Navy Headquarters, top of the war.

The naval siege wall operation is opened.

Bloody and unilateral massacres are staged.

Even a hero like the Golden Lion Shiji can’t ignore it at this moment.

Even if there had been some unpleasant disagreements between him and Whitebeard, it was not the picture he wanted to see.

They’re pirates!

From the moment they became pirates, they were ready to be eliminated by justice.


Definitely not in such a humiliating way.

“Captain Luo Xiu, can I make a move?”

Golden Lion Shiji looked at Luo Xiu on the execution table.

“Hands-on. ”

Rollin nodded indifferently.


Luo Xiu Yunke laughed and circled in the air.

“Steel-bones, navy, is this your justice?”

The golden lion Shiji shouted like thunder.

“Shiki, what do you want to do?”

Sengoku suddenly raised his head and looked at the smile on the face of the golden lion Shiji, inexplicably a little uneasy.

“Polusalino, stop him!”

Steel Bone Kong decisively ordered to the general Yellow Ape.


Whitebeard drank.

“Yes, Daddy!”

The captain of the team, the immortal bird Marco, rose into the sky and stopped the yellow ape.

“I don’t care if the Whitebeard Pirates live or die, but even if they die, I want to see them die in battle, not die in humiliation under your despicable means. ”

Golden Lion Skew.

“What the hell do you want to do?” Sengoku grimaced.

“It’s just to make the war a little bit more presentable. ”

The golden lion grinned, his figure slowly falling, and finally one palm pressed against the ice.


The golden lion snorted.


With the roar of the golden lion, the entire bay suddenly shook.

‘Ka Ka Ka’ Under the shocked gaze of everyone on the battlefield of the headquarters, the bay of the headquarters that was completely frozen by the general pheasant shook violently.

The ice surface is crumbling along the enclosure wall.

“That bastard, does he want to…”

Feeling the violent vibration, the older generation of marines such as Sengoku who were familiar with Shiji’s ability were suddenly shocked.

I had already guessed the Golden Lion Shiji’s plan.

“Fly for Lao Tzu !!”

The lion was angry and swallowed the sea.

The golden lion shouted again.

His arms and face were bruised.

The superhuman system is full of fluttering fruit ability.


With a loud bang, the entire solid ice battlefield shook violently, and then slowly flew up under the frightened sight of tens of thousands of sailors.


The golden lion laughed loudly, flew into the sky, and took the entire ice battlefield into the air with it, until it was level with the naval wall.

“Hahaha, did you see the Warring States bastard, the encirclement wall you rely on is just a few broken iron plates in my opinion, which can be broken at will, and now do you think you can continue the torture and killing just now?”

Looking at the expressions of the top naval leaders led by Steel Bone Sky and Warring States, the golden lion suddenly felt very happy in his heart.

“Uh-oh-oh-oh, thank you, legend !!”

“Thanks to you this time, Golden Lion!”

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“Great, the wall is gone. ”

“Navy, come to your senses, you dared to treat us like this before. ”

“It’s time for us to fight back. ”

The pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates were all in a state of fire.

Now that the wall is gone, they can be allowed to ascend to the square in the bay and rob the warships, and everyone is shouting excitedly.

“Old lion, I really owe you a great favor this time. ”

On the whale boat, Whitebeard looked at the golden lion in the air and opened his mouth gratefully.

“No thanks, it’s just something I can’t stand and want to do. ”

The golden lion clasped his hands and said.

“Of course, if you go directly to us now, I can even just take all of you to evacuate this battlefield now, how about it?. ”

The golden lion said seriously.

For Shiki, the Golden Lion, who has the ability to flutter fruits, this is indeed a very easy thing.

Whitebeard laughed a few times at this request made by the Golden Lion Shiji.

Life is important, but for a pirate group, there is something more important than that.

The pirate flag fluttering in the wind on the mast is their eternal faith, the place where their souls reside.

“Kulalalala, little ones, don’t live up to the kindness of the old lion, and now go all out to break through. ”

Whitebeard yelled.

“Oh oh oh oh”

An earth-shattering response rang out on the battlefield.

Due to the actions of the Golden Lion Shiki, the naval siege wall operation was nullified.

Once again, the war has returned to its original pattern of slashing and blood.


The execution table in the square of the bay.

Looking at the battle of the encirclement wall that was finally prepared, it was so easily cracked by the Golden Lion Shiji.

Marshal Warring States’ complexion was extremely ugly.

“It’s all right, Ace. ”

Sabo stroked his brother Ace’s hair and comforted.

“That guy Shiki, he occasionally does something!”

Roger laughed.

“yes, I’m impressed with him. ”

Reilly nodded earnestly.

“That magma general, he is still making a move on Mobi, no, I can’t bear it, Your Excellency Luo Xiu, Roger, Reilly, I’ll go first. ”

Mitsuki Ota looked at the edge of the square, and still did not give up the attack on the Moby Dick, the general Akainu, and his face grew angry.

“Go ahead!”

Luo Xiu and Roger nodded in unison.


Ota jumped down from the execution table and swept straight in the direction of the general Akainu.

The two swords of the Mita opened and closed widely, breaking all obstacles.


The unruly laughter suddenly exploded.

A terrifying roar shook the sky and the earth.

That’s Locks, the overlord of the sea, making a move.

One punch out.

The earth was torn apart.

The elite navy within a radius of several hundred meters was all routed.

“Bastard marines, Newgate is also my former sailor! What a guts to treat my crew like this in front of my captain!”

Locks, the Overlord of the Sea, was covered in black vapor and his red hair was dancing wildly, like an evil ghost returning from hell.


“He’s the devil! Who’s going to stop him!”

The screams of the navy burst into flames.

“Locks !!”

On the execution table, the naval hero Karp was no longer silent.


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