Under the dim sky, a little golden light suddenly shone brightly, and it was particularly dazzling.

The nameless chain short sword turned into a point of light and dissipated.

Instead of Medusa’s hand was a brilliant golden rope.

This is the treasure that the former goddess Medusa was summoned out of as a servant.

The name of the military treasure is the reins of the horseman!!

Brilliant streamers emerge from the golden reins, dazzling and dazzling.


A little white light exploded.

A blinding light pierced the dim skies of the Devil’s Triangle.

‘Da Da’

Like the galloping footsteps of a war horse, it suddenly came from the sky.


Brilliant looked up blankly.

A pair of beautiful blue eyes gradually widened with shock.

Because the sound of horses’ hooves was made by Pegasus trampling the sky.

It was a group of all-day horses with wings on their backs.

Fantasy Pegasus – Pegasus.

With the movement of the four hooves, time seems to flow, taking it across the distant period of the gods and coming to the present world.

Medusa touched the ground on tiptoe, and her body jumped up with a light leap, landing firmly on Pegasus’s back.

This moment.

Man and horse are one.

Because this Pegasus was born from Medusa’s own blood.

‘Sigh Rule’

In mid-air, pure white Pegasi neighed.

Looking at the army of Moria zombies below, he was not angry.

“Momomo… Moria-sama! Is that a goddess?”

Looking at the goddess and Pegasus who emerged from the myth, Princess Perona was so shocked that she couldn’t even speak.

“Whatever she is, my zombie army, up, tear them to shreds. ”

Moria’s demonic eyes flashed with cruelty.

The Shadow Fruit’s control is upgraded, forcibly suppressing the consciousness of the zombie shadows, turning them into zombie weapons that only know how to fight.

The tremors of the earth intensified.

The zombie soldiers who had lost their sense of self desperately charged Luo Xiu, who was dozens of meters away.


The Pegasi and the goddess in mid-air finally made a move.

The Pegasus, who was ready to charge, stepped out in one step, and his speed increased sharply.

‘Boom Boom’

The sound of sonic booms exploded one after another.

It was as if a pure white comet crossed between heaven and earth.

In a blink of an eye.

The pure white comet with a terrifying impact descended.

is only one man and one horse, but its power is not lost to thousands of troops.

The brightest white light exploded at this moment, sweeping the audience.

Heaven and earth are silent!!

The more than 100 zombie soldiers who rushed to the front were all full of horror and their mouths were wide open.

However, he didn’t even make a sound, and he turned into powder under the extreme impact and dissipated between heaven and earth.

Boom Rumble!!

After a brief silence, an incomparable roar of terror resounded through the sky and the sea.

The entire huge island ship trembled violently at this moment.

Terrible fissures spread around the cemetery.

A terrifying white shockwave spread out into the sea.

As a result, the calm sea stirred up a thousand waves.

I don’t know how long it has been.

The vibration of the island ship gradually slowed down.

The roar that lingered in people’s ears faded.

The battlefield of the island ship graveyard is in ruins.

Almost pierced through the deep pit of the island ship.

Medusa, like a Valkyrie, rode a pure white horse, standing proudly.

There was not a single zombie soldier standing in front of her.

Except for the three hundred zombie soldiers who directly disintegrated and died under the impact.

The rest of the zombie soldiers were also in tatters.

Compared to the rout of the zombie army.

What frightened Moria, Hogubak and others even more was the destructive power of Medusa’s blow.

The terrifying attack that almost pierced the huge island ship was like the Four Emperors.

By the side of the Fifth Emperor of the Sea, there was actually another Great Battle Power of the Great Sea Emperor.

How terrible is that!!

If Moria still had the confidence to break his wrist with the Five Emperors with the zombie army just now.

Well now.

After seeing how powerful Medusa is.

All that was left in his heart was fear.

In this world.

No one person could resist the combined forces of two of the sea’s best forces at the same time.

‘Da Da’

Just when the three of Moria were terrified.

The clatter of horses’ hooves resumed.

