Not only did the system prompt sound resound in his mind, but there was also a piece of information.

However, these information were not very important, just some simple information.

For example, Ye Yang's skill proficiency is divided into five levels: entry, mastery, minor success, major success, and perfection.

The reason why Ye Yang's race transformed from a sparrow to a white-feathered eagle this time was thanks to the Supreme Breath Cell.

The function of the Supreme Breath Cell is to allow him to continue to approach the most original creatures of birds.

The information system of the White-feathered Eagle race also told him that it was a creature that once appeared on the Blue Star, but it had died out 10,000 years ago, during the new era of mankind.

"Simply put, the Supreme Breath Cells can make my body regress to its ancestral form... This is unheard of! It's so scary!"

You know, he only has a thousand Supreme Breath Cells now, but he has already regressed to a creature ten thousand years ago. What about the future?

This body is now made up of tens of trillions or even hundreds of billions of cells. What will he regress to after the number of Supreme Breath Cells reaches one trillion?

"Maybe he has become an omnipotent god.……"

Ye Yang shook his head and threw away the thought.

Because he knew that now was not the time to be arrogant, he should take one step at a time and become stronger automatically.

"I don't know how strong I am now!"

Back to reality, Ye Yang raised a pair of snow-white claws that glowed with metallic luster in the sun, feeling the explosive power contained in his body.

He looked down at the several-meter-high rock in front of him.


The claws swung violently, the air in front of him shook, and a loud bang sounded!


The several-meter-high green rock exploded instantly, turning into rubble and bursting in all directions, completely unable to withstand Ye Yang's claw attack!

Ye Yang kept raising his claws, his golden pupils a little dazed. He had never expected that the rock in front of him would explode. He originally thought that at most a few deep claw marks would be left.……

"Am I that strong now?" He observed his snow-white claws and found that they were not injured by the smashing of the rock. He had not felt any difficulty when he had just hit the rock. If this was not a rock in the mountains, he would have thought it was a shoddy construction in the city.

"Invincible! Take off!"

Ye Yang was delighted. Now he could guarantee that he was the best in nature!

And even humans...

Feeling the strong defense of his body,"Ordinary rifles should only be able to injure my body now. As long as it is not the head or eyes, these vital parts, ordinary thermal weapons can be completely ignored!"

Although Ye Yang had no way to test his body's defense, he still guessed that his body's defense was very strong!

After all, he now had the power to easily destroy rocks, and his body could withstand such a strong force. His physical strength was beyond doubt.


After calming down his excitement, Ye Yang felt a little lonely.

"I am now the ceiling of nature's combat power, and no creature will evolve faster than me. My future life will be so dull and boring.……"

He laughed at himself and felt good.

Only fools and hypocrites hate the feeling of being invincible and a comfortable living environment. He still remembered that not long ago he was still a sparrow chick and was full of fear of the world.


Just as Ye Yang was"recalling the bitter past and thinking about the sweet past" on the top of the mountain, a faint and familiar roar came from the forest.

A pair of golden pupils condensed

"The cry was familiar, could it be that big black wild boar running over?!"


On the outskirts of Jianghai City.

A remote-controlled drone rose up in the distance and flew towards the dense forest in the suburbs.

The person operating the drone was an outdoor anchor. After the beast tide in Jianghai City, the citizens of Jianghai City believed the official warning notice for the suburbs in the city and did not dare to easily enter the suburbs of Jianghai City.

However, people are very curious. Although the citizens know that there may be powerful beasts in the forests outside the city, they also want to know what kind of terrifying beasts can cause the beast tide...

So this outdoor anchor had an idea, went to the road in the suburbs, and sent a drone to investigate deep in the dense forest.

"This is a high-tech remote-controlled drone that I borrowed hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy! Don't lose all your money, or you will really jump into the river in the south of the city.……"

Soon, the outdoor anchor's nervous mood and rapid breathing disappeared.

The reason was that he saw the number of people in the live broadcast room was increasing rapidly. In just a few minutes, the number of people in the live broadcast reached 3,000!

And the number was still rising rapidly!

"Hey! Dear viewers, please give me some tips if you have money, and if you don’t have money, please share the live broadcast room with your relatives and friends!"

"Today, Xiao Li will lead everyone to investigate the culprit who caused the beast tide outside Jianghai City and killed more than 30 people!"

Live broadcast room

"Eh? The name of this live broadcast room is"Exploring the Suburbs of Jianghai City". Isn't it another clickbait title?"

"No, this is indeed on the outskirts of Jianghai City"

"Ah! He is dying! More than 30 media personnel died in the suburbs last time. How dare this anchor be so bold?"

"No... Look carefully at the scene! This is a bird's-eye view! The anchor is using a drone to remotely control the live broadcast!"

"Oh... I was wondering... Where can I find such a courageous guy who doesn't care about his life?"

"The perspective of this drone is so clear, it must be very expensive. Thanks to the host for exploring this for us!"

"Thanks to the host! (Long live free sex!) +1"

"Thanks to the host! (Long live free sex!) +2"

"Thanks to the host! (Long live free sex!) +3"


Looking at the comments in the live broadcast room, the outdoor anchor felt a little embarrassed and began to get nervous again.

"Will I lose a lot of money by borrowing money to invest in drone live streaming this time?"

But fortunately, although the number of viewers increased, more and more people began to give gifts. In just ten minutes, he received thousands of gifts.

This made him excited!

In this way, the drones roamed in the vast forest that was like a green ocean.

It was noon.

Most of the viewers in the live broadcast room were locals in Jianghai City. They knew that the area of the forest in the suburbs was hundreds of kilometers. It took only half a day, and the speed of the drone was not very fast. If they wanted to find the unknown beast that made a terrifying roar, it would undoubtedly be like looking for a needle in a haystack.

However, seeing many rare protected animals in the forest and the beautiful scenery still brought the number of people in the live broadcast room to more than 100,000.

"It's noon now, brothers, I'm going to take a break and have a meal. The drone will navigate automatically, so you can just watch it for yourself first!"

"Go ahead, anchor. We don't need you anyway.……"

"It’s so sad, even though it’s true!"

"Alas, I don’t know if I can find that unknown and terrifying beast in these hundreds of kilometers of mountains and dense forests.……"

The outdoor anchor looked at the comments in the live broadcast room and shook his head in amusement.

He actually had no hope of discovering the mysterious beast.

"If I can find that mysterious beast in the dense forest of hundreds of miles, I will definitely buy a lottery ticket!"

As soon as the voice fell.


The whole ground trembled, and a huge black figure ran from a distance...

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