A sword for everything

Everything can be a sword!

Everything can be cut with a sword!

This is Luo Xiu’s Sword God Realm!

Feeling the sword intent that made him stinging all over his body, the expression on the face of the warrior Lao Xing was a little hideous.

“Bastard little ghost, don’t underestimate the old man! How can the sword of a milky imp like you compare to the old man’s swift sword. ”

The old star of the samurai roared and roared at the same time, and finally attacked again.

The perfect combination of his own kendo and the Devil Fruit’s ability to increase speed limit.

It was as if the blow had transcended the limits of time and space, and had jumped out of the world.

But not absolutely.

Luo Xiu’s eyes saw the brief future.

Luo Xiu’s ears heard the ‘cry’ of the demon knife.

Luo Xiu’s sword intent caught the trajectory of this blow.

There are traces to follow, there are sounds to hear, even if the speed is extremely fast, it is still not invulnerable, and there are still flaws.

A Sword – West Come!!


There was a muffled sound.

It represents the sword piercing the human body.

A bloody streak appeared on Luo Xiu’s left cheek, and a few strands of hair fell down.

on this.

The samurai veteran star was not half proud.

His eyes bulged.

His mouth was wide open.

The expression on his old face was one of horror and pain.

Compared to the small damage he inflicted on Luo Xiu, this confrontation was obviously a defeat for him.

Because the tip of the demon knife in Luo Xiu’s hand had already penetrated his left shoulder.


The samurai old star took two steps back weakly.

A translucent knife cut appears on the shoulder.

The left hand drooped weakly.

His old face was full of incredulity, and he couldn’t accept the fact that he had been defeated by Luo Xiu’s sword, who he had previously regarded as a ‘layman’.

“Abominable, abominable, abominable”

The eyes and brain of the samurai old star trembled with anger and humiliation.

“Unforgivable, unforgivable”

His form vanished abruptly.

Almost regular super-god speed granted by the Devil Fruit’s ability is fully triggered.

“It’s just a little ghost, and it’s unforgivable to dare to humiliate me like this. ”

The voice of the samurai old star was ethereal.

Just like his body under the speed of action.

His shadow is everywhere between heaven and earth.

He seemed to be detached from this space, and he seemed to be everywhere.

“Hahahaha, bastard little ghost, how about now? To be able to force out the old man’s serious mode, you are still the first one in so many years, which is enough to be proud. ”

With the blessing of divine speed, the lost self-confidence of the samurai old star seems to have returned.

However, what made the samurai old star even more angry in his heart was-

Even if he has shown his best means.

It shows the extreme speed that only God can capture and crack.

The expression on Luo Xiu’s young face still didn’t change in the slightest.

Still so detached and independent!

Lonely, like snow!

After obtaining the artistic conception of the Sword God and the Sword Immortal, he also inherited their ‘loneliness’.

It’s absolute confidence in oneself and one’s sword.

No matter if the other party has a thousand spells, I have the confidence to break it with a sword.

“Bastard little ghost, how far do you want to underestimate me, forget it, I changed my mind, you better die now. ”

The samurai star’s mood turned from rage to coldness in an instant.

He wasn’t going to leave his hand in the slightest.

He’s going to put an end to it right here.


Suddenly, ten thousand sword lights lit up between heaven and earth.

It’s not an illusory afterimage.

It’s the true glow of sword energy.

In just an instant, three thousand six hundred brilliant sword rays burst out.

It is powerful enough to annihilate a small army.

“Let’s Die”

Accompanied by the words of the samurai old star, it fell.

Three thousand six hundred sword qi turned into a rain curtain that covered the sky and the sun, and shot towards Luo Xiu.

Luo Xiu raised his head calmly and calmly looked at the rain of intense sword qi.

He bent his knees slightly, leaping lightly.

The iron tooth in his hand went straight forward.

So the dense rain of sword qi broke through a straight path.

The artistic conception of the sword god and the sword fairy is added.

Luo Xiu’s kendo realm has reached its peak.

