The head of the scientific research department shook his head and rejected the proposal.

"This gray eagle can fly high in the sky and is small, making it difficult to capture.……"

"I think everyone knows that because of the spiritual energy, the brain nerves of many creatures have become active. I suspect that these powerful mutant creatures have intelligence that is no less than that of humans."

"So, to be on the safe side, don’t alert the enemy before you have a foolproof plan to capture him."

Seeing their leader say this, many experts could only nod their heads.

Finally, after hundreds of experts and professors in the conference room discussed, several top priorities were determined.

"An expert said before that it is right. Our primary goal now is to analyze the mystery of spiritual energy. Where does it come from? Why does it appear on the blue planet? Is it harmful or beneficial to us humans?"

"Also, the wild animals in nature are very dangerous now, so send troops to transfer the population of those mountainous areas and towns near the mountains to the cities."

The meeting ended here.


On the other side, after Ye Yang's cry resounded throughout the universe, the forest became very quiet.

Because now living within a ten-mile radius of the mountain where Ye Yang lives, except for some silly and dim rabbits and pheasants, there are no other animals.

Ye Yang was quite satisfied with this, so that no creatures would come to the mountain top to disturb him.

As for humans...

After Ye Yang cried before, he also saw humans who died in the beast tide.

A four or five hundred meter green mountain, a gray and heroic eagle with red feathers on its forehead proudly stood on the top of the mountain.

A pair of cold and sharp golden pupils flashed an inexplicable look.

"Humans may have noticed my presence……"

"But humans probably won't attack me now, after all, I'm a flying creature.……"

Ye Yang was certain that humans would not come to deal with him at present. After all, he was a big eagle, and it would be easy for him to leave the mountains.

Moreover, it was difficult for ordinary thermal weapons and firearms to hit him who was so agile in the air.

He didn't believe that the people of Daxia would directly use heavy thermal weapons, such as positioning missiles, to deal with him.

That would be like using a sledgehammer to kill a chicken.

Although Ye Yang could not escape the locking range of the missile at present, he never worried about it.

The reason was that with the emergence of spiritual energy, animals only produced certain mutations, which were far from endangering the dominant position of humans on the blue planet.

So he was still very safe at present.

What's more, Jianghai City was a hundred miles away from here. At worst, he could just hide in the city.


Looking into the distance with cold eyes, a rabbit with red eyes blatantly bit an old wolf to death ten kilometers away was now tearing the flesh of the old wolf into pieces.

As he ate, Ye Yang noticed that the size of the red-eyed rabbit was slightly larger.

"The terrifying speed at which animals evolve and mutate...will definitely be a huge crisis for future humans!"

"Therefore, the war between humans and animals is definitely not far away!"

"We must be strong enough to ignore missiles... and even nuclear weapons before humans discover the animal mutation crisis!"

Then Ye Yang's golden eyes looked into the distance

"Although I have an automatic upgrade system that can automatically become stronger every day, there is still a shortcut……"

"That was the red fruit from before, the spiritual fruit."

Ye Yang named those fruits that contained a lot of spiritual energy as spiritual fruits.

The spiritual fruit can accelerate one's growth, improve one's level, and strengthen oneself, and is a very important source for him.


Spreading his wings, he fell towards the forest below the mountain.

The flight altitude was not high, flying along the sky above the forest, because although his vision was far away and he could see things more than ten kilometers away, the surface of the spiritual fruit was no different from ordinary wild fruits in the mountains.

If you don't feel the attraction of the spiritual fruit at close range, you can't detect it at all.

In this way, Ye Yang patrolled from morning to afternoon, and had flown hundreds of miles, but he didn't find a single spiritual fruit.

"Could it be that the spiritual fruit is rarer than I thought? Just like the natural treasures in novels, they cannot be born unless the right time and place are right?"

Just as Ye Yang turned around and wanted to go back to the top of the mountain,



From a distance came a chaotic roar

"There might be something good here!"


It quickly flew in that direction, leaving a gray figure in the sky.


In an open territory, the atmosphere was very tense. Two animals, as big as small trucks, were angry and hostile to each other.

Beside them, there were animal corpses on the ground, blood filled the air, and blood dyed the land red.

Not far from them, a bamboo more than one meter high, like a jasper, was emitting bursts of white fluorescence. The green bamboo leaves swayed in the air, which was very beautiful like a top work of art.

But more importantly, this more than one meter high jade bamboo exuded a strong aura, which was also the reason why these two behemoths were attracted.

The brown bear, as big as a hill and burly in stature, looked at the giant tiger opposite, with a fierce look full of oppression, and the fangs in his mouth were full of blood. Although the yellow-spotted giant tiger opposite was not as big as the brown bear, its momentum was not inferior to that of the brown bear. Not counting the four-meter-long tiger tail, it was also a giant tiger that was affected by the aura and became powerful.



Almost at the same moment, two truck-sized beasts flashed a cold light in their eyes and rushed towards each other!

Boom, boom, boom...

The earth trembled, leaving a series of footprints on the ground.


An explosion sounded immediately, and a majestic air wave floated between the brown bear and the giant tiger!

The brown bear was so powerful that someone's head was huge.���The bear's paw went straight towards the giant tiger's head.


The bear's paw, with the powerful strength of the brown bear, caused a slight sonic boom in the air.

The giant tiger, which was about to attack the brown bear's neck, jumped in surprise. It was shocked by the strength of the brown bear in front of it, and quickly controlled its flexible and agile body to dodge behind it.

It raised its sturdy tiger paw, revealing the sharp tiger claws hidden in the tiger paw...


There was a sound of leather tearing, and a large piece of flesh and brown fur on the chest of the brown bear was torn off by the tiger's claws.

The giant tiger retreated to a few dozen meters away, opened its mouth and swallowed the bear meat skin in its paw, and looked at the brown bear with a pair of cruel tiger eyes.

Licking his lips, he seemed to have seen the weakness of the brown bear's clumsy movements, and he could slowly wear it out this way.


The brown bear let out a roar that reached the sky!

This roar was not a roar of pain, but a roar of anger!

The roar was filled with endless anger, and this brown bear, which was as big as a hill, was enraged!

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