
In the forest, a huge brown bear suddenly jumped out of the dense forest in the distance!

The large and violent movement of the huge body made the surrounding ground rumble, and the trees began to shake. Some short trees that were slightly closer to the huge brown bear were directly knocked down and collapsed on the ground.

After the big brown bear roared loudly and with great momentum and deterrence, it burst out with great power and rushed to the distance!

There was a group of elephants not far away from him!

Looking at some physiological characteristics, it can be seen that this is a group of more than a dozen Asian elephants!

Although the Asian elephant is not as big as the African elephant, the gap is not big!

Moreover, the elephant itself is the largest and heaviest creature on land in nature. Coupled with the influence of spiritual energy and the red moon, the size is even larger than that of the big brown bear!

Moreover, the tusks of each male elephant are more than two meters long, strong and powerful, and flash a sharp edge in the light!

This group of elephants relies on the instinct of the body to desire spiritual energy, and migrates to places with rich spiritual energy.

They ate almost everywhere they went, and no creature had ever dared to enter their range of several hundred miles.

But now there was one, and they dared to face the herd of elephants that attacked them!


The elephants felt the terrifying aura of the big brown bear and couldn't help but growl in panic.

The baby elephant in the herd was frightened by the roar and stumbled to the ground.

The mother elephant recovered from the shock and subconsciously stood in front of the baby elephant.

At the same time, several male elephants with long tusks in the herd reacted.


The huge elephant's eyes turned red, and he let out an angry roar!

He moved his strong limbs and rushed straight towards the big brown bear!

Boom, boom, boom!!!

The ground was trampled by these huge creatures and made a rumbling sound!


With a long roar of thunder, the big brown bear started a close combat with several Asian male elephants!

Under the thick brown fur of the big brown bear, there were all strong muscles. At this time, he was in a fighting state, and his hair stood up, making his body look bigger!

In the state of full burst, he actually knocked away a male elephant of the same size with one blow!

But before the big brown bear could pursue the victory, he was spotted by other male elephants on the side.


His body was like a football. Shoot back!

After knocking down several tall trees, the big brown bear shook his dizzy head and stood up.

Two blood holes of several dozen centimeters appeared on his chest, and blood gushed out, soaking the ground.

For the huge body of the big brown bear, these wounds were not fatal, but aroused his animal nature!

A tyrannical bear face was full of man-eating looks!

However, the male elephants in the Asian elephant group opposite were not afraid, because their number was far greater than that of the big brown bear!

Hot air came out of the several-meter-long trunk, and the thick elephant legs moved towards the big brown bear...

If Ye Yang was here, he would be able to find that three of these male elephants were at the same evolutionary level as the big brown bear."D-"Level creatures, Big Brown Bear Xiong Da is no match for him at all.

In nature, creatures like elephants are not only individually powerful, but also live and move in groups, which is totally a hooligan.

No creature dares to challenge the elephant group head-on.

Big Brown Bear Xiong Da, with blood on his chest, stared quietly at several male elephants that were slowly approaching with his red and angry eyes.

He is not a reckless and stupid man. Although he is very confident in his own strength, how can he drive away this group of elephants that broke into the boss's territory?

As the male elephant approached, the male elephant was a little confused.

Why doesn't this big brown bear run away?

At this time, Big Brown Bear Xiong Da realized that the distance was about the same, and stared at the male elephant's red and angry eyes, with a hint of mockery in his eyes. He slightly raised his bear head and opened his bear mouth full of fangs.

""Roar!!! Master Ahri!!! Please help!!!"

The male elephants who had been focusing on him were startled and hurriedly stepped back. They shook their heads and looked around.

But after a few breaths, everything was quiet. They didn't feel any powerful creatures approaching. What they didn't notice was that a small white figure appeared not far from them, and a pink light flashed.……

"Buzz...you bear...how dare you scare us?……"

""Buzz! Seeking death!!!"

Several male elephants roared angrily, and moved their thick elephant legs to run quickly towards the big brown bear!

Looking at the huge male elephants running towards them, the big brown bear did not panic, but stood where he was, without any intention of moving.


The big brown bear showed a mocking expression on his face.


When the male elephant came within ten meters of the big brown bear, there were several explosions!

These male elephants actually took the initiative to fight in chaos!

The male elephants had powerful tusks that evolved to compete with their own kind for mates. At this time, they seemed to see in each other's eyes that they wanted to snatch their own mates!

"Buzz...I'll beat you to death!"

""Buzz! Seeking death!"

Several elephants, each more than eight meters long and weighing six or seven tons, erupted in a fierce battle, causing the ground within a few hundred meters to shake violently. The female elephants and underage elephants in the herd not far away all widened their eyes, full of confusion...

What on earth happened...

Half an hour passed.

The male elephants on the scene stopped fighting. At this time, a large number of bloody wounds appeared on their blue-gray tough fur. They fell to the ground and gasped for hot air.

If they had fought other creatures with their strong physical fitness, they would probably not have such serious injuries.

However, the civil war between male elephants is very dangerous. Many male elephants were killed alive by their own kind because of the civil war for mates. At this time, the big brown bear who had been watching the show for more than half an hour on the sidelines began to move.

The tusk bear walked up to a male elephant of similar size with saliva in his mouth.

"Buzz... Help!……"

Seeing the pair of bloodthirsty red eyes, the male elephant who was lying on the ground helplessly shouted for help to the elephants behind him.

However, the male elephants lying on the ground sensed the danger approaching, and with their strong survival instinct, they squeezed out their potential, staggered back to the herd, and led the herd to run away.


The male elephant who was begging for help regained some strength and wanted to leave.


His body was mercilessly pressed to the ground by a powerful bear paw.

At the same time, he felt a sharp pain in his neck, and soon his consciousness fell into eternal darkness...

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