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The understanding of sword qi is far beyond the past.

Coupled with the sword qi manipulation characteristics of the Iron Shattering Fang, the three thousand six hundred sword qi of the warrior old star could no longer pose the slightest threat to him.

In a split second.

Luo Xiu walked through the rain of sword qi.

The sword intent around his body changed suddenly.

Transformed by a sword god sword immortal!!

Sword Immortal Sword –

Heaven, Outside, Flying, Immortal!!

Luo Xiu didn’t deliberately look for the location of the old warrior star.

He just slashed down from top to bottom, slashing obliquely, like a shocking lightning, like a long rainbow passing through the sky.

Luo Xiu’s man and the knife seem to have become one.

The light of the knife was like a flying rainbow, and it stabbed straight through.

The sword light was brilliant and swift, there was no change, not even the aftermath.

Melts the strength of the whole body, the color of the armament, and the color of the overlord into this blow.

There is no change, and sometimes it is the best change.

This blow was formed before the move was made, and God stayed after the move had been shot.

So that the rigid is the softest, and the same is the change.

No one can describe the brilliance and brilliance of this blow.

No one can describe the speed of the blow either.

It was not just a sword, but the wrath of the gods, a blow of lightning.


The samurai veteran let out a frightened and shocked scream.

There is no way to hide, there is no way to avoid it.

He also struck with a sword.

“Draw the knife – a flash of !!”

The sword drawing technique that represents the ultimate in the world of pirates and the flying immortal sword that Luo Xiuna seems to have come from outside the sky are staggered at this moment.


Luo Xiu’s right arm opened a deep wound that could be seen to the bone.


An arm holding a long knife soared into the sky.

It was the right arm of the samurai old star.

It has been broken shoulder-to-shoulder, and the incision is as smooth as a mirror.


Screams of grief and pain rang out again.

“Bastard little ghost, the old man and you are incompatible. ”

The last cruel words of the samurai old star faded away.

It’s just a blink of an eye.

The broken arm was gone before it could hit the ground.

At the same time, the samurai old star also disappeared.

The samurai veteran star, who has the fastest speed in the pirate world who is faster than Zhi Huang, wants to run, even if it is the current Luo Xiu, there is no way.

But this time, without the help of the power of soul templates such as Roger and Madara Uchiha.

Just relying on his own strength to repel the unfathomable Five Old Stars was already a leap forward for Luo Xiu.

“It’s really you, Luo Xiu. ”

Soul space, Roger, who watched the whole battle, couldn’t help but sigh.

“It’s really worthy of Shinraxiu. ”

Tiger’s gaze grew more and more frenzied.

“Is this the power of the sword?”

Rao is as arrogant as Madara, and after watching this world’s top kendo duel, he couldn’t help but be refreshed and muttered.

“Hey, Luo Xiu, what are you going to do next?”

Roger asked.

“What’s next”

Luo Xiu took a deep breath and bit the second immortal bean.


All the negative states accumulated from the previous battle with the samurai veteran star were eliminated, and the whole person returned to his peak state.

Luo Xiu looked around.

The sixteen water summoning array outlets arranged by him have been missing four at some point.

Under the moonlight, huge icicles stand tall in the sky.

“General Pheasant?”

Luo Xiuwu guessed to himself.

At the same time, look at the clouds in the distance.

From the beginning just now, he had been perceiving a gaze and a dangerous aura.

“The Great General Yellow Ape”

Luo Xiu muttered.

Suddenly, his complexion changed suddenly.

The danger he felt as a top sight in foresight of the future did not come from the Yellow Ape, but …

Luo Xiu turned around abruptly, and his gaze fell to the deepest part of Mary Joa.

It was a place deeper than the Void Throne—among the flowers.

“Finally noticed?”

Between the flowers, the slender figure wearing a crown and a cloak swaying to the ground raised a faint arc at the corners of his mouth.

“If a bug takes the initiative to fall into the net, then you don’t have to go!!”

Imu’s faint opening.


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