The night of the full moon, the top of the Forbidden City.

A sword comes from the west, and immortals fly outside the sky.

There is no doubt that Ye Gucheng, the lord of Baiyun City, and the West Gate of Wanmei Villa, blowing snow, their sword realm is so high that it can be said that they are already based on the apex of swordsmen in the major martial arts worlds.

The sword god Ximen Blowing Snow and the Sword Immortal Ye Gucheng, the ultimate duel between the two of them and the top of the Forbidden City can also be called the best in the world.

The swordsmanship of Sword Immortal Leaf Lonely City is flawless and brilliant.

The sword of ‘Flying Immortals Outside the Sky’ is made by Ye Gucheng by gathering the charm of the Eight Immortals in the upper cave.

A sword is like a blue sky and white clouds, flawless and unblemished, and this move is high and hit.

The momentum of a sword attack is brilliant and fast, with a sword aura that is cold even to the bone marrow, and the edge of the sword is so terrifying that it cannot be resisted by human beings!

This sword has reached the realm of transformation, and the realm is close to immortal.

Compared with the flawless and immaculate sword of the Sword Immortal Ye Lonely City, the sword god Ximen Blowing Snow’s swordsmanship is sharper and sharper.

Falling flowers and blowing snow, swordsmanship is superb.

The edge of its sword shines all over the world, and can even move immortals, Buddhas, ghosts, and gods.

This is the sword of the sword god Simon Fuxue.

The sword god is different from the sword immortal, with the qi sword, it is not uncommon for the sword to kill people thousands of miles away.

But none of them are sword gods.

Because they all lack an arrogance, without which they cannot become sword gods.

With this arrogance, they can even treat their own lives as if they were a mustard.

Because they have already dedicated their lives to the Word they love.

Their word is the sword.

They neither seek immortals nor Buddhas, and the success or failure of fame and fortune in the world is not worth their attention, let alone their laughter

All they want is the honor and glory of their sword, which is eternal for them.

In order to reach this momentary peak, they can even sacrifice everything.

Whether it is a sword god or a sword immortal, they are all characters who stand at the top of the way of the sword.

Such a character, even if he comes to this pirate world, is still the top and most terrifying swordsman.

Even the world’s No. 1 swordsman, Hawkeye Mihawk, is half a point inferior in front of their kendo.

Although Ximen Fuxue and Ye Gucheng can’t come to the world of pirates, their swords and their ways have definitely arrived.

And it was inherited and integrated by Luo Xiu.

The reward for the SSS-level evaluation of the ‘Mary Joy’s Great Event’ mission is the two swords of the Sword God and the Sword Immortal.

The sword god Ximen blows the snow’s sword from the west!!

The Flying Immortals of the Sword Immortal Leaf Lonely City!!

As a newcomer to the world of pirates, Luo Xiu picked up the sword to fight and fight for less than a month.

It can be said that he knows nothing about the ‘sword’.

Relying on the system, he was able to cross the threshold of kendo and enter the hall step by step.

Roger’s creation of the Divine Avoidance caused Luo Xiu to experience a powerful slashing power.

The sword qi manipulation of the iron broken teeth and the counterattack of the wind wound made Luo Xiu realize the mystery of the sword qi.

Then there was the swordsmanship skill obtained not long ago, the Flying Imperial Sword Flow, which completely made Luo Xiu enter the hall on the way to the sword.

made up for his lack of speed and skill and became a swordsman in the true sense of the word.

But that’s not all.

Just like this, the gap between the sword heroes and the big sword heroes in this world is still unreasonable.

Because Luo Xiu knew that the most important ‘meaning’ was missing in his sword path.

In the previous duel with the samurai veteran star, he was defeated.

It’s not just about speed.

There is also a huge gap in the artistic conception of the sword.

Even if he has a powerful and exquisite swordsmanship, he does not have the most important artistic conception, just like a rootless duckweed, drifting.

Such a sword is very gorgeous against ordinary miscellaneous soldiers, but it is flashy.

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Once you meet a real sword hero or a great sword hero, it is full of flaws and will be easily broken.

As before.

Now, however, the situation is different, and change has taken place.

The sword god Ximen Blowing Snow and the sword fairy Ye Gucheng, the pinnacle of the ‘sword’ of these two people.

Countless exquisite sword intents are like flowing water, like Luo Xiu’s limbs and hundreds of remains, which he comprehends, masters, and comprehends.

At this moment.

He’s the Sword God!

He is also a sword fairy!

Obviously, he was just standing there, and the sharp edge emanating from Luo Xiu’s body was the dark clouds that had already caused the sky to crack.

“What the hell is this…”

Feeling the constantly high sword intent and sword momentum on Luo Xiu’s body.

The old samurai star, who was still calm and confident before, was shocked to a sluggish point again.

A samurai veteran who has been in the sword camp for dozens or hundreds of years, he is certainly one of the top swordsmen in the world.

It was in this way that he was able to feel the changes from Luo Xiu more clearly than others.

It was like a drastic change of metamorphosis and sublimation.

In the previous brief confrontation with Luo Xiu, he had already felt Luo Xiu’s sword.

It is true that whether it is the powerful slash that caught him off guard at the beginning, or the quick drawing of the knife in the back, it is very extraordinary.

But the samurai veteran never took it to heart.

Because he could feel that there was not a trace of ‘intent’ in Luo Xiu’s sword at all.

It’s just children waving around.

His contempt and disdain for Luo Xiu are also based on this.

But that’s no longer the case.

Feeling the constantly high-spirited sword intent on Luo Xiu’s body, how could he still regard him as a little ghost who didn’t understand the way of the sword?

This is clearly a real swordsman who has been immersed in the kendo for a long time, a great swordsman and even… Sword God !!

Such a ridiculous thought involuntarily appeared in the mind of the samurai old star, and his eyes, which were already wide open, widened even more.

“This kind of thing… How can it be…… It’s just a few breaths of time, how could it be possible to suddenly have such a huge sword intent. ”

His lips stirred, staccato openings, and his old face was full of shock and disbelief.

“Old man, five, let’s do it again now. ”

Luo Xiu stood ten meters in front of the warrior Lao Xing, and there was not the slightest change in emotion on his face, as if he was detached from the world.

“Impossible, how could a person comprehend such a terrifying sword path in an instant, could it be that you have been hiding your strength just now? Are you underestimating me?”

The bewildered samurai veteran thought of this possibility.

In an instant, the green tendons on his forehead skyrocketed, representing how angry he was in his heart at this moment.

Regarding the gratuitous brain supplement of the samurai old star, Luo Xiu naturally would not explain half a sentence.

The right hand landed once again on the hilt of the Iron Shattered Fang.

Swords have never been separated.

The sword intent of the sword god can naturally also be used on the sword.


In the crisp sound of the sword, the iron teeth came out of the sheath, and the horizontal sword pointed directly at the samurai old star.

The furious samurai old star came back to his senses.

Looking at the tip of the iron tooth, a drop of cold sweat unconsciously oozed from his forehead.

Obviously he was just pointed at with a knife.

But he was born with the illusion that he was being pointed at by the thousands of swords in the world.

Everything in this heaven and earth seems to have turned into Luo Xiu’s sword, which is like an arm and a finger for him.

This is the realm of the sword god Ximen Blowing Snow, and now it is also the realm of Luo Xiu.

Ten thousand, things, one, sword!!


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