The war is relentless.

The naval headquarters of Marin Fodo was full of gunsmoke.

The most tragic war began.

The once magnificent naval headquarters is being transformed into ruins.

Especially after a round of bombardment of the Thirty-six Swifts.

The family town behind the Navy Headquarters was razed to the ground and turned into a pitch-black scorched earth.

“Damn, what kind of technology is that!!”

On the execution table.

Marshal Sengoku, who witnessed the terrible bombing and washing of the floor, was stunned.

The body trembled uncontrollably with fear.

“Don’t get so excited, Marshal Sengoku, I said it, this is just a warning. ”

Luo Xiu smiled.

“Sengoku, calm down, those shells didn’t fall to the dense point of the navy before, but only against the world government and uninhabited towns. ”

Lieutenant General Crane comforted.

However, the trembling between his words and his body could not be hidden.

On the large battlefield, in addition to the strong, there is also cutting-edge technology that has absolute dominance.

The pacifist developed by their genius naval scientist Vegapunk should have been the pinnacle of science and technology.

However, Rosho’s fighter jets were far superior to pacifists in terms of battlefield dominance.

That speed, that powerful firepower—

Now that the top powerhouses of their navy are being pinned, Luo Xiu only needs to move his fingers to completely destroy the 100,000 elites of their navy.

What a terrible truth!!

“Hahaha, it’s so unbelievable, Warring States bastard! It’s too early to be scared!”

Shiki, the free man on the battlefield, came laughing.

Roger, Locks, and Karp fight each other.

There is a battle field around the three of them that no one can invade, and even if the golden lion Shiji wants to get involved, he will probably be blasted out.

Whitebeard and Mita successfully joined forces and fought against Admiral Akainu Sakasky of the Navy Headquarters.

It’s not easy for Shiki to intervene over there.

The general Yellow Ape, who originally wanted to play, is now also occupied by Anilu.

Natural Thunder Fruit and Natural Flash Fruit, the duel between these two top natural systems, Golden Lion Shiji wants to see which one is stronger and which is weaker.

The last admiral, Pheasant Kuzan, doesn’t know where he is at this time.

Think about it.

Golden Lion Shiji felt that it was rare for him to go on a trip, and he couldn’t really watch a show.

After the two remaining top combat forces of the navy, Marshal Warring States and Commander-in-Chief Steel Bone Kong, weighed off.

His goal naturally fell on Marshal Sengoku.

After all, twenty-two years ago.

This is the place to be.

Alone in the naval headquarters, he was captured alive by the Sengoku and Karp, entered the advance city, and lost a pair of feet.

This account has to be settled.

“Shiki, you bastard!”

Looking at the flying golden lion Shiji, Marshal Warring States’ angry eyes were on fire.

Not long ago, it was because of the fluttering fruit ability of the Golden Lion Shiji that their carefully prepared battle plan for the encirclement wall easily went bankrupt.

“Hahaha, Warring States bastard, let’s continue, the follow-up of the battle in the twenty-second year, that time Lao Tzu was defeated by you and Karp two fights, but this time it won’t be like this!

The golden lion Shiji held the famous sword Sakuragi and Kuten, and let out a confident and unruly laugh.

“Bastard Shiki, don’t get too carried away!”

Warring States shouted angrily, and his eyes were cold.

His gaze swept over the execution table.

Looking at the smiling Luo Xiu and Reilly, Marshal Warring States couldn’t help but sigh weakly.

There is no point in continuing to spend time here.

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There are two people, Luo Xiu and Reilly, who are guarding here.

He didn’t have the slightest chance to make a move.

Fire Fist Ace’s rescue is a foregone conclusion.

“Little Crane, I’ll leave it to you here!”

Marshal Sengoku spoke.

After speaking, without waiting for Lieutenant General Crane to say anything, the soles of the Warring States slammed on the ground, and the figure suddenly shot out.

The right hand shines like gold.

A palm slapped out, as if there was a big Buddha’s chanting sound.

The ferocious shockwave greeted the golden lion Shiki mercilessly.

“Hahahahaha, even if you let the horse come, Sengoku!”

The Golden Lion Shiki laughed and attacked.

Flying pirates and admirals, another battlefield belonging to the legends is generated.

“That’s a lot of peace of mind, tsk. ”

Reilly sat down on the execution table, groped for a small flask from his bosom, took a sip, and watched the battlefield change.

“Vice Admiral Crane, it’s a little dangerous here, why don’t you go and sit on my boat and have some tea or something?” ”

Luo Xiu pointed to the slowly descending air carrier and sent an invitation to the lieutenant general crane.

The smile on his face was as sunny as the boy next door.

“Evil Party”

Vice Admiral Crane, the chief staff officer of the Navy, narrowed his eyes slightly, and his face was ugly.

“Don’t be so vigilant, I don’t have any ill intentions, but Gion has really helped me a lot. ”

Luo Xiu smiled.

“Shut up, if you really care about Gion, don’t say anything like this, it’s better not to look for him again. ”

Lieutenant General Crane scolded.

It’s like a mother-in-law who is dissatisfied with her prospective son-in-law.

It’s also natural.

After all, Rosho is now one of the most terrifying ‘criminals’ in this sea, one of the worst enemies of their navy.

At the same time, it is the main culprit that has led to the current situation that almost wiped out the Navy Headquarters.

“Mr. Luo Xiu, this Hailou stone chain can’t be opened, do you have any good way?”

Sabo grimaced and asked for help from Luo Xiu.

In the past ten minutes, he and Luffy have used almost all methods, but they can’t release Ace.

Yu Tian even judged that the navy used a 100% pure sea tower stone chain, which was as hard as a diamond.

“Give it up, even the high-level armed color can’t break the handcuffs, and if you want to take the Fire Fist with you, you can’t move the entire execution table with you. ”

Lieutenant General Crane said in a deep voice.


Sabo and Luffy both looked embarrassed.

Ace’s face was also full of anxiety.

Now, his desire to die has been replaced by hope.

He wanted to get out of the way quickly to help his father and his friends, even if it was just to reduce the casualties of one person.

He also wanted to have a good talk with Roger, his real father.

And the brothers beside him.

“It’s really not a problem to just consume it like that. ”

Luo Xiu said thoughtfully.

“Then why don’t you dismantle the execution table and see who will pick the lock?”

Reilly Road.

“It doesn’t seem like there’s any need for such trouble. ”

The corners of Luo Xiu’s mouth raised a slight arc, and his gaze fell on the tall figure that was coming straight towards the execution table not far away.

“Lord Rosho”


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