Whether it was the humans who witnessed the Red Moon with their own eyes, or the people who missed it because they slept in the house, they all lost consciousness and fell into an inexplicable state...

After half a day, the Red Moon ended, and a large number of humans woke up. At the same time, a large number of humans suddenly died quietly!

This caused a violent turmoil in the stable human society around the world. No one could accept the sudden death of their family and friends, nor could they accept this result.

The disaster brought by the Red Moon not only caused panic among ordinary people, but also the upper echelons of various countries were very panicked, because they were also victims of this disaster!

A large number of government agency personnel died, and there were serious vacancies in positions.

The current situation in various countries was not optimistic. Under the panic of the people, many people launched riots to suppress their panic. Some people took the opportunity to incite the emotions of the masses, promote some evil gods, or could not accept the fact that they suddenly lost their families, and directly jumped off the building to commit suicide...

The human civilization of the entire Blue Star seemed to have regressed hundreds of years to ancient times, and riots began...

In the end, the upper echelons of various countries quickly recovered some vitality and realized that the current domestic situation was serious. If this continued, there would probably be greater casualties!

All countries chose to rectify the chaos and used powerful armies to suppress it directly, which gradually restored peace in the country.

Among them, Daxia was the country that did the best in this global disaster riot, and it also suffered the least losses.

Because the main groups of Daxia have not had theological beliefs since ancient times, at most they only regarded gods as a psychological sustenance, and they would not have the probability of believing that"God is the truth" like some people in foreign countries.

This prevented those messy heretical theories from growing in Daxia.

At the same time, the people of Daxia have confidence in the upper echelons who lead their country and will not give up on them, so the riots caused are very small under the huge population base, and did not cause huge casualties.

Daxia, the capital of Longcheng.

Half a month has passed since the global riots, and this half month has made the upper echelons of all the cities present busy and exhausted.

Sitting in the first seat is an old man.

The supreme leader of Daxia glanced at the mayors of many cities in the conference room with a calm look.

Compared with previous national meetings, there are fewer people this time, and there are many more unfamiliar faces.

He sighed silently in his heart,"Let's start the national meeting now, and the Minister of Statistics will report the data!"


The Minister of Statistics stood up from his seat, took out a printed document, and said seriously.

"According to the data reported by various cities in Daxia, the death toll of this population is about 630 million... The casualties caused by the riots are about 45,000 people, and the economic losses caused... are unpredictable!"

Although many Daxia leaders have predicted the great damage caused by this crisis in the severe situation in the past half month and have made mental preparations...

But after knowing the clear numerical results, they still couldn't help but lose their minds for a while, and their faces became dazed.

"More than 630 million... This is equivalent to half of our Daxia country's population of more than one billion.……"

"No wonder there was a riot in our Great Xia Kingdom. So many people died!"

"Even during the war years, we didn't have so many deaths!"

"Could it be caused by special foreign weapons?!"

"I don't know if this is the case in other countries around the world.……"

The head of the statistics department took the information and continued speaking.

"According to preliminary estimates, the total number of humans on the Blue Planet is about 8 billion. If we extrapolate the proportion of sudden deaths in Daxia this time,……"

"The death toll on the blue planet is nearly four billion……"

All the mayors in the meeting room were speechless. Four billion people... what an unimaginable number!

Then the head of the statistics department nodded to the leader Xia who was at the first table and sat down.

The head of the scientific research department stood up and started to report.

"After investigation, it was found that the cause of death was the"super lunar eclipse". The light emitted by the red moon will add a strange substance to the air of the blue planet.……"

"This substance is somewhat similar to the spiritual energy that appeared before, and can slightly enhance the physical fitness of living things, including us humans.……"

"However, this substance will affect the cells of organisms at a deeper level. During the"super red moon" lunar eclipse scene, other creatures on the blue planet also lost consciousness like us humans, but the difference is that this strange substance did not have a negative impact on other organisms.……"

"The experimental results show that after experiencing the 'super red moon', these creatures have become stronger!"

"Moreover, every night when night falls, these creatures like to bathe in the moonlight of the red moon.……"

"The reason why so many of us humans suddenly die is because some people's constitutions cannot adapt to the deep cell changes caused by the strange substances...so their cells die and their gene chains collapse.……"

"According to our experiments over the past half month, the data proves that the surviving humans have not experienced any adverse reactions, and their physical fitness is gradually improving.……"


After flipping through the thick documents, the research director took a deep breath.

"More importantly... we also found that the bodies of humans who survived the 'Super Red Moon' lunar eclipse were already affected by the evolution of spiritual energy. In half a month, some people's physical fitness has reached the strength of special forces!"

All the senior officials present were shocked by what the Minister of Scientific Research said, and completely forgot the grief brought by the population just now.

"Can spiritual energy actually affect us humans?"

"This is actually a good thing. The biological evolution effect brought about by spiritual energy is unprecedented. Maybe in the future, we, the people of Daxia, will really be able to realize the dream of everyone being like a dragon!"

"This is the best news.……"

"I just don't know what causes the appearance of the 'super red moon'……"

"The news from that mysterious organization ordered the 'Super Red Moon' to be the 'Apocalypse Red Moon', Apocalypse... Could it be that this mysterious organization is the mastermind behind this disaster?"

"Probably not, maybe just some information……"

The conference room was instantly excited by the news. No one wanted to become stronger and live longer through spiritual evolution.

Moreover, the concept of cultivating immortals was part of Daxia's cultural tradition, which made many of the upper echelons present lose their composure and get excited...

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