When he heard Luo Xiu’s arrangement made his arrangement clear, the calmness and calmness on the face of the Tianlong man Saldes were no longer there.

All that came to mind was horror and disbelief.


Looking at Saldes’s gritted teeth and the incredulity on his face, the curvature of Luo Xiu’s mouth rose more and more.

“Who do you think I am?”

Luo Xiu’s expression was calm and indifferent, and his black hair was dancing wildly without wind.

“I’m the Fifth Emperor of the Sea!!”

Luo Xiu opened his mouth word by word.

As his words fell, the huge suite once again fell into absolute silence.

Whether it was the Celestial Dragon Saldes or the powerful guards, everyone’s eyes were staring at Luo Xiu without blinking.

All that remained on those faces was horror.

The Fifth Emperor of the Sea!

What a heavy title!

It was so heavy that just hearing it weighed them down.

Everyone knows that the most terrifying people on this sea are the four emperors of the sea.

They are synonymous with power and fear.

And it will be not so long ago.

The quota of the Emperor of the Sea has been increased by one again.

That’s the Five Emperors!!

So far, everything about the mysterious Five Emperors who created the terrifying Hive Island event –

His name, his appearance… Nothing is known, nothing is still blank.

Since the Hive Island incident, the whereabouts of the mysterious Five Emperors are unknown.

There was no more news about him.

It’s as if it has disappeared into thin air.


However, the people in the audience never imagined that the disappeared Five Emperors of Terror would now appear in front of them!!

Announce your identity to them in a high-profile manner!

The Fifth Emperor of the Sea has quietly come to the Chambord Islands!

This is simply earth-shattering news!

If it spreads, it will inevitably shock both Chambord and the Navy headquarters.

The dead silence in the room continued.


At one point, Sardes, the Draconian, swallowed a mouthful of saliva with difficulty.

“It turned out to be… Five Emperors! What are you kidding!”

Saldes’ voice rose more than an octave.

Compared to the shock that Luo Xiu had made out his detailed deployment before, the impact from the ‘Five Emperors’ at this moment was ten times more shocking, more than a hundred times.

He couldn’t believe it, and he couldn’t believe it.

If the man in front of him was really the mysterious Five Emperors, then the consequences would really be unimaginable.

All his meticulous planning and deployment are just a joke in the face of absolute strength.

For the ‘Five Emperors’ who once wiped out more than a thousand pirates in three minutes on Hive Island, the three hundred guards he brought with him were not even hors d’oeuvres.

So he, the man in front of him, must not be the Five Emperors!!


Sardes, the Celestial Dragon, burst into laughter like Shi Lezhi.

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“Don’t be funny, bastard boy, how can you be the Five Emperors? ”

Draco Saldes yelled with a hideous expression.

Although he said that he didn’t believe it, the fear on his face and the trembling of his body couldn’t be stopped.

Even if it’s only a 1 in 10,000 chance.

As long as this possibility remains, then he will not be completely at ease.

“Lord Saldes is right, don’t let this bastard fool him into talking to himself. ”

“He said that he was the Five Emperors, is it true?”

“Do you think we’re going to believe this outrageous lie?

The high-level guards of the three major sequence levels scolded sharply.

“That’s a good point!”

“How could he be the Five Emperors!”

“This must be just a bluff, impossible, absolutely impossible!”

“Besides, what if it’s the Five Emperors, we have a full 300 troops on our side!”

“Lord No. 13 and Lord No. 7 are all in a position that is not weaker than the vice admiral of the Navy Headquarters, even if he is really the Five Emperors, we may not necessarily lose!”

The guards in the house also cheered in unison.

In order to increase their own momentum.

“Come on, choose, this is the last chance this saint gives you, surrender or die?”

The five fingers of the Celestial Dragon Man’s Saldes grabbed his cheek with his right hand, looking crazy.

“In that case, I’ll give you two choices, do you want to have your limbs cut off and die, or just get punched. ”

The black hair in front of Luo Xiu’s forehead flew without wind.

A little crimson suddenly shone brightly.

Sea Overlord Locks Soul Template – Additional !!

Under the pressure of Luo Xiu’s flamboyant momentum, his heart was extremely uneasy and fearful for no reason.

In the past, he had always been the one who imposed fear on others, but today the order has been reversed.

“I’ve had enough, everybody go up and kill him. ”

Draco Saldes finally couldn’t help but scream.

“Gagaga, I can’t wait!!”

“This bastard boy, Lao Tzu is definitely going to crush him to ashes!”

“Regret it as much as you want, regret that you were born in this world!”

A young man who was about fourteen or fifteen years old, a rugged man more than five meters tall, and a sickly man with a tongue nail all smiled cruelly and blocked in front of Luo Xiu.


More than twenty heavily armed guards and armor shook together, forming a circle formation, firmly guarding the Celestial Dragon Man Saldes in the center.

At the same time, one of the two soldiers in charge of liaison took out a telephone bug, and the other took out a flare gun.

Send a signal to the guards hiding outside.

All of this happened in a matter of seconds.

It is true that the movements of the Celestial Dragons Saldes Escort are fast and fast enough.

However, it is still not as fast as the domineering spread!


In the enclosed suite, a strong wind swept and howled.

It was so powerful that it was almost a substantial, high-level overlord color domineering.

Since entering the door, Luo Xiu has been brewing and preparing. Finally, at this point—

Domineering ‘bomb’ – explode!

Boom Boom Boom !!


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