The big brown bear has a mouth full of steel-like fangs, stained with a thick layer of blood. Combined with the tyrannical bear face and bloodthirsty bear eyes, this look is enough to make most humans incontinent.


The big brown bear's eyes were full of excitement!

Although he didn't have the evolution system like Ye Yang and knew the existence of evolution levels, he could tell from the size and momentum that the dead elephant in front of him was definitely a match for him!

If he could eat the flesh and blood of this elephant, he would definitely become even stronger!

He opened his bloody mouth and was about to pounce on the male elephant's body.

""Chirp! Shut up, Big Bear!"

At this time, a clear and pleasant voice accompanied by a small white figure appeared.

When Big Brown Bear heard the voice, his red, angry and greedy eyes regained their rationality.


With a low growl, he stopped eating.

With a look of respect and a hint of fear, he looked at the nine-tailed white fox in front of him, which was even smaller than his paw.

"Oh... Master Ahri... Thank you for your help……"

"Hello...Excuse me, is there anything...……"

The nine-tailed little white fox looked at the huge dead elephant with its pair of pink fox eyes, and nodded its little fox head with satisfaction.

"Chirp! Big Brother hasn't eaten for a long time! Big Bear, bring this elephant to Big Brother!"


The big brown bear's eyes widened when he heard this, and he began to feel unhappy.

This was obviously his prey, why did he give it to the boss?

The most important thing was that this prey was very important for him to improve his strength...


Bear looked at the nine-tailed little white fox in front of him, and seemed to have thought of something, and nodded immediately.

"Oh...Okay, Master Ali……"

Ahri nodded, her pink fox eyes narrowed into a slit, and she opened her mouth.

""Chirp! Big Bear, if there's a piece of meat missing from this elephant's body, don't blame me for teaching you a lesson~"

Hearing this soft and lovely voice, Big Brown Bear's huge body trembled involuntarily, and his huge head swayed like a rattle.

""Hoo! No! Don't worry, Master Ali! I will definitely bring the elephant's body to you!"

Ali nodded his cute little head in satisfaction.


Suddenly, as if they had noticed something, the big brown bear Xiong Da and the little white fox Ali looked up at the sky.

A"strange bird" appeared in the sky."

"Chirp... The direction that strange big bird is flying... is big brother’s Shenfeng Mountain!"


The figure disappeared, and the white fox Ali rushed towards Shenfeng Mountain...

The big brown bear retracted his gaze, and there was no surprise or panic in his eyes.

Because he had seen this kind of"strange big bird", he also asked the boss afterwards, and he said it was a thing of two-legged beasts and humans...

In his mind, although the group of two-legged beasts were a little weird and dangerous, they were definitely not the opponents of the boss of Shenfeng Mountain.

Unlike the little fox Ali, he was not as worried as he was. The bear looked at the huge elephant corpse in front of him again. He swallowed hard and looked away.

He chose to be an honest laborer in carrying the goods...

Compared with hunger, he was more afraid of the little fox.……


On the top of Shenfeng Mountain.

A giant bird with brilliant golden light spread its wings on the ground at the top of the mountain. The sunlight from the sun in the sky was attracted by a strong force and gathered around Ye Yang.

As the lightning energy in his body flickered, it actually reflected colorful flashes under the sunlight.

Ye Yang was bathing in the sunlight as usual.

Although this behavior was boring, it could help him improve his strength quickly, and he now felt as comfortable as taking a hot spring bath, and it was not so boring.……


Sensing the slight sound in the air, Ye Yang opened his eyes, which were tightly closed.

A golden light shot out from his eyes, and he looked in the direction where the sound came from.

"A human helicopter?"

" turns out to be from Jianghai City……"

When Ye Yang saw the huge Jianghai City logo on the helicopter, he knew the purpose of the helicopter.

He had an agreement with the mayor of Jianghai City last time. As long as he did not enter Jianghai City, Jianghai City would continue to provide him with information about the world, as well as a large number of spiritual fruits and other things.

The helicopter slowly approached Shenfeng Mountain and landed on Shenfeng Mountain at a snail-like speed.

A figure of Miao Tian walked down from it.

When Ye Yang saw this figure, he was also stunned.

"Why is it a woman? And she's pretty……"

"What does this mean... Does this mean that this woman is very courageous?"

What he didn't know was that Yu Weiyue, who was tall and beautiful enough to become a popular star, was carefully selected by a group of leaders in Jianghai City.

The reason was that they knew that the ancient creature White Feather Eagle had a certain relationship with the two girls in their Jianghai City.

After analysis, it was possible that he had a good impression of female creatures. Considering that the two girls were young and beautiful, they specially sent the most beautiful woman among the public officials in Jianghai City.

If Ye Yang knew what they were thinking, he would be speechless.

He is already a bird, would he still have the mind of an old pervert?

Yu Weiyue, who came down from the helicopter, had long hair that was a little messy because of the mountain breeze, but her heart was full of suffocation. The huge creature in front of her made her feel that it was difficult to breathe.

However, her fair and delicate face remained calm, but the panic in her eyes could not be concealed.

After getting off the helicopter, Yu Weiyue immediately opened her pale lips and shouted

"Hello, Lord! My name is Yu Weiyue!"

"I am the liaison sent by Jianghai City, responsible for contacting you, the powerful and noble one!"

Ye Yang nodded as expected.

It was just such a simple action that made Yu Weiyue relieved her breath and exhaled like a orchid.

"If it is really as the leaders said, this ancient creature can understand human speech... and can communicate normally, I will be fine if I am careful.……"

Then he carried out this mission and quickly reported to Ye Yang what happened on Blue Star in the past half month.

Ten minutes later,

Ye Yang's pupils were full of horror!

"Four billion humans on the Blue Planet died inexplicably?!"

"Is this true or false?"

Ye Yang glanced at the tall woman standing a few meters away with a little doubt.

Yu Weiyue sensed the doubt in his eyes and immediately spoke nervously!

"Really! Everything I said is true, Master Shenfeng!"

"Oh? Lord Shenfeng……"

Ye Yang shook his head. This title was quite good.

Then a layer of haze appeared in his heart.……

"Spiritual breathing techniques and body-building exercises…isn’t this the scene after the revival of spiritual energy? And more importantly, where will the future pattern go?"

"Will I become a small overlord and be suddenly killed by the chosen one of mankind?"


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