The camera lost the image of the white bird in an instant!

"This big white eagle flies so fast!"

"Where is he going?"

"This mountain top must be the territory of the White-Feathered Eagle! It is going to attack the wild boar that climbed up the mountain!"

"Ah? Isn't that white-feathered eagle looking for death?"

After some professionals in the live broadcast room explained, they knew that the beautiful white bird in front of them was an ancient creature that became extinct ten thousand years ago.

Before they could finish discussing this topic in shock, they saw the white-feathered eagle turned into a blurry white shadow and swooped down the mountain!

No one thought that the white-feathered eagle was a match for the big black wild boar!

After all, they saw with their own eyes that the big wild boar knocked the car away! Although the white-feathered eagle looked extraordinary, the size difference was there, how could it possibly defeat the big black wild boar?!

Everyone watching the live broadcast had their hearts in their throats and stared at the screen intently.


At this moment, the big black wild boar that was running up the mountain and approaching the top of the mountain suddenly stopped, and his heart trembled, as if there was some danger approaching.

Looking up, a strong wind blew, and a snow-white figure enlarged in the field of vision!


An angry and powerful roar resounded through the mountainside!

The big black wild boar held its head high and showed its fangs, charging at the white figure that was charging towards it! The red light bulb's eyes were full of cruelty. This flying creature actually dared to attack him actively, it was really looking for death!


The sound of the explosion instantly rang out on the mountainside, and as the camera screen shook, the red color gradually appeared in the video...

Blood was flowing all over the ground.

The figure of the big black wild boar disappeared in front of the camera, and the camera shook to see a big eagle bathed in blood in the sky!

"Damn! Did the Big Black Pig fake a match? He just died like that?!"

"The power of the White-Feathered Eagle's claws is so strong that it can actually smash the wild boar's body with one strike!"

"When the zoology expert came out just now, didn’t you say that the white-feathered eagle is just a larger bird, only slightly stronger than the golden eagle?"

"It's incredible. The size of the white-feathered eagle is at most one-fifth of the big black wild boar. How could it possibly have such great power?"

"Hey, don't go to the outskirts of Jianghai City in the future. I hope this bird of prey won't fly into our city of Jianghai City.……"


At this moment, the headless body of the wild boar fell helplessly in a pool of blood on the ground. Blood gushed out from its broken neck, dyeing the land within ten meters red. Its limbs were twitching slightly and continuously.

In the sunlight, Ye Yang smashed the wild boar's head with one blow, and it remained in the sky.

Its snow-white feathers were also stained with blood red, and the hostility it exuded was terrifying.

"Ding, you have successfully killed an F+ level wild boar. The Supreme Breath Cells and Basic Breathing Method in your body are invigorated, and the operating efficiency is doubled within seven days!"

Ye Yang was happy,"The experience buff is renewed! Fighting is indeed a shortcut to increase the speed of level evolution!"

He also noticed that the level of this big black wild boar is"F+", before his level"E-"

It seems that he was right. Even if they were creatures of the same level, their combat power would be very different due to their different innate abilities. However, his race would only become stronger as the number of Supreme Breath Cells increased. He didn't need to worry too much about this.


Ye Yang was unhappy when he noticed the blood stain on his body. Feathers were his natural clothing or protective layer. He really cherished his beautiful feathers.

He wanted to go to the lake not far from the top of the mountain to wash them.

He looked up at the drone still hanging not far away.


It turned into a stream of white light, and the drone was shot down and fell to the ground and broke into several pieces.

"Let's go! Let's take a shower!"


"Ah! My drone worth hundreds of thousands of dollars!"

The drone lost its signal instantly, and the outdoor anchor hundreds of miles away screamed in pain, but reacted immediately.

"The official said it would be reimbursed, no loss, no loss……"

The audience in the live broadcast room only saw a white figure passing by the camera, and the live broadcast screen went black.

"Shit! It must be that white-feathered eagle that destroyed the drone!"

"What a strong sense of territory! Brothers, remember to inform your relatives and friends not to run around outside Jianghai City in the future!"

"This is not nonsense, I don’t want to become that wild boar with a broken head!"

"No, you may not even be as long and narrow as the wild boar. Not only will your head explode, but your body will also be gone!"

"Damn... not even as good as a pig……"


This incident that happened in the wild of Jianghai City is certainly not that simple, and it is not only known by the citizens of Jianghai City and the upper class of Daxia Country. In fact, not only Daxia Country but also many people abroad are paying attention to it.

Europe, Owl Country.

In the small town of Rus, in a room filled with the fragrance of books, a beautiful blonde girl holds a book in her hand, staring at the white figure on the screen with blue eyes and muttering to herself

"This is an ancient creature that became extinct 10,000 years ago! It's incredible!"

"My God, I can actually see living ancient creatures in my lifetime. If my grandfather in heaven knew about this, he would definitely be very happy!"

The girl closed the book in her hand, her chest heaving up and down, her emotions fluctuating violently.

"No, I have to go to the Asian country of Daxia on behalf of my grandfather and see the ancient white-feathered eagle with my own eyes!"

Put the book on the table, walk to the window, the girl looks east, her eyes full of hope.

The big words on the cover of the book on the table glow faintly in the light - Origin of Species……


The United States, a white palace.

The leader of the United States looked at the paleontological white-feathered eagle data analyzed by the experts in his hand, and sneered on his face.

"You Daxia country���Do you call yourself the Kingdom of Heaven? Now extinct ancient creatures can appear in your Daxia! Let's see if your Daxia can still compete for the position of the leader of the great country on Blue Star!"

As the current leader of the country on Blue Star, the United States has always been very wary of the rapidly rising Daxia in the East in modern times. The history of a country is the accumulation of culture, which is very important for the development of a country. Their United States has only a history of 300 years, while Daxia has a history of nearly 5,000 years!!!

The only ancient civilization country!

Facts have also proved how amazing the potential of this country with the oldest civilization on Blue Star is. In just half a century, it has completed the development trajectory of the United States in a hundred years.

"Hahahaha, the extinct ancient creatures appeared in the Great Xia Kingdom without any warning. It must be God’s blessing!"

"The future of the Great Xia Kingdom will surely be filled with disasters.……"

"The curtain of the Blue Star disaster will be drawn in the Great Xia Kingdom!"

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