Just as many of the Daxia Kingdom's leaders were excited in the conference hall, the Minister of Research and Development poured cold water on them.

The Minister of Research and Development pushed his gold-rimmed glasses and continued to report the data in his hands.

"I understand your excitement, but I want to remind you……"

"Compared to us humans, those beasts living in the wild nature...who are already blessed by spiritual energy, are now even more powerful!"

""Cut, aren't they just a group of big animals?" A general in military uniform said with disdain,"Millions of years ago, our human ancestors conquered the powerful beasts. Now we humans have countless high-tech civilizations. Are we still afraid of these beasts? Are you kidding me?"

The Minister of Research glanced at him, then looked at a middle-aged general next to him with a look of horror on his face, his clenched fists trembling slightly as if he was afraid of something and asked

""General Zhao, what do you think of those wild beasts?"

All eyes in the conference room turned to him, because they knew that the general had fought a powerful ancient creature.

General Zhao took a few deep breaths, stood up, and his tiger eyes regained their former momentum, ignoring everyone's gazes. He spoke

"I know some of you think it is because of my carelessness that the ancient creature in Jianghai City continues to roam freely in the wild, but this general tells you!"

"That ancient creature is far more powerful than you think!"

"Just imagine, where is there a creature that can speak and possess the power of thunder and lightning?!"

Then General Zhao looked at the Minister of Research and Development,"But this is not the point now, what do you mean, Minister?"

The Minister of Research and Development nodded,"Yes, General Zhao, you are right."

"The message I want to tell them is... the future... No! Soon there will be many powerful creatures like ancient creatures appearing in the suburbs of Jianghai City!"

"The appearance of the red moon caused the concentration of spiritual energy in the air to rise rapidly. In just half a month, the concentration of spiritual energy is now more than four times higher than before!"

"The concentration of spiritual energy in the wild is much higher than that in the city, and the speed at which wild animals absorb spiritual energy is usually much faster than us humans.……"

After the research director finished speaking, he sat back in his seat, but the discussion in the conference room stopped.

No matter what the reason, even General Zhao’s political enemies could not deny that the ancient creatures outside Jianghai City were powerful enough for all to see!

Afterwards, the research department analyzed the battle video outside Jianghai City. The power displayed by the golden figure was like a human missile!

And it was a medium-sized missile!

Fortunately, the ancient creature did not leave the territory for some reason. It might be because of its strong sense of territory. Otherwise, if such a terrible creature entered the city, it would be a large-scale disaster!

"The situation is very serious. I think everyone is clear about it. Does the Minister of Research have anything else to say?"

The leader of Daxia on the first seat shook his head with a gloomy look and asked the Minister of Research.

The Minister of Research pursed his lips and stood up again.

"Let me make one last guess.……"

"Now the situation on Blue Star is becoming worse and worse due to the emergence of spiritual energy and the red moon... Now even the global population has decreased by four billion!"

"But have you noticed that the functions of spiritual energy and the red moon are to stimulate the evolution of organisms? We humans have no advantage in this regard.……"

"If we humans still pride ourselves on technological civilization in the future, we may very likely fall on the road to destruction. After all, the mysterious and unknown aura and the red moon are obviously not something that we humans can prevent with our current means.……"

A general frowned and asked directly,"Minister of Research, what exactly do you want to say?! If you just want to scare people, I don't have so much time to waste on this!"

The Minister of Research ignored him and continued,"What I want to say is... since we can't contain the influence of spiritual energy and red moon, why don't we take the initiative to accept the influence of spiritual energy and red moon?"

"In the past, our human bodies could not be affected by the evolution of spiritual energy, but now it is different... We humans can completely rely on spiritual energy to evolve like the beasts in nature!"

"Don't forget that we humans are also part of nature."

These words made many of the Daxia country's upper echelons brighten, but someone asked

"Minister of Research, didn't you just say that wild animals in nature absorb spiritual energy much faster than humans? If that's the case, how can we humans absorb spiritual energy and evolve? I'm afraid that by then, we will just become more delicious food in the eyes of wild animals.……"

The Minister of Research and Development said with a smile,"What I just said is not absolute. According to the experiments of our research department, some people who exercise regularly or have extraordinary mental states absorb spiritual energy much faster than ordinary people. If we can develop a set of methods specifically for absorbing spiritual energy, or create some auxiliary equipment, it will definitely be very helpful to us!"

"To put it bluntly, if we humans rely on spiritual energy to evolve, we may be able to fly in the sky and hide in the ground as described in myths and legends... and even have a lifespan far beyond our current lifespan!"

The Minister of Research's eyes were gleaming! There seemed to be a blazing flame in his eyes!

"Eh...it sounds really good!"

"But can this idea really be realized?"

"Yes... The situation is so dangerous now. If this bold idea is implemented, will it cause greater turmoil?"

Most of the people who were talking were from government departments and institutions. Only the generals in the military were silent, but looked thoughtful.

Because they knew that it was not only the ordinary people of Daxia who died suddenly, but also the army.

It is not easy to maintain such a stable situation now...

Moreover, as soldiers, they know that modern weapons civilization has reached a bottleneck point, and it is too difficult to break through.

Besides, even if they create weapons that are tens of millions times more destructive than atomic bombs, what's the use?

Now their main enemy is the unknown spiritual energy and the influence of the red moon...

In order to improve the overall combat effectiveness of the army, physical fitness is the key. Now that the spiritual energy acts on the human body, the words of the Minister of Scientific Research have given them hope.

The generals looked at the Minister of the Military with different eyes.

The Minister of the Military felt his gaze and had an idea in his mind.

He nodded in agreement to the Minister of Scientific Research, then stood up and said respectfully to the leader of Daxia on the first seat.

"Leader, I agree with the Minister of Science and Technology's idea... We can give it a try.……"

The discussion in the conference hall stopped, and everyone looked at the leader of Daxia. His decision might very well guide the fate of Daxia...

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