Boom Boom!

The earth shook violently.

It was as if thousands of troops were gathering and approaching.

And that’s exactly what happened.

In the past ten years, the zombie army accumulated and formed by Moonlight Moriah of the Seven Martial Seas-

Animal zombies, scary zombies, zombie soldiers, and zombie generals all move together at this moment.

The result is an eerie and spectacular picture.

Looking at the hideous zombies that emerged from all directions, Guanghui couldn’t help but get goosebumps.

But this time, she didn’t close her eyes in fear, but tried to overcome the fear of ghosts in her heart.


A scream of pain suddenly rang out from the field.

It was the Seven Martial Seas Moonlight Moria who was holding the head of his subordinate Absalom.

When he saw that one of his only three remaining subordinates had died.

Moria’s eyes were bloodshot.

The painful memories of more than ten years ago were revived, and they enveloped his whole body like a tidal wave.

On that day, it was the same scene.

In the face of the terrifying strength of the beast Kaido, they were originally high-spirited, and they were so vulnerable.

One by one, his companions died tragically at the hands of Kaido, and he could only watch.

Relying on the time that his partner bought for him, he fled in embarrassment.

It was only after that incident that Moria began to aggressively develop her own zombie army.

Because he knew that only an undead zombie would not let him suffer the pain of that day again.

Today, however, he once again tasted the pain of losing his partner.

How can this not make Moriah sad and indignant!

Anger stirred in Moria’s heart.

“Abominable, abominable, abominable”

Moria’s demonic eyes were bloodshot.

“Who is it? Who killed my men!”

Moria’s mournful roar like a night owl echoed through the dim sky.

“Would… How dare you kill Abu Salom… Kill my important men, whoever you are… Even if you flee to the ends of the earth… I will never let you go. ”

His gaze swept over the audience, and finally locked on the three Luo Xiu who were generous and standing calmly.

“Is that you? damnable…”

Moria’s angry words came to an abrupt end before they could fully fall.

The blood in those bloodshot eyes receded.

His demonic face full of anger stiffened, and the fury on his face froze.

What then came to mind was a deep shock and disbelief.

“You, you, you… You’re the Five Emperors kid!!”

Seeing Luo Xiu’s appearance clearly through the faint moonlight, Moria’s demonic eyes suddenly widened.

He had only seen the four billion emperor-level bounty order and the Mary Joya event, how could he not recognize Luo Xiu’s appearance.


He was also wantonly mocking the incompetence of the world government and questioning Luo Xiu’s qualifications as the Five Emperors.

However, who would have thought.

It didn’t take long.

The Lord has already called on the door.

The Five Emperors, who had just created the earth-shattering Mary Joy event the night before, had now come to his territory.

He even killed his important subordinates.

“Mistress Moria”

At this moment, the three strange men with their torsos like a balloon, the genius surgeon Hogubak screamed.

“Lord Moria, what the hell is going on, what is going on with that terrifying aura before?”

Three weirdos, Princess Mononoke Perona, float in.

A cute little face still has a deep horror and incomprehension.

For the doubts of his subordinates.

Moria did not answer.

From beginning to end, his eyes were just locked on Luo Xiu.

“It’s… Abu Salom… That lion man is dead! Who did it!”

Princess Mononoke Perona screamed in fright when she saw Absalom’s head and body.

“Can anyone tell me what’s going on here?”

Dr. Hogubak screamed in horror as he looked around at the stumbling signs of battle.

“Five Emperors Luo Xiu !!”

Moria’s uncontrollable roar resumed.

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“Five Emperors?”

Dr. Hogubak was stunned.

“Luo Xiu!”

Princess Mononoke Perona stiffened and fell straight to the ground.

Their gaze followed Moria’s gaze.

I had to see the three of Luo Xiu standing calmly more than 100 meters away.

Hogubak and Perona felt their heads thump.

“He, he, he… He is the Fifth Emperor of the Sea! Fifth Emperor Luo Xiu !!.”

Hogubak pointed at Luo Xiu with trembling hands, and for a moment he was frightened and couldn’t even speak.

“Wow, ahhhh

The girl’s screams rang out.

“Why is this? Why did the Emperor of the Sea come to us!”

The terrified Princess Mononoke Perona screamed.

“Shut up, Hogubak, Perona. ”

Moriah let out a furious roar.

Both Ling’s Hogubak and Perona subconsciously raised their hands to cover their mouths.

“It’s just a fake Five Emperors! I’ve never recognized his qualifications as the Emperor of the Sea!”

Moria’s intriguing opening.

“False? ”

Luo Xiu took a step forward.


The overlord color mixed with the aura of the sea overlord Locks ghost rushed out in an instant.

The hustle and bustle of the zombie hordes fell into absolute silence for a moment.

Once again, I felt the terrifying aura from Luo Xiu’s body up close.

Moria’s pupils fluttered with fear.

Immediately afterwards, the fat body like a flaming onion also shook unconsciously.

An emotion called fear surged like a tidal wave and took over his whole body.

At this moment.

In front of Luo Xiu.

He was dignified in the Seven Martial Seas, and he couldn’t even give birth to the slightest idea of confrontation.

This kind of power, even the Four Emperors and Hundred Beasts Kaido can’t match the slightest.

“What kind of monster are you!”

Moria gritted her fangs, and wisps of blood trickled from the corners of her mouth.

“Lord Moria, we… Let’s run. ”

Hogubak said tremblingly.

“He’s the Emperor of the Sea! We have no chance of winning against such a monster!”

Princess Mononoke Perona’s little face was as pale as paper, and her heart was already terrified.

“Shut up, shut up, shut up”

Moria, who has always treated Perona as her own daughter, is angry like she is out of control at this time.

“What if it’s the Five Emperors? Lao Tzu used to be able to compete with the Hundred Beasts Kaido, Moonlight Moria!”

Moriah yelled, building up her faith in herself.

“All the zombie soldiers, give it to me, kill them. ”

Moria took a deep breath and shouted the order to all the zombies to attack.



Under Moria’s instructions.

More than 700 zombies gathered from all directions screamed in unison and launched a suicidal charge towards Luo Xiu and the others.

“Stubborn. ”

Luo Xiu took a step calmly.


Sister R Medusa took a big step and stood in front of Luo Xiu.

“Leave it to me. ”

Medusa said confidently and firmly.

Between the raised hands, the golden reins that exude special and strange power manifest out of thin air between their slender hands.

It was the strongest attack that belonged to the Servant Medusa.

Treasure of the Enemy – Reins of the Riding Hero!!

“Just let it go. ”

Luo Xiu waved his hand.



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