Chambord Islands, Island No. 35.

The bustling hotel street is crowded with people.

At this moment, at a mobile wine stall on the street, a group of people dressed in different clothes and with obvious class differences gathered together.

Under the puzzled gazes of the civilians passing by, he drank heavily and talked loudly without hesitation.

"There has been no signal for so long, so we probably have no chance to appear."

"By now, the fun over at Saldes Saint should be over! That’s great, I want to see it too!"

"What a pity. It was No. 13 and the three of them who got the chance this time."

"Sure enough, as I expected, nothing abnormal happened at all."

"Yes, that man is not a big deal at all. He is no different from the previous entertainment objects. He must have been so scared that his legs were weak from the beginning, hahaha"

"Even Lord Saldes is a little too cautious this time, hahahaha"

"Shut up, that's all you can say here. Never make a mistake in front of adults."

"It is our blessing that Lord Saldes values us. We must abide by the rules."

"Yes Yes Yes"

"Come, come, drink, drink."

A group of high-level security guards carefully selected by the Celestial Dragon Saldes laughed and talked about each other, as if they were immersed in their natural fantasies.

They were unaware that the massacre was taking place on the top floor of the hotel at this moment.

Two minutes later, someone For a moment, a loud bang was heard, and there was an explosion on the top floor of the hotel directly opposite the mobile wine stall.

The sudden change made the guards on the mobile wine stall change their expressions in shock.

"not good"

"Things have changed!"

"There is a situation above!"

"Two, four, six, eight, and ten, you go to the main entrance and lead people to guard the main corridors on each floor. If there is any situation, report it immediately. The others will follow me."

The tall man in Sequence No. 1 shouted violently, and immediately rose into the sky on moon steps.


Everyone responded together.

A strong wind suddenly blew through the hotel street.

It took only a few breaths.

The people at the mobile wine stall had disappeared without a trace.

Twenty seconds later, the tall man with serial number 1 climbed to the top of the hotel.

""Lord Saint Saldes" screamed anxiously and horrifiedly, the tall man in Sequence 1 smashed the balcony floor-to-ceiling window with his fist and forcefully broke in. His dark eyes swept around, waiting to see the severed limbs and blood all over the ground..

Even as calm as he is, his pupils can't help but shrink.

"Big brother"

"No. 1

, No. 3, No. 5, No. 9 and other serial guards arrived one after another.

The same.

After seeing the scene in the room that was like Shura hell.

Even the coldest killer couldn't help but take a breath at this moment..After a moment of dead silence, there was a sudden uproar.

"Can anyone tell me what is going on?"

"Who is here?"

"Lord Saldes Saint! where are you?"

"Number 13, number 7, number 11!"

All the sequence guards screamed in unison.

They never imagined that while they were still happily drinking, such a tragedy like hell on earth would happen here. What shocked and horrified them even more was that until the previous Before that loud noise, there was not a single movement in this room.

"Brother, are we... too late?"

"Damn it, who is that kid? How on earth did he do it!"

"If... if Lord Saldes is really……"

The guards who were so proud not long ago all had pale faces at this moment.

They are the guardians of the Draconian Saldes.

If anything happened to Saldes, they would be blamed.

They will definitely be dealt with ruthlessly by the world government.

"Shut up everyone!"

The tall man with serial number one shouted.

"Don't say anything now, just go in and see what's going on."

After saying that, No. 1 took the lead and walked into the room, stepping on a pool of blood.

The moonlight shone through the window.

Human corpses could be seen everywhere on the ground.

None of the more than 20 heavily armed elite guards survived.

Their bodies were covered with knife wounds, and even Even the armor made of fine iron was cut open.

Just looking at this scene is enough to imagine how powerful the person who did it is.

"He can even cut through steel. Is that man a swordsman?"

The man with serial number three screamed

"Hey, everyone, look over there, that's No. 13 and the others."

The tall and thin man in Sequence Number 9 suddenly pointed in a certain direction and screamed.

Following his pointing, the picture that greeted their eyes seemed to be an 'artwork' of death.

A ten-year-old man who was about fourteen or fifteen years old. The body of boy No. 3 fell to the side.

The head was separated from the body and the mouth was wide open. The bloody mouth bit the enemy's waist and abdomen, almost biting through half of the tiger boy who was over five meters tall. The giant's headless corpse remained upright, with its hands clasped over the enemy's headless skull. Just looking at it is enough for people to imagine the scene of the tiger's iron palm smashing its head into pieces.

The sickly man No. 11, whose body was split in the middle, pierced the enemy's heart with his slender palm.

Looking at this perfect death sculpture, No. 1 and others were shocked.

"No. 13's fangs bit through his belly, and No. 11's palm pierced his heart. In this state, the man was able to chop off No. 13's head and split No. 11 open at the same time. In the end, No. 7's head was chopped off while his head was being smashed. What a monster this is!"

No. 5 closed his eyes, shouted and described in detail the scene restored in his mind.

"With one against three, he is indeed proud enough!"

"But...what's going on? Why do we know nothing about such a fierce fight down there?"

No. 9 raised his doubts.

"Could this be the devil fruit ability of this swordsman man? Space creation or silence?"

No. 3 guessed

"Now is not the time to dwell on this. The top priority is to find Lord Saldes."

No. 1 reminded.

Since the enemy has died together with No. 7 and the three of them, then their lord Saldes should still have a glimmer of hope.

Thinking of this, all the sequence guards were refreshed.


At this moment, the crisp sound of glass breaking sounded.

The targets of the serial guards headed by No. 1 all landed on the blood-stained sofa.

"Lord Saldes Saint!!!"


The Celestial Dragon Sardesroxiu responded.


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