In fact, as long as the countries have a certain amount of power, their leaders know what the appearance of extinct ancient creatures on the blue planet means.

This will indicate that the geography and climate of the blue planet are changing imperceptibly, and the Great Xia country where the ancient creatures appeared is very likely to be the starting point of the change on the blue planet.

In response to this, many countries are on high alert, but the United States and the Sakura Country are gloating over it.……


Blue Star, North Pole.

Three thousand meters below the thousand-year-old ice vein, a large scientific research and military fortress with a full sense of technology stands here.

"Captain, come and have a look at this! Ancient creatures that have been extinct for thousands of years have appeared in Daxia!"

"What?! Oh my god! How could ancient creatures appear at this time? It's several years earlier than we expected!"

"Do we need to send people to Daxia to investigate the situation?"

"No... We don't have enough manpower right now. Ever since the energy appeared in the air of Blue Star a month ago, this big guy sleeping in the ice veins has become more and more restless. The same is true for the big guys in various places... We have to hurry up and collect data!"

"makes sense……"

"However, it is time to give some information about the combat power of creatures to the countries on Blue Star. Otherwise, the future of Blue Star will become a paradise for monsters.……"

Under the fortress, a giant beast several hundred meters long was quietly frozen in the ice veins, as peaceful as Sleeping Beauty.

However, the pulse diagram of the electronic instrument clearly showed that the breath of the giant beast was gradually reviving...

What was even more surprising was... the huge head of the giant beast turned out to be a ferocious dragon head.……


The scene returns to the outskirts of Jianghai City. Ye Yang did not expect that his appearance in the human vision would indirectly cause a sensation on the entire Blue Star!

A few kilometers away from the top of the mountain, there is a pond of a hundred meters in size.

Ever since Ye Yang made a protest cry, the ten-mile radius from the top of the mountain has been his territory, and this pond naturally belongs to him alone.

At this moment, he was soaking in the pond, and his snow-white feathers had great buoyancy, allowing him to float on the water effortlessly.

He lowered his head and looked at his body reflected in the emerald green water, admiring it.

"This look is still quite nice, noble and elegant. I am increasingly finding that there is nothing wrong with turning into a bird.……"

"And I am a bird that can evolve into a species. Now I am a paleontological white-feathered eagle!"

Suddenly, Ye Yang's mind tensed up.

"That drone completely exposed my appearance. Would it be dangerous if someone in this world recognized my ancient fossil?"

"Humans are still struggling!"

After wandering around on the water for a long time, he still couldn't figure out a solution to this problem.

"Forget it, don't think about it, it's no big deal, just run away!"

He soared into the air, shook off the dew on his feathers in an instant, and flew towards the top of the mountain.

In fact, Ye Yang thought too much...

Although most of the upper echelons of the countries in Blue Star felt anxious and busy because of his appearance, the big figures at the top of the human pyramid did not pay any attention to him at all.


Three days later, early in the morning

"Ding, your supreme breath cells sense the energy of the sun, wake up from their slumber, and start to function.……"

"Ding, after a day of hard practice, your proficiency in basic breathing techniques has improved!"

"Ding, your basic breathing proficiency level has been raised!"

Ye Yang, who was looking into the distance in the cave, was shocked and his golden pupils dilated!

"Has the proficiency in basic breathing techniques been upgraded?"

"System panel!"

Host: Ye Yang

Race: White Feather Eagle

Level: E

Bloodline: Unawakened (1,000 Supreme Breath Cells)

Skills: Basic Breathing Method (Minor Success)

Sure enough, the proficiency of the basic breathing method has changed from mastery to entry level.

At the same time, a huge suction force came from deep in the body, continuously absorbing the spiritual energy in the surrounding air.

This efficiency is almost twice as fast as before!

"The basic breathing method is so powerful after a small achievement, then the great achievement or perfection will take off directly!"

Looking outside the cave, the white jade bamboo standing on the top of the mountain is also nourished by the spiritual energy he has absorbed. The white jade bamboo leaves seem to be breathing, swallowing the surrounding spiritual energy in big mouthfuls.

Seeing this, Ye Yang was not angry, but very happy.

Because the relationship between him and the white jade bamboo is completely complementary, the spiritual energy absorbed by the white jade bamboo has no effect on him at all, but the spiritual energy absorbed by the white jade bamboo will help him.

Soon the excitement and joy calmed down.

The golden eyes reflected the blue look of the blue sky outside. The sky outside was light and the sky was bright, and the heart was also colorful.

"A bit boring……"

"Why not go find some fun!"

After three days in the cave, he was almost exhausted.

Since he had decided to go out and have fun, he immediately thought of a good place.

"It was impossible to go to a human city, or I would be targeted. There might be some random weapons there."


He rushed towards the sky and disappeared into the clouds.……


Changbai Mountain Nature Reserve has a very good ecological environment and is home to a large number of wild animals.

The seldom-seen Siberian tigers, golden monkeys, and even the snow elves, snow leopards, can all be spotted here.

A huge brown bear walked out of a cave.

There was a huge scar on its chest, and this was the brown bear that Ye Yang had encountered before.

Except for the visible wound on its chest, the wounds on other parts of its body had already healed, and its physical recovery ability was very strong.

Twisting its somewhat sore body, the brown bear moved its truck-like body in one direction.

After walking for a while, a lush bamboo forest appeared in front of them.


It growled at the bamboo forest.

Soon, the bamboo forest began to shake, and a black and white creature appeared in sight. When it came out of the bamboo forest, it was discovered that the black and white creature was actually a giant panda.


As soon as the giant panda came out, it let out a vigilant roar at the brown bear, but its bright black eyes dodged in a trance, as if it was very afraid of the brown bear in front of it. The brown bear opposite saw the giant panda's cowardly look and immediately felt angry.

After all, we are all bears, why are you so timid? You really embarrass us bears!

And the giant panda's body size is exactly the same as his, what is there to be afraid of?


The brown bear suppressed his anger and roared at the giant panda, then turned around and motioned for the panda to follow.

The giant panda blinked its black eyes, understood what the brown bear meant, and shook its head decisively, with the amplitude of the shaking like a rattle.

The bamboo forest is my life as a bear, and I will never leave it even if I am beaten to death!

His attitude was firm!

This made the brown bear unable to hold back his anger!

He turned around and stared fiercely at the trembling giant panda, and saw a smile on the face of the bamboo forest bear.……


The author has something to say:

The 10,000-word task is completed! Next, I will write another 10,000 words until the end of the month... I hope you all enjoy reading this.\(^o^)/~By the way, please help to urge for more updates, and thank you all for your support and gifts!

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