Under the impact of Luo Xiu’s high-grade overlord-colored bomb that suddenly swelled.

The movements of the Salders guards in the room all froze in unison.

Their bodies were immobilized by the dual oppression of their minds and bodies.


The shield clenched in the guard’s hand fell weakly.

Immediately afterward, the sound of weapons and shields falling to the ground suddenly came and went, one after another.


“…… Des”


The eyes of the more than twenty heavily armed guards rolled in unison.

Their consciousness had dissipated and vanished, and their lips were unconsciously opening and closing with the strong belief in Salders in their hearts.


Puff puff puff!

Following the first person, the rest of the people, except for Salders and the three powerful high-level sequence guards, all fell to the ground at this moment.

“Hey, what the hell are you doing?”

Seeing the people in charge of guarding him fall into a coma without warning, the Draco Saldes couldn’t help but shrink his pupils.

Under Luo Xiu’s ‘special’ care, although the Celestial Dragon Man Saldes could feel the invisible spiritual coercion, the domineering spirit did not fall directly on him.

This is the real reason why he is still conscious.

“You untouchable slaves, all of them are up to Ben Sheng! now is not the time to sleep, hurry up for me and kill that bastard!”

Sarros, the Dracoian, shouted angrily.

Under the influence of the fear of death, he finally had no strength to disguise, and completely exposed the arrogant nature of the Draco people engraved in his genes, and mercilessly punched and kicked the unconscious guards.

Treat them as the most despicable slaves, and call and beat them at will.

“Ahh ”

Luo Xiu shook his head, as if he was extremely disappointed.


The Celestial Dragon Man’s Saldes opened his frightened eyes, his gaze locked on Luo Xiu.

“What the hell did you do?”

“I’ve already said before, these miscellaneous fish guards of yours, I can suppress them with a flip of my hand. ”

Luo Xiu made a flipping motion.




Three loud bangs rang out in succession.

It was the three major sequences of high-level guards who were struggling to support under the domineering power of Luo Xiu, the form of the ghost god.

All three of them were once reservists of CP0, a secret spy organization for the world government.

They who failed to become CP0 were impressed by Saldes’ bearing and served for him.

Qualified to become the reserve of CP0, the strongest shield of the Draco people, their strength is naturally good.

Even able to confront the vice admirals of the Navy Headquarters.

However, even if they were as strong as them, under the pressure of the ghosts and gods of the sea overlord that Luo Xiu had exuded now, they still had no power to fight back.

Under the coercion of the mixture of high-level overlord color, ghost and god energy, and crazy will to destroy, their bodies did not obey the call at all, and they could not move.

At this moment, he fell to his knees with Luo Xiu’s wave of his hand.

“You… Who the hell are you?”

Seeing the image of the strongest guards he brought with him so vulnerable, the pupils of the Celestial Dragon Saldes shrank into a small dot, and his breathing and heart were almost at a standstill. ”

“I’ve already told you that I’m the Five Emperors. ”

Luo Xiu grinned.

“Five… He’s really… Five Emperors! This kind of thing… Why did you let me meet ahhhhh!!h

Looking at Luo Xiu, who was approaching step by step, Celestial Dragon Man Saldes sat on the ground and let out a hysterical scream of fear.

A 1 in 10,000 chance it will come true.

The uneasiness in his heart turned into reality.

The man in front of you—

The man he was eyeing and wanted to enjoy as a toy turned out to be the fifth emperor of the sea!!

He actually took the initiative to find one of the most terrifying people in this sea, and to… Die!

How unfortunate is this!!

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At this moment, all that was left in the heart of the Celestial Dragon Saldes was endless remorse.

I regret the mistake of thinking that day, why did you provoke this monster!!

“Salders… Adult”

The thirteenth boy gritted a bite of fangs, and his thin body swelled suddenly.

Crimson blood trickled between his teeth, looking hideous and bloody.


The tall little giant guard roared from his throat, his eyes bloodshot red.

On the surface of his body, hairs like steel needles gradually emerged, yellow and black, like the awakening of the king of beasts.

This is exactly his ability – the ability of the animal cat and the fruit and tiger form!


With a roar, the Tiger Giant and the No. 13 boy broke free from the realm of ghosts and gods that had been brewing for a long time in Kailuo Xiu, and rose up.

“Lord Salders!”

The two animal-based abilities shouted in unison and swung their claws at Luo Xiu.

“Close your eyes. ”

Luo Xiu spoke gently.

Nature said to the brilliance in the bosom.

“Yes, Commander. ”

With a look of fear on his face, he obediently responded and closed his eyes.

“Gagaga, whether you are the Fifth Emperor or what the Emperor, let me die now!”

Just as the attack of the two major animal powerhouses fell,

The light, which shone dozens of times brighter than the light of the chandelier, suddenly shone brightly.

It was the sharp light of the demon sword’s iron and broken teeth.

Although Locks, the overlord of the sea, is not a pure swordsman, he is the most basic thing to do with wielding a knife and killing people.

I heard only two dull ‘poofs’.

Bright sword light swept between their necks.

The two hideous heads suddenly rose to the sky, blood spurting and spilling, staining the ground red.

Bathed in the rain of blood, the corners of Luo Xiu’s mouth raised only madness.

He walked calmly towards the last of the senior sequence guards who were still kneeling.

“No… No…… Don’t kill me, I’m willing to swear to obey…”

Don’t wait for the sick man’s begging for mercy to fall.

The light of the demon knife’s iron shattered teeth flashed again, splitting its body from the middle, and blood and brains poured all over the ground.

So there was only one person left.

Luo Xiu, who seemed to be possessed by a killing god, fell on the Celestial Dragon Man Saldes.

Under Luo Xiu’s murderous gaze, the sluggish Celestial Dragon Man Saldes’s body shook violently for no reason.

“No… Don’t kill me, I’m the supreme Draconian. ”

Shrouded in the shadow of death, the Draco alien Saldes no longer regained the grace and calmness of his past.

Tears flowed down his face, and his lower body was uncontrollable.

“By the way, I still have a trick to do, the navy already knows about my here, and will soon send someone to escort me, if you let me go, I promise that I will never reveal the slightest secret about you, how about it?”

Saldes, the Celestial Dragon, who was desperate for survival, begged bitterly.

“Oh, the mouth of a dead man is the strongest. ”

Luo Xiu sneered.

“Don’t… If you dare to kill me, the government and the navy will never give up, Admiral… Admirals and CP0’s strongest will hunt you down to the ends of the earth, a curse you can’t get rid of for the rest of your life. ”

Unable to beg for mercy, the attitude of the Celestial Dragon Saldes changed again, and he threatened with resentment.

“Hehe, Admiral?cp0?If you’re not afraid of death, just come here, who do you think I am?”

Luo Xiu asked confidently and domineeringly.

Neither coercion nor temptation had any effect, and the Draco Saldes completely fell into the abyss called despair, and the cold breath of death completely covered his whole body.

However, in the next second, the changes that occurred in front of his eyes made the Celestial Dragon Saldes show an expression that was more terrifying than death.

“By the way, I forgot to tell you that even if I kill you here, the Admiral and CP0 won’t know, because…”

Luo Xiu, who had perfectly transformed into the Celestial Dragon Man Saldes, smiled slightly.


Hand up and knife down.

A human skull that could not be blinded until death fell to the ground.


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