In the forest outside Jianghai City, there was a rumbling sound in the silent forest. From time to time, large trees in the forest fell to the ground."D-"The giant brown bear was like an invincible land tank, constantly chasing and devouring more than a hundred remaining soldiers in the forest.

For the more than a hundred soldiers who were fleeing and retreating, this demonic brown bear was much more terrifying than a land tank!

Land tanks don't have such a fast speed, and their bodies won't ignore anti-armor missiles!

And the most important point is that at least land tanks won't devour humans.……


The forest was filled with crisp cracking sounds.

All the fleeing soldiers who heard the sound trembled unconsciously, and a surge of anger surged in their hearts!

Because they knew that another comrade had been devoured by the big brown bear.

Suddenly, the signalman quickly ran to the side of several squadron leaders, his face pale and panting, and shouted

"Report to the captain! The general has issued an order! He ordered us... to lure the big brown bear to an open area. The electromagnetic cannon has locked onto this place! Let us conserve our combat power and save losses... so that we can face the ancient creature, the white-feathered eagle, later!"

"What?! The General won't let us retreat?!"

"Damn it! With the team in this state, are we still going to fight the mission target, the ancient creature White-feathered Eagle?!"

"This is sending us to our deaths!"

"The general also let the soldiers sacrifice themselves to lure the big brown bear! This is definitely not our Daxia general.……"

Several hot-tempered squadron leaders, under great pressure from being chased by a big brown bear and the constant death of their comrades, were close to a nervous breakdown!

A calm squadron leader took a deep breath.

"Although I don't understand the general's orders...but I still have to obey them……"

"You guys lead the team and continue to escape. Remember to run far away. I will go and lure away this big brown bear!"

"Yan Fei, don't go……"

But the squadron leader had already left the team and walked resolutely towards the huge body behind.

Several squadron leaders gritted their teeth and said,"Evacuate here quickly!"

The big brown bear, whose evolutionary level had just been upgraded, had consumed a huge amount of accumulated energy. He was hungry and needed to replenish high-energy food.

The group of two-legged beasts in front of him that posed no threat to him had been included in his prey.

The big brown bear chewed the broken flesh and blood for a few times and was about to continue hunting, but he stopped when he saw the figure of the two-legged beast walking towards him.

A trace of confusion flashed in the huge blood-red bear's eyes.

He did not feel any fear from this two-legged beast...

Then a thought flashed through his mind, could this two-legged beast have the means to hurt him?

The improvement of the evolutionary level greatly improved the wisdom of the big brown bear, and he had many distracting thoughts in his mind.

But why did this two-legged beast not emit a dangerous aura...

The scene was frozen like this!

The squadron leader who mustered up his courage was also a little stunned, and then quietly retreated, when he retreated to a hillside of several hundred meters.

He shouted,"You monster! Come and chase me, your grandfather, if you dare!""

""Roar!!! You’re looking for death!"

Although the big brown bear didn’t know what the word"grandfather" meant, he knew that this weak biped was insulting him! He roared angrily, and his figure turned into a land thunder, rushing into the distance!

All obstacles that blocked his way were ruthlessly destroyed, big trees collapsed, and rocks shattered!


A helicopter in the sky clearly recorded this scene

"What does this Daxia officer want to do? What good will it bring to the Daxia army if it angers the big brown bear?"

"I don't know... Anyway, I feel that it is almost impossible for Shanlin's team to escape the claws of the big brown bear.……"

"Alas, the direction of our human scientific research weapons in modern times are all strategic weapons, and the combat capability of a small team is too weak when facing powerful beasts in the wild... Does this prove that the direction of our human scientific research weapons is wrong?"

"No, no, no! If this forest wasn't so close to the city, a few missiles would have killed the beasts in this forest! This is just a special case, don't worry too much.……"

"But I heard someone say that the ancient white-feathered eagle is fast enough to dodge missiles.……"

"Fake, there is no such creature in this world!"

The audience in the live broadcast room did not know General Zhao's order, they just saw a Daxia officer leading the big brown bear away and running away.

But in their eyes, this was futile, the big brown bear was too fast, after killing the Daxia officer, it could completely catch up with the fleeing team in the distance.

Female reporter Wang Xiaoli did not explain, and the scene was not suitable for explanation.

Because their Daxia military headquarters was crushed and chased by a big brown bear, it was really not something that people could explain.

His face was pale, his eyes were full of worry.

"I hope these soldiers can evacuate safely.……"

Suddenly, the helicopter pilot received a message and hurriedly flew into the air.

The young photographer quickly fixed the lens and shouted to the pilot,"Pilot, why are you so crazy?"

The pilot did not even turn his head and continued to fly the helicopter rapidly.

"A medium-sized missile is about to be launched from the outskirts of Jianghai City! If you want to survive and avoid being affected by the shock wave, you can only ascend!"


Female reporter Wang Xiaoli was shocked! Her fair and delicate face was full of astonishment!

They were actually going to use missiles on this big brown bear!

"The Daxia military has finally started to take action!"

"You Daxia are really stupid! If it were our Lighthouse Country, we would have used missile launchers to clean up this mountain forest long ago, and there would be no need to cause hundreds of casualties!"

"Haha! After seeing the ancient white-feathered eagle, you, a foreigner, are still so mysteriously confident. I think you are awesome!"

"Tsk! Isn't it just a bird?! No matter how powerful it is, how can it be as powerful as the black shadow fighter jet of our Lighthouse Country in the sky?"

"I won’t say any more to an idiot like you... Let me correct you, this is a Black Shadow fighter that belongs to our Daxia!"



On the ground, within two minutes, the big brown bear had already pinned the bipedal beast in front of him.

The bear looked down at the bipedal beast pinned to the ground by his bear paw with his eyes full of mockery.


The squadron leader who was pinned to the ground had a red face. He knew he was going to die and wanted to curse the monster brown bear, but his chest was pressed by the huge bear paw and he couldn't breathe at all.

He glanced at the sky and saw a black shadow rapidly enlarged in his field of vision, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

The big brown bear was stunned with his big and violent bear face, not understanding what the two-legged beast in front of him was thinking. He was about to open his big bear mouth to eat...

Suddenly, the bear ears on his bulging head trembled, and a sound of breaking through the air was heard!

All of a sudden, the brown bear hair all over his body stood up!

Without hesitation, he moved his bear paw and burst out with all his strength!

He ran towards the distance...

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