Ten minutes later, the originally fresh air in the forest was filled with a strong smell of blood.

Wang Xiaoli climbed up a big tree, panting, feeling extremely embarrassed physically and mentally. She stared at the mess around her with her eyes wide open.

Her pupils were dilated and her lips were pale."How could this be?"……"

In her sight, there were a large number of human remains, blood and flesh flying everywhere, the scene was extremely bloody. Not long ago, several colleagues under the big tree where he was now were unable to climb trees, and were torn to pieces alive by several wild wolves!


He vomited on the spot, looking up at the sky in despair,"What on earth happened?……"

"How could this happen?……"

She couldn't understand why they were so relaxed just one second, but the next moment they were experiencing hell.

She was the only one who survived in her team. If she hadn't grown up in the countryside and learned how to climb trees at a young age, she would have been trampled into pulp by the beasts like her colleagues.

"Hmm... what is that?"

She looked up in despair, and unexpectedly saw a gray figure in the distant sky.

Although the distance was very far, the gray figure was just a small gray dot in her field of vision, but staring at this small gray dot, she felt even more palpitating than the herd of beasts just now.

Suddenly, a thought popped up in her mind,"Could it be that this creature caused the beast tide?"


Wang Xiaoli was not the only lucky person to survive the forest beast tide. There were several others.

One of them was a camera operator from another team. He also felt the pressure coming from the sky.

Zooming in the high-definition lens, he actually saw a gray eagle!

All the citizens of Jianghai City rushed into the live broadcast room and clearly saw the gray eagle in the picture.

"What kind of species is this gray eagle? Can anyone tell me what it is?……"

"Although we were thousands of miles apart, I could feel a sense of shock from the screen.……"

"Could it be that the cry of this gray eagle caused all the beasts in the forest to flee?"

"That's impossible. Although this grey eagle looks very heroic, how could it possibly have the ability to make a group of animals feel fear when facing their natural enemies?"

"It's so strange. I really can't go to the suburbs anymore... Hey... I made an appointment with my girlfriend to go outdoors next week.……"


Soon, the beast tide incident that occurred in the suburbs of Jianghai City attracted the attention of the entire Daxia Internet users, and even made the Daxia upper echelons worried.

The capital of Daxia, Longcheng.

Experts from all fields of the entire Daxia country gathered together.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, recently in Daxia... no, in the entire Blue Star, there have been unprecedented huge beasts appearing. What do you think about this?"

Sitting in the first seat was an energetic old man, who was also the head of the scientific research department and the first

"These creatures are all mutations of animals in nature, probably because of the spiritual energy in the air."

"You are right. Ever since the aura appeared on Blue Star for some unknown reason a month ago, the animals on Blue Star have gradually started to mutate. Their brain nerves have become more developed and their bodies have become stronger.……"

"This is a topic worth studying. I wonder why the head of the scientific research department wants to call us to Longcheng for a meeting?"

An expert raised a question, which was almost the voice of all the experts present.

The head of the scientific research department, a vigorous old man, shook his head when he heard it,"I know what you think... I think this matter is not worth calling all the experts in Daxia who have made achievements in all fields.……"

A pair of cloudy but bright pupils swept across the hundreds of people in the conference room,"But I want to tell you that animal alienation is definitely not a small matter, but a major event concerning the survival and extinction of the entire human race on the Blue Planet!"


""What does the leader mean by this?"

Without waiting for everyone to ask, the chief researcher pressed the remote control in his hand, and the screen in front of him instantly projected a picture.

A giant black snake that was more than ten meters long, and its body was thicker than a human waist. The average adult was not enough to be in front of his abyss mouth.

The next picture was a blood-red tiger. Not counting the tiger's tail, it was five meters long, like a red pickup truck. What shocked everyone was that... this blood-red giant tiger actually grew two long fangs exposed, which was obviously a huge change.

Next, it was an underwater crocodile...

Seeing the strange creatures constantly flowing in front of the screen, hundreds of big professors in different fields in the conference room couldn't help but open their mouths wide.

"Are these creatures the result of the transformation of wild animals in nature? They are simply monsters from science fiction movies!"

"It’s unbelievable that such horrific creatures appeared in nature just one month after the appearance of spiritual energy!"

"It seems that spiritual energy is more mysterious than we thought! We must speed up the research on the mysteries of spiritual energy!"

""Huh? Why is there a gray eagle?"

The screen showed more than a dozen strange beasts, and the last picture stopped on a gray eagle, which stopped the discussion in the conference room.

Everyone felt a little confused, because the dozen or so huge creatures in the previous picture were all abnormally large, and this gray eagle was like an adult compared to those big guys.

"Is there anything special about this eagle?"

The head of the scientific research department obviously understood the confusion in the hearts of many professors and experts, and said,"The images just projected are all the information I have sorted out about the strange creatures currently received in Daxia. The reason why this gray eagle is placed at the end is because it may be much more terrifying than all the huge creatures before!"


"What is the origin of this gray eagle?!"

""Be quiet." The head of the scientific research department scolded, and when the situation calmed down, he continued to explain.

"I think everyone knows about the beast tide video in Jianghai City that has been circulating on the domestic Internet recently. It is very likely that it was caused by this gray eagle!"

"Before the beast tide occurred, the audience watching the live broadcast clearly heard a sound similar to the cry of an eagle. We speculate that it was this cry that caused the beast tide to break out!"

"Just imagine, if this gray eagle can really make hundreds of wild beasts flee with just one cry, how terrifying is its true form?"

After hearing the answer from the head of the scientific research department, everyone was in disbelief.

"Is this grey cat so powerful?!"

"Could it be a monster?"

"I suggest you capture this gray eagle and hand it over to our biology department for dissection. We will definitely be able to obtain a lot of scientific research data!"

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