Shenfeng Mountain, at the foot of the mountain.

At this time, there was a strange atmosphere here. Everywhere you could see wild beasts that were much larger than humans imagined. Tigers and leopards as big as buffaloes had become the norm after the spiritual energy had recovered for several months.

Some wild beasts were even seven or eight meters long, and from a distance they looked like prehistoric behemoths!

This group of wild beasts from around Jianghai City stared straight at the mountaintop in front of them with their huge eyes, their eyes full of covetousness... and a hint of fear!

Because the breath coming from this mountain made them very uneasy, which meant that there was a powerful creature on this mountain!

With such a terrible breath, that creature must be very powerful, so the beasts in this beast tide did not move, but looked around at each other, wanting other beasts to explore the way.

Under the influence of the spiritual energy for several months, it was not only their bodies that became strong, but also their wisdom.

"Buzz... a bunch of cowards……"

A sudden and loud noise resounded at the foot of the quiet mountain.

A huge wild boar with brown bristles nearly one meter long stood out. His huge pupils looked at the quiet beasts around him with contempt.

All the beasts he looked at felt a huge pressure and lowered their heads unconsciously, while their hearts trembled!

Why could they understand the roar of this terrible wild boar?!

Of course, these beasts didn't know that their evolution level had reached"D-"After reaching the next level, he will have the telepathic skill and can communicate.

The brown wild boar, whose bristles are like hard spears, scanned the surroundings with his big eyes and began to sense the surrounding atmosphere with his mind.

After sensing several strong auras on the mountain, he breathed a sigh of relief. As he approached the mountain, he became more and more uneasy, as if there was a huge danger waiting for him.

Although he felt a huge pressure on the mountain, he knew that the creature with a strong aura was not on the mountain now.

Greed appeared in his eyes as big as footballs again. If this was the case, he would have a great chance to reach the top of the mountain.

This is also the same thing that all wild animals perceive. Reaching the top of the mountain will bring great benefits, and no one can refuse it!

Then the brown wild boar snorted heavily, and a huge beast roar spewed out from his fanged mouth!

"Buzz... guys... come out... there are several powerful creatures on the mountain!"

"Buzz! We must unite... to have a chance to reach the top of the mountain!"

Although the powerful creature was not on the top of the mountain, the aura of several creatures near the mountainside was also very strong. The brown wild boar alone was no match for it, but there were many wild beasts here.

Sure enough, as his roar came out, the quiet beast tide suddenly surged, and several huge beasts with huge bodies and momentum far exceeding ordinary beasts walked out.

A black and yellow spotted giant tiger, a black-skinned giant deer, and finally a brown giant lizard.

"Yes... we must join forces……"

The tiger responded domineeringly, and the giant deer and giant lizard also nodded.

They all had evolved to the level of"D-"Creatures of level 1 or above naturally possess telepathic abilities like the brown pig, and can sense the situation on the mountain in front of them.

The four animals exchanged a few simple glances with their football-sized eyes, and then all looked at the herd of beasts nearby.

""Roar! You bunch of ants… Go ahead!"

The tiger was like a tyrant, very domineering, and roared directly at the beasts!


"Woo woo woo……"


The herd immediately became noisy, but still no beast dared to go up the mountain.

Although they did not have telepathic skills, they were not stupid. Since the four powerful beasts in front of them did not go up the mountain, there must be danger on the mountain. They dared not go up the mountain.


Sensing the refusal of the beasts, the domineering giant tiger was enraged!

It let out a terrifying tiger roar, leaving an afterimage on the spot, and pounced on the beasts on the side!

Snap! Snap!

The painful roar of the beasts was accompanied by the sound of fangs piercing into the body and breaking bones. Several beasts fell heavily to the ground, and the scarlet blood splashed and invaded the ground, dyeing it red. The giant tiger Fang Tiger chewed the heart in his mouth, and looked around with a pair of huge tiger eyes with fierce light. All the beasts that were stared at were almost paralyzed on the ground.



Several beasts could not stand the threat from four powerful beasts and rushed to the mountain!

With the leader, the beast tide seemed to have found the direction and rushed to the mountain in front of them, and the direction of the rush was very fast!

Many beasts had already fallen to the ground and were trampled to death...

Every beast had only one goal in mind, that was to rush to the top of the mountain!



The entire Shenfeng Mountain began to shake violently. Although the Shenfeng Mountain was rising slowly every day after the"Super Red Moon", it could not withstand the trampling of thousands of wild beasts.

Ye Yang's brothers who were waiting on the mountainside were shocked, and their auras began to become fierce, their lips flipped and their fangs were exposed!


When the big brown bear saw a group of wild beasts going up the mountain, he couldn't help it, and he roared and rushed into the group of wild beasts!


"Woo woo woo……"

Although these beasts are large, each of them is the size of an adult buffalo and weighs at least three tons, their evolution level has reached"D"The big brown bear at the threshold was even more terrifying!

It was like an adult rushing into a group of children, with broken limbs and debris falling from the mountainside and hitting the foot of the mountain.

Soon, the first beast troop was completely wiped out by the big brown bear.

The big brown bear's violent bear face did not relax, because in his perception, there was still a large group of beasts rushing towards the mountainside!


The familiar feeling of earthquakes came again, and another group of beasts appeared at the foot of the mountain...

The number of beasts in this group was larger, and their eyes were red. They smelled the bloody smell, and the increasing attraction from the top of the mountain had completely made them lose their minds!


The beasts had gone crazy!

They rushed to the mountainside without caring about their lives. At this time, the giant panda Xiong Er and the monkey king Wukong, who were a little behind, also stepped forward and joined the battlefield to start a big fight!

No one noticed that when the roar of the beasts completely covered the roar of thunder, the golden light emitted by the dark clouds and golden thunder in the sky became more and more dazzling...

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