
Tuk tuk tuk -

not long after, a tight knock on the door echoed in the underground monitoring room.

Hearing the news, Xiao Fei tilted his head slightly and said, "

Come in!"


next moment.

The three black-clothed men in the original monitoring held the gold box in their hands and walked into the underground monitoring room.

After one of the black-clothed men saw Xiao Fei, he hurriedly stepped forward, and then immediately saluted the other party with a standard military salute.

"Report to the chief, the three demon-level 'taming ghosts' you want have been delivered, please instruct!"

With that, he handed the golden cube box in his hand to Xiao Fei.

Xiao Fei nodded slightly, then stood up and took the box handed by the other party.

Immediately after, Xiao Fei stretched out his hand and quickly sketched an indescribable inscription on the small box.

A moment later, a soft sound similar to unlocking came from the inside of the small box.

The golden box shook slightly, and the seal at the top gradually unfolded, and the black gas that exuded cold drifted down the gap of the small box to the outside world.

Inside the small golden box, a man in white wearing a red-gold collar, like a stone sculpture, stared at the gap above his head ...... his eyes with hollow eyes

Seeing this, the corners of Xiao Fei's mouth rose slightly, "Yes, with them, this year's 'Spring Festival Gala' will definitely be particularly interesting!"

After saying that, Xiao Fei turned around and picked up the walkie-talkie on the desktop and switched to the public channel, "Leave two people to supervise the training of recruits, and the rest of the personnel will immediately gather in the monitoring room."

The 'New Year's gift' of these little cubs has arrived!"


After dinner, on the training ground.

"It's strange, why are there only two instructors?" Liu Xiao looked left and right at the only two instructors on the training ground, and wondered.

"I don't know..."Chen Feng also frowned slightly, "It's really a little abnormal." "

I said you two, it can't be a masochistic physique, right? Wouldn't it be better if there were fewer instructors?" Behind the two, Xie Zi'an glanced at them and said coldly.

"Yo, our depressed little prince, finally willing to speak?" Chen Feng looked at the young man behind him and grinned.

"Get out. Xie Zi'an returned Chen Feng with a dead fish eye.

In this regard, Chen Feng was not angry, but continued to talk about Fang Cai:

"If something goes wrong, there must be a demon, I guess Xiao Fei's guys are thinking about what kind of tricks!"

Hearing this, Liu Xiao immediately nodded like pounding garlic, "I think so, Xiao Fei's grandson has a lot of tricks in his head, and he may be already preparing our props." "

Forget it, don't think about it, concentrate on today's physical training!" Chen Feng sighed lightly and said in a deep voice.

"Hey, what are you talking about over there?!Do you want to run ten more kilometers!?"

Just as Chen Feng and the others were chatting speculatively, the instructor on the martial arts stage found a few people with sharp eyes and yelled at them.

Immediately, Chen Feng and the others stopped talking, and once again turned into green pines in the cold wind, and their military posture was straight.

Seeing this, the instructor on the stage immediately cleared his throat.

Just as he was about to shout the words 'start training', a deep male voice rang out from his headset.

Hearing the news, the instructor was immediately shocked.

"Chief Instructor Xiao, you... Are you sure?" he asked in a low voice as he stroked his headset with his left hand.

"Well, let's get noticed. Xiao Fei responded.

"Okay, I got it.

After ending the call, the instructor on the stage breathed a long sigh of relief, and then said to everyone in the audience:

"Rookies, the chief instructor has just informed you that the first half of your training, that is, physical training, will end early after the year!"

As soon as these words came out, many recruits in the audience were suddenly ecstatic, and they all looked happy.

"It's over in a year?, is it so long in advance?" Chen Feng tilted his head, a slight look of doubt in his eyes.

It is said that physical training should last for half a year, but... Why did it end nearly two months early?

Of course, Chen Feng was not the only one with a bright brain.

At this moment, in addition to Chen Feng, Liu Xiao, Xie Zi'an and others also showed doubts on their faces, and their eyes were full of thought.

But after thinking about it, everyone couldn't think of a reason, so they simply left it behind.

Physical fitness is important, but since the instructors chose to end early, they naturally have their reasons.

What's more, except for crazy people, there shouldn't be anyone in this world who willingly practices physical fitness every day, right?"

Hearing this, the recruits in the audience suddenly fell silent and listened attentively.

"After deliberation by the instructor corps, it has been decided to give you a small vacation before the next stage of training begins!

From the Chinese New Year's Eve, that is, three days later, to the second day of the Lunar New Year, a total of three days of vacation!"

The words fell, and the recruits in the audience immediately fell into an inexplicable silence.

But less than two seconds later, they exploded again!

If ending physical training early was a small thing that made them excited, then the New Year's holiday was enough to make them cheer

! "Damn! I heard you right? It's really going to be a holiday?!" Liu Xiao opened his mouth with a dull expression, then turned around and grabbed Chen Feng's shoulder, shaking wildly.

"Brother Feng, has your mouth been opened??!!! what are you talking about

?" I don't know..."At this moment, even Chen Feng, who has always been calm in the face of things, couldn't help but widen his eyes, and he couldn't believe his ears.

"Damn, don't say anything, tonight, the master will pack up and book a ticket and go home for the New Year!" Wang Hao's eyebrows danced and howled.

And yet....

As soon as Wang Hao's words fell, the instructor on the stage suddenly added:

"But, when we are on vacation, we are not leaving the training camp, but no longer conducting any training, and you can move freely in the training camp without restraint!

Friendly reminder, once we find out that someone dares to leave the training camp without authorization, then we will lose the qualification to join the ghost subjugation on the spot!"

Wang Hao: ......

You can't speak neatly?!!!

looking at Wang Hao's eyes beside him, Chen Feng suddenly felt a burst of amusement.

Simply, he stepped forward and patted the other party's shoulder, "It's okay, at least... I can wash the quilt with both ends covered. Wang

Hao: ( ̄_ ̄|||)

Hehe, I thank you for your comfort!

" The above is the notice of Chief Instructor Xiao, do you understand?!"


"Okay, all of them, take the weight, fifty kilometers, start now!".

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