Naval Headquarters, Marine Fodo.

Today is not destined to be peaceful.


A violent roar echoed through the naval fortress, and the Marinfodo headquarters building shook with the roar, and in some places even cracks appeared.

The destruction of the building of the headquarters of the Navy was, of course, a big deal for the Navy.

However, at this moment, from the vice admiral to the ordinary navy, no one deliberately pursued the source.

Because the source of the tremor was the marshal’s office in the headquarters building.

“Karp, what the hell are you bastard trying to do!!”

The angry roar of the Admiral Sengoku resounded through the headquarters building.

The Navy clerks working in Ling’s building couldn’t help but tremble.

“This question should be asked to you, Sengoku, what do you want to do? The other party is just a small pirate with a reward of 500 million yuan, does it need to announce the public execution to the world in such a vigorous manner? Isn’t it better to be so silent and keep locked up in the city?”

Karp scolded.

“The captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates, the fire fist Ace with a reward of 500 million, is it just a little pirate in your eyes?”

Sengoku asked rhetorically.

“Yes, that’s right! An old pirate man of that level has caught not a hundred or eighty in his life!”

Cap Road.

“Karp, are you trying to put pressure on me as a hero?”

Sengoku’s eyes narrowed slightly.

“No, don’t think about it! I’m just here to remind you that even I can see that this operation is unreasonable, Whitebeard is not a guy who will let his partner be killed and remain indifferent, this public execution, he will definitely come!”

Cap Road.

“Are you scared?”

Sengoku asked rhetorically again.

“I’m afraid, yes, I’m afraid that this fortress and those young beings will perish under that man’s earth-shattering seismic power!”

Cap Road.


Finally, Vice Admiral He, the Grand Staff Officer of the Navy, broke out.

“Karp, you’ve never been such a naïve person. ”

Lieutenant General Crane opened quietly.

“Little Crane”

Karp was silent.

“The real reason why you tried your best to prevent this public execution, we know very well, that Fire Fist Ace, he grew up under your protection, you care about this family affection, we also understand, but don’t forget your identity, you are a navy!

Lieutenant General Crane paused word by word and rebuked categorically.

“Since Xiaohe has said it, then I won’t follow the detour, Karp, about you helping One Piece Roger and protecting his bloodline, I can not ask, but…”

Sengoku’s expression suddenly became stern.

“In this public execution, I hope you can set an example for the sailors! In the previous Mary Joya incident, all the pressure on the government’s side was all on my side and Xiaohe to help you with, so don’t further burden us. ”

Karp was silent.

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“You should know that under the premise that Ace is Roger’s bloodline, this public execution is destined to be extraordinary!

The previous Mary Joya incident caused the government and navy to lose face, so this is an important battle for us to regain the trust of the people, and the demise of the Four Emperor Whitebeard Pirates !!”



A new world is rising.

In the new world, the sea is treacherous, containing countless natural and man-made disasters.

This is the sea where only the truly strong can stand.

At this moment.

The veteran king of this sea, an island under the umbrella of the Four Emperors Whitebeard.

With a piece of news brought by the newspaper bird.

The calm sea suddenly set off huge waves.

Clear skies and overcast.

Heaven and earth change color because of the momentum of just one person.

Because it was the emperor of the sea who was angry.

“Ace… Ace was actually caught by the Navy? I was really told by the red-haired guy, Titch, this bastard, has been hiding his strength all along.”

The captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, the immortal bird Marco roared in anger.

“Titch, it’s that bastard again, this time even Ace was planted in his hands. ”

Diamond Joz, the captain of the third team, said angrily.

“Unforgivable, but that bastard Titch can’t let !!”

The captain of the fifth team, Foil Bista, is categorical.

“Bastard Navy, you dare to publicly execute Ace! I must let them know the price of provoking our Whitebeard Pirates!”

Captain Rakyo of the Seventh Team said murderously.

“That’s right! The public execution of Ace is a provocation to our Whitebeard Pirates!”

“We’re the Whitebeard Pirates!”

“That’s right, definitely save Captain Ace. ”

“Kill Titch and rescue Ace. ”

“Let the Navy that provoked this war know the consequences of provoking us!”

“Captain Ace, it’s up to us Whitebeard Pirates to save you!”


On the deck of the huge whale ship Moby Dick, the members of the Whitebeard Pirates are filled with righteous indignation.

The roar full of war intent and anger shook the earth, causing the sea to ripple violently.

“Kulalalala, navy, this war was provoked by you first, come on, since you want to play, Lao Tzu naturally has to accompany you to the end. ”

Whitebeard’s loud laughter echoed in the sky, domineering.

“Little ones, get ready, the war is about to begin. ”



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