A formless, massless white ghost passed through Klockdahl.

As a result, the anger and shock on the face of the sand crocodile froze.

The next second.

Under the unexpected, surprised gaze of the three of Guanghui, Medusa, and Ryoma.

The arrogant and conceited sand crocodile is on his knees again!

“I’m so sorry! I’m really sorry I was born in this world!”

With his hands on the ground and his head lowered, Klockdahl’s mood changed one hundred and eighty degrees.

He was originally arrogant, conceited, and had a very high self-esteem, but now he is unusually negative.

This is the power of the Bug-level Spirit Fruit in the Pirate World.

Even if it’s a strong man like Klockdahl.

Without the slightest defense, being pierced by the ghost of negativity, there is only a kneel confession.

This is the second hand that Luo Xiu used to polish the arrogant sand crocodile.

“It’s amazing, Pepe-chan, is this what you’re capable of?

Radiance looked at Perona and praised enthusiastically.

“No… Nope. ”

Perona clutched at the corner of her dress.

Although the performance is still scared, it is not as distant as it was at the beginning.

“Abominable !!”

Without waiting for the brilliance to inquire further.

Suddenly, there was a loud shout full of anger.

It was the roar of Klockdahl, who had retreated from his negative state.

For Klockdahl, who had a high level of self-esteem, those fifteen seconds had been a nightmare.


Aware of Klockdahl’s fierce gaze.

Perona was startled, and her hands shook suddenly.

Two other negative ghosts, hidden under the floor, appeared, and once again passed through Klockdahl’s body.



The haughty sand crocodile fell into a negative state again and knelt down.

“I’m sorry! I’m like a worm yelling at the cute little girl… No, it’s not even as good as bugs. ”

The negative version of Klockdahl once again begins fifteen seconds of self-blackening.

Fifteen seconds later.

The negative state retreats.

Klockdahl’s brow furrowed in anger.

The ghost of negativity, which is always ready, passes through again.


Klockdahl kneels!

Then came the fourth, then the fifth.

Eight times later.

Klockdahl is self-defeating.

Luo Xiu was also a little unbearable to look at it directly.

“Alright, Perona, that’s all for today, you’re doing well. ”

Luo Xiu shouted to stop.

“It’s… Yes, Lord Rosho. ”

Perona replied weakly.

On the surface, he was still afraid, but in his heart he unconsciously gave birth to some joy, because of a casual compliment from Luo Xiu.

This is exactly what is typical of Stockholm.

The other side.

There is no negative ghost going back and forth, going in and out.

Klockdahl finally recovered from the two-minute blackout.

So far.

He had nothing to say.

The humiliation he had endured before was worse than death.

“How’s it going? Klockdahl, aren’t you going to surrender yet?”

Luo Xiu smiled.

“Bastard, did you think you could be kind enough to do this to me?”

As Klockdahl let out a loud cry, the elementalized form of his body shot out.

Even if he knew that Luo Xiu was not simple and his strength was far above him, he still rushed out without hesitation.

Uncle bearable!

Auntie can’t bear it either!


The sound of the handover of gold and iron echoed through the casino halls.

The elementalized Klockdahl is intertwined with Rosho, who is always motionless.

“Goha, you actually underestimate me, you really deserve it, do you really think that I’m crookdale made of mud?”

Klockdahl smiled treacherously.

Purple liquid flowed from the gold hook in his hand, dripping to the ground, corroding the ground into a large pit.

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“Poisoned by me, you’ve been…”

Klockdahl confidently turned to speak, but it came to an abrupt halt in the middle of his sentence.

Because Klockdahl was shocked to find that his previous poison hook blow failed to pierce Luo Xiu’s skin?

Not even a trace was left.

“No, even if you’re not hurt, my poison does come out, and even if it’s just on your skin, it will rot your flesh. ”

Klockdahl was shocked.

“Is that what you’re talking about?”

Luo Xiu spread out his palm, revealing a small pool of purple venom in his palm.

The terrifying toxin that could corrode the earth was like a good baby in Luo Xiu’s hands, and he didn’t dare to be a demon at all.

Just as Klockdahl was dumbfounded, the next second, something even more terrifying happened.

Luo Xiu raised his hand to throw up the highly poisonous liquid, then opened his mouth to catch it and swallowed it in one gulp.

At this moment, not only Klocodahl, but also Guanghui, Medusa, Perona and Ryoma, who were watching the battle, were all stunned.

After the sluggishness, there is panic.

“Commander, what are you doing here? That liquid is highly toxic. ”

Bright and anxious tears flowed out.

“Don’t panic, Master’s words will be fine. ”

Medusa patted the glorious back and spoke confidently and firmly.

The truth is just as Medusa said.

After eating the absolute, Luo Xiu burped.

There is nothing unusual at all, and it is still alive and kicking.

This discovery also made Guanghui and others completely relieved.

“You can’t do this poison. ”

Luo Xiu opened his mouth playfully.

For the Liuku Immortal Thief who devoured everything, the scorpion venom that Klockdahl was proud of was naturally not a problem at all.

Even if it is highly poisonous, the Liuku Immortal Thief can decompose it into the corresponding harmless energy to nourish Luo Xiu’s body.

Of course, Klockdahl didn’t know the magical power of the Liuku Immortal Thief.

Listening to Luo Xiu’s comments at this moment, the green tendons on his forehead seemed to be dancing.

Killing him also doesn’t believe that anyone in this world can swallow his poison without any reaction.

It must have been dropped halfway!

That’s right!

It must be so!

Crocodale secretly hardened his conjecture, trying to keep himself from this terrible fact.

The next moment.

“Desert Greatsword”

Klockdahl let out a roar and went on the offensive again.

A great sword of sand suddenly rushed out of the ground, stabbing Luo Xiu in the abdomen.

“Desert Sword”

Following the greatsword, Klockdahl followed up with the third move.

The desert sword that had previously struck Dashbonis reappeared, slashing towards the top of Luo Xiu’s head.


The demon knife is broken into iron and unsheathed.

Diamond form, present.

King Kong Gun Breaking !!


A torrent of sparkling diamonds rushed by.

In an instant, it was the crushing of Klockdal’s offensive.

At the same time, it also beat his body full of holes.

However, the King Kong spear that does not have an armed color is not very harmful to a person with natural abilities like Klockdahl.

“Monster, I don’t believe it, can your body be tougher than the beast Kaido. ”

Desert Vajra Sword!

Crocodall snapped and began to brew his strongest blow.

Four desert swords appeared around him at the same time, slashing towards Luo Xiu in unison with his movements.

“It’s really not good to learn, so there is no way, let you suffer a little. ”

Luo Xiu shook his head helplessly.

Raise your hand.

A blue spiral pill emerges from the palm of his hand.

Streams of black armed air covered the air, like some kind of mysterious incantation.

Looking at the armed spiral pill in Luo Xiu’s hand.

Klockdahl couldn’t help but look horrified, and the alarm bell rang in his heart.

However, now, there is no way back for him.


In the midst of loud cheers.

Klockdahl’s four Desert Vajra Blades touched with Luo Xiu’s armed Spiral Pill.

A violent explosion arose.

After a long roar.

The battle is over!


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