“Locks !!”

Looking at the sailors screaming under the ravages of the red-haired devil Locks not far from the execution table, how could the heroes on the execution table remain indifferent.

Legendary Vice Admiral, the hero Karp strikes again.


Karp stepped down.

The execution table mixed with Hailou Stone was shaken violently.

The next second.

Something unexpected happens.

Karp shouted Locks, but his footsteps were in the direction of Roger, who was watching the play with a happy face.

By the time Roger reacted, his body was locked up by Karp.

Strongman locks men!!

“Hey, hey, Karp, hug, hug, what a system. ”

Roger’s mouth broke.

“Besides, that guy from Locks is making a fuss, why are you arresting me?”

“Shut up, bastard Roger, whether it’s you or Locks, it’s all evil party, and it’s up to me to destroy everything. ”

Karp opened his mouth resolutely.

After that, he decisively and forcibly jumped off the execution table with Roger.

“Karp, you bastard, you need to think clearly, I won’t help you deal with Locks again this time, or maybe I’m in the same league with Locks now!”

Roger admonished solemnly.

“Who wants your help, my iron fists, just for this day, enlightenment!

Karp yelled.

“Hahahaha, Karp, you’re finally here! Come on, go on, the previous battle, the follow-up to the battle thirty-six years ago! This time you will definitely take revenge! Roger, if you dare to get in the way, I will fight you together!”

Locks laughed wildly.

“Ahhhh ”

Roger yelled.

‘Boom Boom’

Three of the top powerhouses standing at the top of the world.

Roger, Locks and Karp, the legendary three-way melee of the old times begins.

The sky on the battlefield of the Navy Headquarters shattered at this moment!!


On the execution table, Marshal Warring States and the Grand Staff Officer Crane both clenched their fists, and their hearts were full of uneasiness.

They knew that although Roger and Locks were not helping each other at the moment, it was a one-on-one three-way scuffle.

But Roger and Locks are all together after all.

“Grandpa and Uncle Roger, are you okay?”

Luffy, the straw hat who has always been optimistic, frowned rarely at the moment, with a worried look on his face.

“Hahahaha, don’t worry, Luffy, Roger knows how to measure. ”

Reilly reassured.

“Let a Karp contain Roger and Rocks, how can this account be considered a loss. ”

Rashomo rubbed his chin and whispered to himself.

“Well, forget it, it’s just a warm-up anyway, let them go!”

“Luo Xiu, what should I do next? Choose one of the two, or will the Warring States give it to you?”

Reilly opened his mouth in a negotiation.

“Reilly, you are also one of the legends, do you want to make a face, are you embarrassed to make a move on your grandmother?”

Luo Xiu glanced at Reilly.

“I… Didn’t I want to give you a chance to perform?”

Reilly’s old face suddenly turned red.

On the other side, listening to the conversation between Luo Xiu and Reilly like picking cabbage, Marshal Warring States and Lieutenant General Crane couldn’t help but be angry, and their faces turned pale.

“Marshal of the Navy Warring States, this was originally a war that you provoked, and besides, the despicable methods of your navy against Lao Bai before really made us unbearable. ”

Luo Xiu grinned.


Sengoku snorted coldly.

“As long as we can eliminate you evil parties, what about using some means?”

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“In that case, I can only let you taste the taste of being unilaterally slaughtered, but there is still a love affair between me and Whitebeard!”

Luo Xiudao.

“Bastard, what do you want to do?”

Sengoku was alarmed.

Lieutenant General Crane was also horrified in his heart, and the ominous premonition suddenly became extremely strong.

“Don’t worry, for Gion’s sake, I don’t deliberately target your navy, but it will inevitably affect you. ”

Luo Xiu grinned.

Take out the phone bug in your pocket.

“Brilliance, prepare for bombing, target – World Government reinforcements. ”

Luo Xiu ordered.

“Yes, Commander. ”

A sweet girlish voice came from the other side of the phone bug.

The next second.

Suddenly there was a loud rumble in the sky.

Marshal Sengoku, Lieutenant General Tsuru, and people on the battlefield suddenly raised their heads.

Under the gaze of the people, one after another firepower Feiyan fighter jets took off from the air carrier deck.

The weapon system is fully open.

The next second.

Thousands of missiles fired in unison.

Towards the reinforcements of the three major forces of the World Government that came from the Steel Skeleton Sky.

It’s just the first round of shooting.

Before the World Government reinforcements could be completely dispersed, more than half of the elite had been lost.

Even the ruthless and resolute Steel Skeleton Sky himself was caught off guard by this sudden air attack.

At the center of the fire, he was covered in rags, and his body was charred everywhere, looking embarrassed.

“Polusalino, take down all those weapons and that ship. ”

The steel bones drank in a hurry.

“Yes, Commander Sora. ”

It is rare for a serious general Yellow Ape to get rid of Marko’s entanglement.

The eight-foot Qiong Hook Jade made another big move, attacking indiscriminately towards the sky.


Even the Mach speed of the Feiyan, under the dense light of the general yellow ape, was inevitably hit.

In just a few breaths, six were shot down.

However, the remaining 30 planes completed the bombing mission and successfully returned home.


The general, the Yellow Ape, took aim at the Radiance carrier.

The terrifying laser shot towards the huge battleship covering.

The next moment, something unexpected happened to the yellow ape.

His little laser was enough to blow up the warship’s terrifying attack, but when it landed on the Radiant carrier, it was like a mud cow entering the sea.

A layer of invisible energy shield protects the entire void mother.

This is exactly the absolute defense of the Radiant armored air carrier.

Even the general’s laser can’t be pierced.

“It’s scary. ”

The general yellow ape pouted.

Knowing that he was doing useless work, he naturally wouldn’t do it again with his temperament.

The yellow ape retreated and set his sights on the Golden Ark.


Blue electric light flashed.

Anilu’s body, which received Luo Xiu’s order, was elementalized and disappeared from the ship in a flash.

When he raised his hand, a thick lightning bolt struck the general yellow ape.

“Yeshahahaha, your opponent is me! You are disrespectful to your master, you are dead, yellow monkey!”

Anilu laughed confidently.

“Nature’s thunder fruit, it’s terrifying!”


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