Jianghai City, in a closed secret room.

There are wisps of white smoke in the secret room, which is the secret room for spiritual practice built by the Jianghai City government at a huge expense.

Only those with C-level spiritual qualifications or above can have the opportunity to practice here, but there are always exceptions. There are two people who can practice here all the time.

They are Ran Xiaoyue and Li Minmin!

As the only two people with S-level spiritual qualifications among the 400 million people in Daxia, they are qualified.

At this time, they are practicing in the spiritual practice secret room.

Compared with two months ago, the temperament of the two women has changed a little, becoming more agile and more ethereal.

Li Minmin, who has an active personality, withdrew from the state of meditation and practice, and looked up at Ran Xiaoyue who was still practicing with his eyes closed.

I couldn't help complaining,"I thought that after practicing spiritual energy, I didn't have to study those texts, which was an interesting thing... But I didn't expect that I would have to study ancient texts such as Taoism that are more complicated than the literature subjects... and I have to practice"physical exercises" every day until I sweat profusely.……"

That being said, she didn't regret it at all.

After only two months of practicing spiritual energy, she felt that her physical condition was exceptionally good. Her physical fitness and strength were rapidly improving. Now she felt that even a boxer would not be her opponent!

And more importantly, spiritual energy practice can beautify the face, and no girl can refuse this effect.

She glanced at the spiritual energy white mist floating in the air in the spiritual energy practice room.

"If it is on the top of Shenfeng Mountain, the efficiency of cultivation there must be much higher!"

Then she flipped through her phone to see if there was any news to eat melons. This was her normal operation.

Then her bright eyes suddenly widened!

"Damn! The little phoenix is going to evolve again!"

It was rare for him to swear. This shout also interrupted Ran Xiaoyue who was practicing spiritual energy.

"What happened? Did something happen to the little phoenix?"

Ran Xiaoyue, who was practicing cultivation, stood up and came to Li Minmin's side, looking at the mobile phone screen with bright eyes.

A big headline filled the entire page: The giant bird of the ancient creature in Shenfeng Mountain once again caused a thunderstorm in a hundred miles, suspected of a second mutation and evolution!

"The little phoenix is going to evolve again!"

Ran Xiaoyue's delicate and beautiful face was filled with joy.

The stronger the little phoenix is, the better it can protect itself. She cherishes the fate between her and the little phoenix.……


Outside Jianghai City.

At this time, the sky of hundreds of miles was covered by a thick layer of dark clouds, and the sunlight could not penetrate at all, making the whole earth dark.

In the dark clouds in the sky, golden thunder formed a thunderstorm in natural phenomena, constantly tearing the dark clouds and making them roll! There was a constant roar like a thunderstorm explosion, and a palpitating breath filled the hundred-mile mountain forest.

But unexpectedly, the beasts that were originally crawling on the ground in fear stood up restlessly.

With strong covetousness in their wild eyes, they looked at the mountain top standing in the distance. With the feeling of their bodies, they felt that there was something on the mountain top that attracted them!

A large number of intelligent beasts had a tangled look in their eyes. They had lived here for a long time, but they knew that the mountain was the habitat of the lord of this territory!

And the lord is the most powerful creature in this territory!

The last time Ye Yang used the lightning power in his body to fight against the Daxia army, the beasts in this mountain witnessed it with their own eyes!

Letting them get close to that mountain, wouldn't that mean they were willing to be eaten and die?!

As time went by, after just a few minutes, the attraction became even stronger!


Most of the giant beasts in the forest roared with difficulty. They were using reason or fear of the powerful Lord Ye Yang to suppress the impulse in their bodies...

After a few minutes, this attraction broke out! It became very strong and completely overwhelmed their reason!



""Gaga ga!"

The wild beasts in the forest roared wildly!

They all rushed towards the mountain that emitted a strong attraction!


The whole forest seemed to be boiling, and the ground rumbled, as if a violent earthquake had erupted!

Because this was the movement caused by tens of thousands of wild beasts!

In the forest, except for a small number of intelligent, or highly evolved, powerful beasts who resisted the impulse, most of the beasts rushed towards the direction of Shenfeng Mountain!

The scene was very grand and huge, with a steady stream of beasts like invincible generals. The dust in the forest soared into the sky, and huge trees collapsed to the ground.

At this time, in a corner of the forest, the same thing happened as here.

The solid ground of the forest was shaking violently. It trembled and burst into roars.

Amidst the roars, there were also a lot of beast roars!

It turned out that a huge beast tide composed of wild beasts around Jianghai City was rushing over. Looking at that direction, they were also attracted by Shenfeng Mountain and were rushing towards Shenfeng Mountain!

Since they didn’t know that there was a powerful lord in this mountain forest territory, they didn’t worry about anything and soon caught up with the beast tide in the forest!

The two beast tides merged together in a strange and harmonious way, but this group of beasts that came later had no scruples and quickly surpassed the beast tide in the forest, rushing towards Shenfeng Mountain!

The beast tide group in the forest looked at this group of strange beasts in a daze, and then they were happy!

They could let this group of beasts that came from nowhere explore the way.……


Just as the two waves of beasts were advancing towards Shenfeng Mountain one after another, no one noticed that in a corner of the dense forest, a huge creature with a pitch-black body and an ominous corrosive aura was rushing towards Shenfeng Mountain just like the beasts!

The huge black figure suddenly stopped, and the head with a long scarlet tongue unconsciously looked up at the sky covered with dark clouds and golden lightning.

The momentum of the golden thunder was getting bigger and bigger, and now it was like a huge golden spider web, covering the dark clouds for hundreds of miles.

The huge black figure couldn't help trembling. He felt the crisis from the sky...


The pupils in his eye sockets looked at the peak of the distant mountain like a demon. The temptation was too great for him!

After being stunned for a second.

The huge black figure spit out scarlet tongues and rushed towards the direction of Shenfeng Mountain!

The huge body left a gully like a field on the ground of the forest, but this gully was more than three meters wide.……


At the same time, a helicopter appeared in the sky below the dark clouds and thunder...

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