In the dark night sky, a blurry figure flashed quickly, and what was even more surprising was that this figure was emitting a hazy light!

It was as dazzling as a firefly in the dark night!

The beasts living in the forest all looked up at the sky at the same time, and could only see a blurry shadow emitting a faint light.

Curious, they wanted to follow the figure closer.

But when they saw that the blurry figure was flying towards the mountain top in the distance, they stopped moving.

The last cry that sounded like a natural enemy had made the indigenous beasts living in this forest and mountain area realize that a beast more terrifying than a golden eagle had appeared on the mountain top.

In their hearts, the mountain top was regarded as the territory of that terrifying beast. For them, it was a forbidden area that they must not approach.……


A gray figure landed on the top of the mountain.

After flying for several hours and covering hundreds of miles, Ye Yang finally returned to the top of the mountain.

He was not worried at all that the big black wild boar would be able to find this place. After flying at full speed for several hours, it was at least hundreds of kilometers. Even if the big black wild boar was strong, it would not be able to catch up.

It was night, and the sky was covered with clouds, blocking the moonlight of the full moon. The mountaintop was pitch black.

But in the darkness, the white jade bamboo emitted a faint fluorescence, attracting Ye Yang's attention.

"It is indeed a good treasure. It not only contains spiritual energy, but also can illuminate!"

Ye Yang, who flew and disappeared several times while holding the white jade bamboo, was a little tired, but his spirit was particularly excited!

The golden eyes reflected green light in the dark night, and his eyes were fixed on the fluorescent white jade bamboo more than one meter high in front of him. Ye Yang already had a plan in his mind.


Ye Yang put down the white jade bamboo with his claws and slammed it hard on the ground.

Although most of the ground on the top of the mountain is rock, there is still a small part of soil.

Soon a small pit was dug out, enough to put down the roots of the white jade bamboo.

And the location of this small pit is very good, right in the cave on the top of the mountain, so there is no need to worry about being stolen or noticed by other creatures.

After planting the white jade bamboo, Ye Yang's golden eyes stared at the white jade bamboo up and down for a while, and he breathed a sigh of relief when he did not notice that the white jade bamboo was in any state.

"Logically speaking, bamboo has a strong vitality, and this white jade bamboo that appeared due to spiritual energy will not die just like this."

There is a reason why he planted the white jade bamboo in the cave.

First of all, he was not sure whether this white jade bamboo could be eaten and digested by him like the red spiritual fruit before... Although he could feel that the white jade bamboo contained a lot of spiritual energy, what if the white jade bamboo could not be digested by his body, wouldn't it be a waste?

More importantly, he suddenly realized a key point, that is, the white jade bamboo could automatically absorb the spiritual energy around it, and it was obviously absorbing spiritual energy to help its own growth.

And Ye Yang found that... the range of spiritual energy absorbed by these white jade bamboos is very large. Now because of the white jade bamboo, the spiritual energy on the top of the mountain is twice as rich as before!

Combined with his basic breathing method that runs automatically 24 hours a day, it is simply a permanent experience buff! It can make him improve faster than before!

Perfect match!

So even if the white jade bamboo can eat, Ye Yang would not have this idea, after all, long-term benefits are the most important.

Coming to the entrance of the cave, it will absorb more energy from the moonlight, and then the golden pupils gradually narrowed.

Suddenly thinking of something

"I wonder if the brown bear escaped.……"

Gradually I became aware of tranquility and fell into a deep sleep


Early in the morning.

The sun slowly rose from the east, and rays of warm sunlight scattered on the earth, awakening all things in the world and bringing infinite vitality and warmth to all living things. At the entrance of a cave on the top of a mountain among the mountains of Jianghai City.

A gray eagle was changing violently.……

"Tip: Your basic breathing method has doubled its efficiency.……"

"Tip: After a day of practicing your basic breathing techniques, your proficiency will improve!"

"Tip: Your supreme breath cells sense the energy of the sun, awaken from their slumber, and begin to function.……"

"Tip: Your level has been successfully upgraded from E- to E!"

"Tip: After the efforts of the Supreme Breath Cells, you already have 1,000 Supreme Breath Cells! Successfully upgraded your bloodline!"

"Tip: Your species, sparrow, has been successfully upgraded to white-feathered eagle!"

(The"ding" used in the previous system has been changed to"prompt" for a better reading experience.)

Ye Yang had just woken up, and before he could react to a series of prompt sounds, his body was filled with severe pain!

It was extremely painful, as if countless insects appeared deep inside his body, gnawing at his flesh, internal organs, and bone marrow.

But his golden eyes were full of excitement at this moment!

Because he recalled the prompt sounds in his mind, he knew that his body was transforming and getting stronger!

" hurts!"

"Not only did the level increase, but the number of Supreme Breath Cells reached one thousand, which finally caused a qualitative change, and the body was transforming.……"


More intense pain surged!

Before Ye Yang could feel more inside his body, an invisible force burst out from the deepest part of his body, penetrating into his skin, flesh, internal organs, bones... even the most basic material cells that make up his body were nourished by this invisible energy.


The gray feathers on his body fell off, and at the same time, his body size grew rapidly!

One meter... two meters... three meters!

Finally, the wingspan reached more than three meters before stopping!

And the smooth body surface began to grow hair, and the hair quickly grew into layers of white feathers like snow in the blink of an eye, covering the whole body. The golden claws and black beak on the lower body also changed and turned white. The beak became narrower and longer, the legs became slender and powerful, and the white claws were sharp!


After a while, Ye Yang exhaled.

He lowered his head and looked at his body, and found that there were no colorful snow-white feathers, and the whole body was snow-white.

"I turned into a white bird?"

Ye Yang didn't know what had happened to his body because there was no reflective object. From the outside, he looked different from before. Even the red feather on his head disappeared. Only a pair of cold golden eyes remained.

"System panel!"

Host: Ye Yang

Race: White-feathered Eagle

Level: E

Bloodline: Unawakened (1,000 Supreme Breath Cells)

Skills: Basic Breathing (Mastered)

The system panel was completely renewed, and the changes were huge!

The race changed from sparrow to white-feathered eagle!

The level changed from the original"E-"Promoted to"E"The bloodline has not changed, it is still not awakened, but the supreme aura has one thousand


Just when Ye Yang calmed down a little, a message came into his mind.

"This is what the system means.……"

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