Three days later, on the thirtieth day of the Chinese New Year's Eve, early in the morning.

A soft rays of the morning sun, through the window of the room, gently caressed the young man's face.

Under the illumination of the sun, Chen Feng's eyelids twitched slightly, and then slowly opened...

When he saw the sunlight outside the window, he was stunned on the spot.

He took the opportunity to glance at Liu Xiao, who was still lying on the bed opposite, and the doubt in his eyes became a little thicker again.

Immediately, he sat up and scratched his shaggy hair.

"What's going on...... What time is it?"

After a while, Chen Feng habitually reached out, took out the mobile phone at the bedside, and turned on the screen.

5:15 a.m.

"It's already more than five o'clock?" After seeing the time on the phone, Chen Feng's body trembled obviously.

Hell, you can't be late, right?

When his idea just came to him, the sound of snoring from outside the house suppressed his idea.

"It's strange, it's all at this point, why haven't there been instructors to blow the whistle?" In

his impression, don't the instructors all come to blow the whistle at three or four o'clock in the morning every day?

Just when he was puzzled, a WeChat prompt suddenly popped up from the screen of his mobile phone.

There is Su Qianyu: Ah Feng, on the first day of the holiday, do you have any plans✪ ω ✪

Looking at the news of Su Qianyu on the mobile phone screen, Chen Feng immediately patted his head.

That's right, why did you forget about today's New Year's holiday?

Thinking of this, Chen Feng shook his head with a chuckle, and then opened the dialog box with Su Qianyu.

Chen Feng: I haven't thought about it yet, if it weren't for your news, I would have forgotten about today's holiday.

There is Su Qianyu: Haha, then you don't thank me yet┏ ( ゚ω ゚)=☞

Chen Feng: ...... Thanks, ha.

You Su Qianyu: Cut, there is no sincerity at all, I'll see you in the cafeteria in a while!

Chen Feng: OK!

After finishing the conversation with Su Qianyu, Chen Feng got out of bed, took his toiletries and basin, and quietly pushed the door and walked out.

In the hallway, apart from the sound of snoring, it can almost be described as silence.

When Chen Feng walked to the water room, he finally saw a few familiar figures.

Xie Zi'an, Shen Tianfang, Zhan Xingye, and a member of Xie Zi'an's team before, Chen Feng remembered that it seemed to be called An Ye.

"Yo, Lao Chen, are you awake?" Seeing Chen Feng walk in, Zhan Xing, who was brushing his teeth, greeted him wildly.

Chen Feng snorted, then put the basin in the sink and picked up the hot water, "Hey, let me tell you, when I got up just now, I was startled."

I thought I slept today, and I was going to be late.

Hearing this, An Ye, who was washing his face, wiped the excess water droplets on his face with a towel, and chuckled:

"It's all the same, when I first got up, I thought that I would be fined more than 20 kilometers more today."

But when I just changed my clothes, I reacted, no, today seems to be the first day of the holiday, what are you nervous about?!"

As soon as these words came out, several people in the water room burst out laughing.

"Don't say it, I'm used to getting up early, and I'm really a little uncomfortable with this holiday!"

In this regard, Shen Tianfang glanced at him with disdain, "I said Xingye, if you are really idle, you can run another fifty kilometers by yourself, and a few of us will be the atmosphere group for you!"

"I agree!" Chen Feng raised a hand.

"I second!" An Ye also chuckled and raised a hand.

Zhan Xingye: இ௰இ

Don't, I'm joking!

Just as everyone was laughing openly, Xie Zi'an suddenly shook the water droplets on his hands, and said nonchalantly:

"If the instructor doesn't blow the whistle, a few of you plan to be salted fish for a few days?"

Hearing this, everyone looked at Xie Zi'an in unison.

"Zi'an, what you say... It's not proper, right? After a few days of rest, how can it become a salted fish?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

However, after hearing Chen Feng's words, Xie Zi'an picked up his basin and calmly walked towards the outside of the water room,

"Then you can rest, just take advantage of these few days, I will directly overtake you!"

Looking at Xie Zi'an's departing back, Chen Feng shook his head helplessly.

Good guy, this grandson's desire to win is also strong, right?

Then, Chen Feng didn't think much about it, picked up the water in front of him, and washed up.

It didn't take long for Chen Feng to finish washing up and return to the room to wake up Liu Xiao, while Shen Tianfang and Zhan Xingye were responsible for waking up Wang Hao.

After all... During the Chinese New Year, when eating, it is lively when there are more people


! In the morning, six o'clock sharp, in the cafeteria.

"Anyway... Xiao Fei, why haven't they shown up yet?"

While eating, Wang Hao suddenly glanced at the direction of the entrance of the cafeteria and said suspiciously.

Hearing this, Liu Xiao just sneered, "Ah Hao, are you used to being abused, and if you don't abuse for a day, you will itch all over your body?"

In response to Liu Xiao, it was a roll of the eyes, "Liu Xiao, are you lacking heart? Do you feel wrong?"

"Something is wrong? What's wrong?" I think it's normal.

Isn't it normal for this group of instructors to avoid the Chinese New Year?"

Listening to the conversation between the two, Chen Feng's eyebrows on the other side wrinkled slightly unconsciously.

Vaguely, a sense of foreboding surged into his heart......

Even if the instructors don't go to the dormitory to call them because of the holidays, they have to come to eat, right?

They had been in the cafeteria for more than half an hour, but they still hadn't seen any instructors, which was very wrong!

"Old Chen!"

Just as Chen Feng was thinking, a shout instantly pulled Chen Feng back to reality from his mind.

"What's wrong?" asked Chen Feng.

"What do you think, so focused. Senhoshino asked.

"Nothing. Chen Feng shook his head and didn't say what he thought in his heart.

After all... It's only less than seven o'clock now, and perhaps the instructors have taken this opportunity to sleep in?

Just as Chen Feng was about to stop thinking about this matter, at the entrance of the cafeteria, a recruit dressed in camouflage military uniform rushed in in a panic and exclaimed loudly:

"Oh no! The instructors are all gone!"

Hearing this, the recruits in the entire canteen immediately looked at the recruit at the door of the canteen.


the instructor is gone,

"What's the matter?" a recruit with a small head sitting at the door of the cafeteria suddenly got up and asked the comer.

"I didn't know, I just thought about going to the instructor at the supply station to ask for a box of cold medicine, but I found that there was no one in the supply station, so I went to the instructor's office building.

But when I went in, I found that the entire office building was empty, and there was not even a single figure!"

"What are you talking about?!!!


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