The first half of the Great Voyage.

The well-known resort ship – Hot Spring Island.

It is the same as the sea restaurant Barati in the East China Sea.

The Hot Springs Island cruise ship is a gold cave for passing pirates and travelers to have fun and rest on the great shipping routes.

At this moment.

Just ended the Water City Incident.

The Straw Hats, who didn’t make a fuss about Robin as they did in the original timeline, and their new friends are relaxing on the Hot Spring Island cruise ship.


The new member of the Straw Hats, the perverted shipwright Frankie, yells.

Without Robin’s existence, the Water City event would have changed dramatically.

The Straw Hats did initially have a lot of conflicts with Frankie.

However, in the end, in the joint battle against the exposed CP9 killers, the two sides released their suspicions for various reasons.

At the strong request of the head of the water capital, Esbagu.

Frankie’s identity is revealed and forced aboard the Straw Hats’ new ship.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, sure enough, the milk bath is good!”

Brooke, who was dead and had only a handful of bones left, accompanied Frankie.

He is none other than the eighth member of the Straw Hat Pirates.

The fate of Brooke, who was supposed to get acquainted with the Straw Hats and get on board the ship during the horror three-masted sailing incident, was also changed by the arrival of Rosho.

Because Rosho descended on the terrifying three-masted galleon and defeated Moria in advance.

The Shadowless who were bound by Moria’s Shadow Fruit abilities were also able to regain their freedom.

Brooke is one of them.

Brooke, who regains his shadow and no longer needs to be afraid of the sun, has good luck.

Relying on the drift of the ghost ship, he successfully escaped from the Devil’s Triangle for the first time in forty-seven years.

I don’t know if it’s a chance meeting, or something else.

Caught as a rare beast and ready to be auctioned at an auction house, Brooke meets his destined Straw Hats.

And now.

Frankie and Brooke, who have officially joined the Straw Hats, are on a leisurely vacation with the captain.


The indulgence of a great holiday lasted less than a few hours.

“Hey, hey, is this true?”

“The Navy … What the hell does the Navy want to do!”

“This kind of thing is no joke!”

“Strike at that demon’s companion, Whitebeard… The evil ghost Whitebeard will never give up!”



When the newspaper bird delivers the latest big news to this spa resort cruise ship island.

The whole cruise ship was shaken up and down.

The Straw Hats, who are also on a cruise ship, are no exception.

“What’s wrong, what’s wrong?”

“Miss Nami, what the hell is going on?”

“It’s noisy, huh?”

“Hee-hee-hee, is there something interesting going on?”

The Straw Hats, who had been scattered around the cruise ship, reunited.

“Nami, is the commotion on the ship because of this newspaper?

Zoro asked solemnly.


On the beach chair, Nami, a girl with short orange hair, took a deep breath continuously, trying to suppress the shock and horror in her heart.

However, the horror on his pretty face could not be shaken down.

“What the hell is going on? ”

Sensing Nami’s gaze, Straw Hat Luffy couldn’t help but be stunned and put away the playful expression on his face.

“Luffy, next you may see an unacceptable fact, please be sure to calm down. ”

Nami said solemnly.

“What the hell is going on?”

Straw Hat Luffy swallowed with difficulty.

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“Luffy, Whitebeard Pirates Second Team Captain Fire Fist Ace, your brother, he was captured by the Navy!”

Nami spoke in a deep voice.

At the same time, the big news that occupies an entire page is spread out and displayed in the eyes of partners.

“What do you say!!”

“How can this happen?”

“Luffy’s older brother… Why was such a powerful Ace caught!”

Usopp, Sanji, and Chopper all shouted in disbelief.

“Seven days later, the public execution of Fire Fist Ace, is the Navy crazy? Do they really want to go to war with the most terrifying emperor in the world?”

“Hey, hey, I don’t understand, do you know the second captain of the Whitebeard Pirates?”

Frankie’s face was shocked.

For his question, everyone has no time to patiently explain.

Zoro screamed in shock.

“Ai… Ace”

The straw hat Luffy, with a dull expression, instigated his lips.

“Ace has been arrested! Ace is going to be executed in public! How can such a thing be accepted… No way…… Absolutely not, I have to do something! I have to save him!”

Straw Hat Luffy murmured unconsciously.


A delicate slap landed on the distracted Luffy in the face, waking him up


For the first time, Luffy showed a little childlike helplessness in front of his friends.

“Luffy, we all know how you’re feeling right now, and you know what you’re going to do! But remember never to be impulsive! Calm down! Calm down and strategize! There are still seven days!

Nami grabbed Luffy’s shoulders and tried her best to enlighten her.




At this moment.

Naval Headquarters, Marine Fodo.

The Marshal’s Office in the Headquarters Building.

“Marshal of the Warring States, the announcement of the execution of Fire Fist Ace has been officially released to the world. ”

Brigadier General Brannon reported respectfully.


The marshal of the Warring States nodded without raising his head.

The gaze always falls on the report in front of you.

It wasn’t about the public execution of Fire Fist Ace.

Rather, it was a week ago.

Their reconnaissance ship stumbled upon a ruined island that looked like it had fallen from the sky in a certain part of the sea.

“Sengoku, are you still struggling with the affairs of those broken islands?”

Lieutenant General Crane said in a deep voice.

“It should be clear to you that now the priority of our Navy is only Whitebeard, nothing more. ”

“Of course I know this, but these islands that fell from the sky, you should know whose ability it is, Xiaohe? Disappeared for twenty years, that old lion must still be planning some earth-shattering conspiracy. ”

Sengoku solemnly spoke.

“Flying Pirates – Golden Lion Shiki”

The expression on the face of the Navy’s chief staff officer Crane was also a little solemn.

“It’s not just that Shiki, it’s also over there in Alabastan…”

The Warring States did not finish speaking.


Heavy footsteps could be heard in the corridor.

“Mr. Karp”

“Lieutenant General Karp, please wait!”

The sailors spoke in a panic.

“Get out of the way, I want to see Sengoku. ”

In the midst of the loud shouts, cracks appeared in the door of the marshal’s office.

Navy hero, Vice Admiral Karp – go berserk!


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