It was a pure daytime horse carrying the goddess on horseback in triumph.

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There are still about three meters away from Luo Xiu and Guanghui.

The pure white horse suddenly turned into a white point of light and dissipated.

Medusa’s pointe of toe landed on the ground.

Looking at the two partners in front of him, a rare smile appeared on the pretty face that had always been cold.

“Good work. ”

Luo Xiu responded with a smile.

“That’s amazing!”

The bright eyes are full of adoring little stars.

“Sure enough, Sister Medusa is so powerful, it’s just me… Not true”

A hint of loss appeared on the bright and fair pretty face.

However, only for a moment.

Radiance shook his head suddenly.

Since being summoned by Luo Xiu.

Because of Luo Xiu’s protection, she has never fought.

The overly comfortable life even made her forget who she was.

She’s a Tejas class aircraft carrier.

It is a real weapon of war.

How can you always be a beautiful vase?

“I’m also… I will definitely be able to help the commander. ”

Radiance nodded firmly.

Eyes swept over the battlefield.

Under the ravages of Medusa’s strongest trick, Moria’s zombie army has been defeated.

But not all zombie soldiers disintegrate and die.

In the barren clearing, there are still many zombies struggling.

As long as the body is not destroyed, zombies will not die.

“Commander, Sister Medusa, leave the rest of the zombies to me. ”

Glorious and earnest way.

Hearing this, Medusa and Luo Xiu glanced at each other and nodded.

The brilliance of trusting power took two steps forward.

Shrinking air-carrier outfits emerge.

Radiant bare hand with a flick of the hand.

One after another, the Swift fighter jets glided out of the nullasia deck.

When you have to jump off the runway, you will suddenly rise against the storm and return to its original size.

‘Da Da Da’

‘Boom Boom’


A powerful network of bullets, missiles, and lasers rained down on the surviving zombie soldiers.

The powerful firepower weapon that was originally used for monsters of tens of meters is naturally more than enough to deal with zombies at the moment.

Under the glorious missile washing.

The island ship, which had already suffered heavy damage, shook more and more violently.

It seems as if it could disintegrate at any moment.

Look at the exploding flowers that explode in front of you.

Luo Xiu’s eyelids couldn’t help jumping slightly, and he hurriedly stepped forward to stop the increasingly excited brilliance.

“Alright, Radiance, there are no more zombies, so let’s stop here. ”

Luo Xiu had a slight headache.

If the ship were to be sunk, it would be a real loss.

After all, his check-in is not complete yet.

Under Luo Xiu’s reminder, the brilliance immersed in the art of explosion finally came back to his senses.

Thoughts move slightly.

The Swift fighters hovering in mid-air all returned.

The terrifying three-masted galleons that have been subjected to missiles and rays are no longer gloomy.

In its place, there was just a scorched earth.

After the offensive of Medusa and Radiance.

The zombie army that Moriah had spent ten years building was completely destroyed.

There are only two people left alive on the charred ground.

One is the Seven Martial Sea-level Moonlight Moria.

The other is Princess Mononoke Perona.

After eating the Spirit Fruit, she has the ability to go out of her body.

It is Perona’s soul that is here now.

As for her true body, she is still sleeping somewhere in the castle.

The radiant missile washed the ground in a wide range, but it did not have the slightest effect on Perona in the spirit state.

“Lord Moria, let’s run, they… They’re all monsters! We’re not going to win!”

The spirit state Perona let out a terrified cry that bordered on collapse.

Moria was unaware of this.

He was covered in blood, his arms, and his belly were all charred black, and he looked so embarrassed.

The demon’s eyes were even more glazed.

“Absalom is dead, Khogubaq is dead, my zombie army is gone, and ten years of hard work are in vain!

Moriah murmured.

In the end, the voice suddenly rose even higher.

“It’s all your fault!Unforgivable!I’m going to kill you!”

Moriah let out a hoarse roar.


His big hand slammed into the ground, shaking the ground.

“Shadow, Child, Set, Combination, Place!!”


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