When everyone's attention was focused on the battle between the Daxia army and the beasts outside Jianghai City, no one noticed that a group of mysterious people had sneaked into Jianghai City.

"Hurrah! It is said that Daxia’s security force is the best in the world, and countless foreign militants cannot sneak in. It is just like this.……"

"Ha! Don't be careless, Qiao Si'er. If Daxia hadn't carried out a nationwide military campaign this time and mobilized a large number of troops on the border, we would not have been able to take advantage of the opportunity to enter Daxia!"

"That's true. Now everyone in this city is focusing on the outskirts of the city. Our mission this time is so easy!"

"This is a good thing. As long as we complete the task, we will definitely be able to obtain first-class merit and a lot of honor!"


Now everyone in Jianghai City is concerned about the outskirts of Jianghai City. The city defense force has been greatly reduced. This group of people is obviously not ordinary armed elements, and it seems that they know the city defense deployment in Jianghai City and sneaked in easily.

Then they rushed straight in one direction. On the empty street, the figures of several people were so conspicuous, but now everyone in Jianghai City is staying at home to watch the live broadcast of the outskirts of Jianghai City, and no one noticed.

Soon, this group of people arrived at their destination-Jianghai City Biological Research Institute!

"Captain, we have arrived at our destination. Please inform the people inside. This institute is heavily guarded. It is difficult for us to sneak in without any technical support.……"


The captain took out a black cell phone, edited and sent a text message, and then took a few people to hide in the corner of the street.

After a while, the door of the Biological Research Institute was opened.

"The door is open! Let's go!"

Several people quickly entered the biological research institute. At this time, all the staff in the institute fell into a coma and fell to the ground unconscious.

"That guy seems to have done a good job, he actually managed to deal with all the staff……"

"It seems that this mission will be really easy.……"

The biological research institute was already heavily guarded, and with all the infrared equipment turned on, no one could sneak in unless they hacked into the system and shut down the equipment.

However, someone in the institute had already shut down the equipment from the inside, so the group was just strolling around in the back garden at home.

After a while, according to the information obtained from the undercover, they arrived at a room made entirely of alloy.

Through the transparent bulletproof glass in front of them, a giant white tiger with wings came into view.

"Hurrah! It is said that this two-winged saber-toothed tiger has the genes of an ancient white-feathered eagle, and it has grown to the size of an adult Siberian tiger in less than a month.……"

"It's amazing!……"

"This is bigger than the average brown bear.……"

"Okay, don't just stand there, hurry up and copy the data."

A group of people came to the console and began to copy all the biological data here. This was also the purpose of their coming here.

The leader of this group looked at the double-winged saber-toothed tiger in the metal alloy room with a sharp look in his eyes.

"If our country possessed this powerful genetic technology, we would definitely be able to crack the mystery of the evolutionary factors in the air... or create biological weapons!"

"Oh no, Captain!"

"The undercover agent just brought news that this biological genetic technology must have the biological genes of the ancient white-feathered eagle to be successful!"

"What?! Asshole! Why didn't that guy tell me earlier!"

"Quickly send a message to Russell who is staying outside Jianghai City, and ask him to find an opportunity to disrupt the Daxia army's military attack on the ancient creature White Feather Eagle!"The copying biotechnology has been completed, but this group of people no longer have a trace of excitement. The captain who was about to leave turned around and saw the double-winged saber-toothed tiger in the metal room, his eyes flashed

"Powerful creatures should have the right to freedom……"

Then he went to the control panel and opened the food window on the top of the metal room.

This window was the only opening in the metal room. Looking at the one-meter square food window, the captain frowned.

"The Daxia people are really cunning and cautious……"

Giving up the idea of releasing the double-winged white tiger, he led a team of several people to leave the biological laboratory.

The moment they turned around, the double-winged saber-toothed tiger that was sleeping soundly in the metal alloy room suddenly opened its golden pupils.

He looked calmly at the group of two-legged beasts that left, and then looked up at the narrow gap above his head.

There was a gleam of wisdom in his eyes. If the biological zoologists who had been studying him saw it, they would be shocked, because this double-winged white tiger had never shown such an expression!

This means that this double-winged white saber-toothed tiger has a high degree of intelligence, and its previous behavior was just a disguise!

Flap its wings and fly! A sonic boom sounded!

Two sharp claws landed steadily on the one-square-meter gap and began to exert force!

The metal alloy is indeed hard, but the gap has a point of force application. In the end, the double-winged saber-toothed tiger used its strength to expand the gap and flew into the sky!


The two-winged saber-toothed tiger in the sky was excited to be free, and his body instinctively wanted to roar, but his mind suppressed this impulse.

Because he knew how powerful the weapons of these two-legged beasts called humans were. His golden pupils looked into the distance. There was a feeling of familiarity in that direction that made him feel very afraid, and even greedy deep in his heart, but more of it was palpitations. His pupils shrank, and he glanced at the sky far away, then flew in one direction and left here quickly.


At this time, in the command post outside Jianghai City,

General Zhao's face turned green when he saw the big brown bear slaughtering his squadron soldiers!

He was even more horrified!

"Why can this monster brown bear talk?!"

"How could this world have changed so much?!"

Then he immediately came to his senses. The most important thing at the moment is to solve this problem.

Now the five squadrons of nearly a thousand people have suffered serious casualties, with more than 500 wounded and nearly 300 dead and wounded. Now there are only more than 100 people who still have complete combat effectiveness.

And the number of these more than 100 people has dropped sharply with the pursuit of the big brown bear!

Faced with this situation, he, who has been through hundreds of battles and has a lot of combat experience, instantly had an idea in his mind.

But this idea... is a bit dangerous.

When he saw a soldier on the screen being ruthlessly swallowed by a big brown bear, the soldier detonated the grenade before his death, but the grenade fuse did not cause any harm to the big brown bear.

His eyes were fierce!

"There is no time to hesitate! If we continue to hesitate, all the more than 100 soldiers in the forest will be eaten by this big brown bear!"

"It is hard to imagine whether this big brown bear would evolve again after devouring so many humans.……"

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