“What are you kidding!!”

I have always looked down on others, and now I am looked down on by others.

The order is reversed.

Realizing this, the anger in Klockdahl’s heart finally exploded in full force, and his squinted eyes were cold.

He spread out his palm, and a small salon roll appeared out of thin air in his palm.


The latter of Klockdahl’s smug Shalan’s tricks came to an abrupt halt before he could exit them.

Because the tall and cold girl beside Luo Xiu opened her eyes.

MONOCULUS kill, launch!

In the dark, a large blood-red eye seemed to open in mid-air, unleashing a terrifying force enough to petrify.

Under the oppression of the Petrified Eye.

Klockdahl’s back snapped.

The small tornado in the palm of your hand dissipated.

The whole person was in a state of stiffness.

“Younger people in this world, don’t do anything bad when others are drinking, the wine will become unpleasant. ”

The Ronin swordsman, the frost moon and the dragon horse, opened his mouth casually.


Klockdahl’s gaze shifts from Medusa to Ryoma.

Immediately, I couldn’t help but be shocked again.

Just one Five Emperor Luo Xiu was terrifying enough.

I never thought that the people around him were all so terrible.

The sword man who had always had his back to him, one of the sharpness that even the sky could pierce from him, was not even below that hawk-eyed mihawk.

In terms of swordsmanship, it is comparable to the existence of the world’s number one swordsman.

It’s unheard of!

When did such a great swordsman appear in this sea?

“Your Excellency Luo Xiu, what should you do next?

Ryoma asked calmly.

“There’s no hurry, this guy might be useful in keeping it. ”

Luo Xiu smiled slightly.

The right hand was raised, brushing it over Medusa’s hair.


Medusa’s cold and pretty face flew a red cloud.

“Leave it to me. ”

Luo Xiudao.

“Yes, Master. ”

Medusa responds deftly.

Petrified MONOCULUS converges.

Klockdahl’s body was also freed from the restraints and no longer heavy.

However, before Klockdahl could breathe a sigh of relief.

The next second.

Something even more terrible happened.

A terrifying coercion that was twice as heavy as the pressure of Medusa’s petrified eye had descended, leaving his body almost immobile.

“Five Emperor Luo Xiu, what exactly do you want to do?”

Klockdahl endured the double burden of body and mind, and asked in a deep voice.

“Crocodall, to be honest, I’m not interested in what you’re planning right now. ”

Luo Xiu spoke calmly.

“You… You know what I’m doing?”

Klockdahl was shocked.

“Isn’t it the ancient weapon Hades, which has the power to destroy the world, but in my opinion, it’s just a warship. ”

Luo Xiu said with disdain on his face.

“You’re really… Know. ”

When he heard Luo Xiu say the ancient weapon Hades, Klokdal really panicked.

“Compared to the Hades, I am now planning another major event, if I succeed, I will be able to get weapons that are several times or dozens of times stronger than the Hades in the future!

Luo Xiu smiled and invited.

Anyway, Klockdahl is a good fighter.

It would be nice if I could be obedient.

“You… Turns out that’s what you’re really for. ”

Klockdahl’s eyes narrowed.

For him, who has always been arrogant and conceited, being someone else’s subordinate is simply his greatest humiliation.

However, on the other hand.

Intuition told him that even if it was on his home turf, in the face of Luo Xiu’s party full of monsters, the chance of winning was almost zero.

In Alabastan for more than ten years of obscurity, he is not in order to one day find Hades to dominate the world.

Before he accomplished this goal, he didn’t want to die, he didn’t want to die like this.

On one side is their own dignity.

On one side is his own life.

For a moment, Klockdahl was in a dilemma.

“What if… If it’s cooperation…”

Klockdahl seemed to have thought of something to do both.

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But he didn’t wait to speak.

The smile on Luo Xiu’s face suddenly retracted.

“It’s too slow. ”


With Luo Xiu’s words fell.

The unparalleled immensity of power descends.

It’s several times more powerful than before.

It was as if the weight of the whole world had fallen on him.

Even if he was as powerful as him, the weight of this level was already beyond his limit.


In just an instant, Klockdar, who was a powerful Seven Martial Sea, fell to his knees under the pressure of that vast force.

However, at this moment, Klokdahl seemed to be unaware of the fact that he knelt in humiliation in front of others.

Because he realized something that shocked him even more.

This terrifying weight that even he couldn’t resist at all was not a Devil Fruit ability, but an overlord color domineering!!

“Could this be overlord-colored… Domineering !!”

The expression on Klockdahl’s face was hideous, his teeth clenched, and wisps of blood seeped out, contrasting sharply with his white teeth.

“But… How could there be such a terrifying overlord in the world! What a monster this is?”

The emotion called shock occupied all of his mind.

Klockdahl, who had a high level of self-esteem, even ignored the humiliation of getting down on his knees at this moment.

“I can’t move even if I’m oppressed by momentum alone, this level of overlord color is simply unheard of…”

“No… Wait, this feeling… It seems to have happened before…”

“The power over all things, to whom all things are loyal … The top layer of the overlord color domineering and even awakened… One Piece Roger’s Overlord !!”

For a moment, Klockdahl’s mind was full of thoughts, and he finally remembered the source of this inexplicable sense of familiarity.

It was more than twenty years ago, when the former One Piece King Gore D Roger was active.

He had felt from afar a certain kind of domineering aura that emanated from Roger’s body that influenced and even dominated nature.


Completely in a state of shock, Klockdahl threw himself to the ground, and his body was pressed to the floor of the hall.

There was an eerie dead silence in the casino lobby.

Luo Xiu stood calmly with his hands in his hands.

In front of him, the powerful Seven Martial Seas Klokdal threw himself to the ground.

“Sand crocodile, haven’t you had enough?”

I don’t know how long it has been.

Luo Xiu’s calm rhetorical question broke the dead silence in the field.


Under Rosho’s reminder, Klockdahl realized that something was wrong.

The terrifying aura that weighed him down and almost breathed was gone?

Luo Xiu took the initiative to take back the monster-like overlord color!

His body is now easier than ever!



Crocodall, who remained in a humiliated state, suddenly elementalized and retreated violently.

“Well, Commander, he’s going to run away. ”

Brilliant and coquettish.

“It’s okay, he can’t run. ”

Luo Xiu smiled, and his words were full of confidence.

At the same time as Luo Xiu’s words fell, Klockdahl’s body retreated violently.

Dozens of meters away from Luo Xiu.

After the initial shock, all that remained in his eyes was anger.

Feeling Klockdahl’s angry gaze, the smile on Rosho’s face grew brighter.

“Haven’t you figured it out yet? It seems that the dismount is still not enough!”

Luo Xiu took a step forward as he spoke.


Instinctively, Klockdahl, who sensed that something was wrong, hurriedly retreated more than ten meters again.

“What are you panicking about, I didn’t do anything. ”

Luo Xiu’s innocent hands.

“Five Emperor Luo Xiu, you…”

Before Klockdahl finished speaking, he saw Luo Xiu pointing behind him.

“Be careful. ”

Luo Xiu kindly reminded.

Klockdahl turned his head in confusion.

A white ghost silently appeared behind him, staring at him wide-eyed.

“What the hell!”

Klockdahl’s arm turned into a sharp greatsword and slashed towards the white ghost.

However, for disembodied ghosts, physical attacks naturally have no effect.

The white ghost snickered and walked straight through his body.

Suddenly, Klocodahl’s body stiffened.

What happens when a sand crocodile with a high self-esteem encounters a negative ghost?

In the next second, the answer is revealed!


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