
The furious giant bear burst out with even more terrifying power and speed than before, like a small truck with full firepower, rumbling towards the giant tiger not far away!

The two powerful beasts fought each other again, and the power that burst out in an instant made the surrounding trees tremble slightly, and a large number of cracks appeared on the ground.

The astonishing momentum of the fight made the beasts living around flee early, and those beasts that coveted the spiritual energy of the white jade bamboo had already fallen in a pool of blood on the ground.


There was a slight sound in the sky, and no one noticed that a gray figure quietly landed on a big tree not far from the battlefield.

"No wonder there are so many wild animals here, either tigers or wolves. It turns out there is a nature reserve here.……"

Ye Yang flew here and saw a tall iron sign not far away. He then realized that there was a large nature reserve not far from the mountains of Jianghai City.

"No wonder we encountered tigers and wolves before...it must be from���A piece of Changbai Mountain Nature Reserve ran away……"

The golden pupils glanced at the battle between the brown bear and the giant tiger not far away...but his mood was a little heavy. He originally thought that he had evolved to"E-"After reaching the level, he was already at the top of the nature, but seeing the power displayed by the two truck-like beasts in battle, he realized that he had underestimated other beasts in nature. He was not yet a match for these two guys.

He did not believe that these two beasts were as high as him, but... in the final analysis, his race was a sparrow, and his innate ability was much worse than that of tigers and brown bears.

"However... this gap will be made up soon!"

His sight was fixed on the white jade bamboo not far away. What made Ye Yang excited was that the spiritual energy emitted by this white jade bamboo was much richer than the small red fruit he ate.

Moreover, all the small red fruits added together were not as attractive to him as the white jade bamboo!

"Spiritual creature! Great treasure!"The golden pupils burst into excitement!

The golden claws under his body inadvertently left two marks on the tree trunk.

"Then the next thing is very simple……"

"When the two fight, the fisherman wins……"


In this way, Ye Yang gathered his breath and quietly hid in a tree not far away, waiting for the opportunity to act.

The angry brown bear and the giant tiger continued to fight from the afternoon until the sky gradually darkened.

Ye Yang looked up and saw that the sun had already gradually set in the sky.



At this time, the brown bear and the giant tiger, who had been fighting for an afternoon, were no longer in their previous state. They were breathing heavily, and their bodies were covered with bloodstains and bite marks.

Especially the brown bear, who was huge and not good at hiding, had no clean hair on his body. It looked like he had fallen into a pool of blood. The giant tiger was not doing well either. Although he looked much better than the brown bear on the surface, only he knew that several of his ribs were broken.


Even though the two ferocious beasts were seriously injured, their aura was even more frightening. The madness in their eyes could make a timid person lose control of their bladders!

After roaring, they fought fiercely.

In the end, the tiger, which was seriously injured, was no longer as agile as before, and its neck was bitten off by the brown bear.

However, the tiger's counterattack before death also left a bloody hole in the brown bear's chest, which continued to bleed.


Just as the wounded brown bear killed the giant tiger, a huge black figure appeared in the forest and rushed towards the brown bear!


Before the brown bear could react, it was knocked more than ten meters away by the black figure and fell heavily to the ground.

The ground trembled.

At this time, the black figure was also exposed to the light. It turned out to be a wild boar as big as a hill, which was no less than the brown bear!

The black giant boar had a long mane on its neck, and its black and gray hair was as sharp as needles. Two fangs more than half a meter long in its mouth kept flashing.


After getting up, the brown bear couldn't help but let out a painful roar, and looked at the wild boar that attacked him with anger.

He had cleared all the wild animals around before fighting with the giant tiger, but he didn't expect that there was still a wild boar nearby, and the strength of this wild boar was exactly the same as before.


Without saying anything, he turned around and ran back


How could the wild boar give up the prey in front of it? You know, wild boars are omnivorous animals and can eat meat!

Soon the wild boar caught up with the seriously injured brown bear, knocked the brown bear to the ground, and began to attack the brown bear's body with the huge power of its body.


The seriously injured brown bear was unable to resist the wild boar. He ran away immediately, but he didn't expect the big wild boar to not let him go!

His physical condition was so bad that even his last blow couldn't hurt the wild boar.


"I didn't expect there was a wild boar lying in ambush nearby.……"

Standing on the thick tree trunk, Ye Yang's golden pupils changed

"It seems that these huge guys are not only powerful, but also have good brains.……"

"But this is cheaper for me……"

The golden pupil looked to the other side, where the white jade bamboo stood quietly, emitting a layer of fluorescence.


It turned into a gray shadow and quickly rushed towards the white jade bamboo.

"Ding, I feel the rich spiritual energy around me, and the basic breathing method makes me feel happy, and the operating efficiency is improved!"

As soon as I came within ten meters of the white jade bamboo, Ye Yang felt a huge spiritual energy, which was much higher than the spiritual energy on the top of the mountain!

At the same time, the operating efficiency of the basic breathing method was greatly improved. It was originally at double the efficiency of 72 hours, and now the operating efficiency has been raised to a higher level, reaching three times!

"Good baby!"

"Uh... this white bamboo is probably not edible, so I can only take it away.……"

A pair of golden claws firmly grasped the bamboo trunk of the white jade bamboo and tried to lift it.

But it didn't lift up!

Moreover, Ye Yang felt that the material of the white jade bamboo was very hard, far exceeding ordinary steel. Ye Yang's current strength could leave marks on steel. The white jade bamboo bore part of his strength, but the bamboo joints did not change, and there was not even a trace left on the surface.

"Then go all out!"

The claws firmly grasped the white jade bamboo, and the whole body exerted strength. Under the gaze of Ye Yang's pair of golden eyes, the bottom of the white jade bamboo began to loosen and was slowly leaving the ground.……


Suddenly, a huge hurricane came from behind!

Ye Yang knew without thinking that the big black wild boar was rushing towards him!

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