This helicopter that suddenly appeared in the forest in the southern suburbs of Jianghai City was the reconnaissance force sent by the Jianghai City government.

A large number of wild beasts broke out in the suburbs of Jianghai City. Such a big movement, and it also involved the evolution of ancient giant birds, it was impossible for the Daxia government not to notice this place.

Thanks to the presence of Ye Yang, the overlord of the sky, hundreds of miles high in the sky, no flying creature dared to set foot here, even smaller birds were not seen.

Therefore, the scouts sitting in the helicopter did not need to worry about the danger from flying beasts.

"The golden thunder in the sky... is too scary. When will golden lightning appear in nature?"

"These dark clouds and golden lightning must have been caused by the ancient giant bird!"

"Oh, I wonder how terrifying that ancient giant bird will become after this mutation and evolution.……"

The helicopter pilots looked at the golden lightning in the dark clouds with lingering fear. Every ray of lightning brought them a sense of death.

The helicopter dropped rapidly because they were afraid of being struck by golden lightning.

"Lots of wild animals……"

"This is the first time I have seen such a large-scale beast tide!"

Soon the helicopter saw the beast tide running wildly on the ground. Looking down from the sky, it was even more obvious how huge the beast tide was! The beast tide had no end in sight, like the brown and black Yangtze River!

"Where on earth do these wild beasts around Jianghai City want to go?!"

"This direction... seems to be Shenfeng Mountain……"

"Is there something attracting them at Shenfeng Mountain?!"

Soon the reconnaissance team on the helicopter discovered a strong attraction!

They all looked towards the peak of Shenfeng Mountain in the distance!

However, as humans, who have the most successful brain evolution since the birth of life on Blue Planet for hundreds of millions or even billions of years, they quickly got rid of this attraction.

"What the hell is that on the top of the mountain?! There is a voice in my heart telling me that if I can just get over it, I will be reborn!"

"Me too!"

After thinking for a few seconds, the leader of the reconnaissance team looked up at the golden thunder roaring in the dark clouds in the sky, and then looked down at the endless torrent of beasts on the ground.

"Let’s go! To Shenfeng Mountain!"

"But Captain, that's the habitat of the ancient giant bird, isn't it too dangerous?!"

"The situation here is not normal now. We must investigate. Even if we have to sacrifice our lives for it... it is worth it!"

"All right……"

The helicopter sped towards Shenfeng Mountain……


Shenfeng Mountain, the destination of all creatures.

The atmosphere here, which is being stared at by thousands of wild beasts, seems to have changed, and it seems that a storm is coming.

On the mountainside.

The little white fox Ahri holds the phone in her paws, and her big pink and clear eyes are looking at the golden thunder in the sky with worry.

Although she can't see it, her extraordinary mental power can still sense a familiar figure in the golden thunder.

She knows that this is her elder brother's abnormal evolution.

As long as he evolves, her elder brother will become more powerful!

"Chuchu...Big brother, please evolve quickly……"

She was a little anxious in her heart. She was full of confidence in her elder brother and he would definitely be able to evolve successfully.

But the reason why she was anxious was that she felt a large number of wild beasts approaching here! There were too many wild beasts approaching!

Even humble ants, as long as there were a large number, could eat elephants!

This sentence seemed like a saying in Daxia country... called... ants can eat elephants to death!

These are what the little fox Ali learned from studying Daxia culture all day long.

Shaking her cute little head, now is not the time to think about this!


Feeling the movement nearby, the little white fox Ali immediately turned around and made an angry sound!

At the same time, a pair of pink fox eyes flashed with colorful light!

Feeling that he was locked in Ali's angry eyes, the giant panda Xiong Er trembled, and a sneer appeared on his black and white panda face.

Retreating from the way up the mountain, the little white fox Ali retracted his angry gaze. The pink fox eyes glared at the restless giant panda Xiong Er, and then glanced at the big brown bear Xiong Da and the monkey king Wukong who were staying in place.

"Chirp... This fox knows... There is something on the top of the mountain that attracts everyone……"

"Chirp... But you have to know that this is big brother's stuff... If you dare to steal big brother's stuff, you are... courting death!"

Hearing this, the expressions of the big brown bear Xiong Da and the monkey king Wukong did not change.

Although they could feel the attraction on the top of the mountain, their own reason and fear of Ye Yang made them dare not act rashly.

Only some greedy giant pandas grumbled and roared a few times, and they had no intention of going to the top of the mountain.

Then several wild beasts looked into the distance, and now they also saw a group of wild beasts rushing over from a distance.

They trembled a little in their hearts. It was the first time they saw so many wild beasts rushing over, and the number made them tremble with fear.……

"Chirp! The top of Shenfeng Mountain belongs to Big Brother... We must not let these beasts... go up there!"

"Chirp! We have to stop these beasts!"

The three huge beasts also nodded. This was their duty as Ye Yang's younger brothers.

If they escaped from here and let these beasts reach the top of the mountain, then there was no doubt that the boss would drive them away even if he didn't kill them. If they lost the qualification to stay here, where else could they find a place with such abundant spiritual energy?!

On the other hand, they also surrendered to the powerful Ye Yang, and surrendered in their hearts and minds. At the same time, the three beasts were still very confident. They were the most powerful beasts in this hundred-mile mountain forest except for the boss!


"Woo woo woo……"

The fierce aura of the three huge beasts gradually spread, and war appeared in their huge eyes!

The little white fox Ahri nodded with satisfaction. She believed that as long as these three guys united, plus her ability, they would be able to delay until the big brother's mutation and evolution were over.

"Wuwuwu...I have to go...take care of something first……"

The Monkey King Wukong carefully handed the human baby he had been carrying around to the golden monkey tribe at the foot of the mountain for care.

When he returned to the mountainside of Shenfeng Mountain, he had an extra thick wooden stick in his hand, which was five or six meters long!

The original gray long stick had been eliminated as his evolution level increased and his body size increased.

A fiery atmosphere surrounded Shenfeng Mountain, and a war was about to begin!




Accompanied by the loud roars of the beasts and the rumbling of the ground, which brought a slight vibration... the beast tide has arrived at the foot of Shenfeng Mountain!

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