"Hint: Your Supreme Breath Cells sense something special, and you feel very happy and eager... It seems a little embarrassed to tell you.……"

When Ye Yang looked up at the stone on the top of the mountain, the system's prompt sounded in his mind.

"This must be what the Supreme Breath Cell desires.……"

He was sure, because when he locked his eyes on the stone, the system prompt sounded, so it was obvious that the stone on the top of the cave was what the Supreme Breath Cell in his body wanted.

"The Supreme Breath Cell is really a tsundere. He clearly wants this thing so much, but he won't say it out loud.……"

I couldn't help but complain in my heart

"Tip: Your Supreme Breath Cell heard your complaints, got angry, and decided to go on strike for a day! Stop running!"


Ye Yang was sure that this supreme breath cell was full of arrogance.

He shook his head and looked at a stone embedded in the top of the cave.

It was very difficult to get this thing at the top of the cave, because the magnetic field of the cave was complicated. Ye Yang's body was under great pressure when he came here. He couldn't even fly, let alone reach the top of the cave which was more than 20 meters high.……

"What to do?……"


Ye Yang's eyes lit up. As long as he upgraded his level and became stronger than he is now, and could withstand the pressure in the cave, he would have the confidence to fly to the top of the cave and get the stone.

"Okay, I'll come back here after I level up and evolve to become stronger.……"

Then he turned around and moved his paws toward the outside of the cave.


In the woods not far from the cave, the brown bear, the giant panda, and the monkey king on the tree stared at the entrance of the cave.

Approaching the deep cave made them feel very nervous. They couldn't go in, so they stared at the cave with wide eyes. They wanted to know if the scary big white bird could come out.

If the big white bird didn't come out for a long time, they would be free!

Without the signal from the scary big white bird, they didn't dare to leave here.……

""Squeak, squeak, squeak!!!"

The Monkey King, who had the most sensitive senses, was the first to discover the scent of the big white bird coming from the cave and shouted.

The two big bears on the side shuddered and looked at the cave with their eyes as big as light bulbs.

In their sight, the terrifying big white bird walked out of the dark cave.

Leaving the complex magnetic field of the cave, the pressure on his body disappeared. Ye Yang flapped his wings and flew directly to the Monkey King. He grabbed a large piece of wild fruit from a big tree nearby and placed it in front of the Monkey King.

The Monkey King was stunned, carefully looked at the terrifying big white bird in front of him, picked up the wild fruit and ate it.

Ye Yang's face darkened.

It took most of the day to make the Monkey King understand that what he was looking for was spiritual fruit.

""Squeak, squeak, squeak!" the monkey king shouted, leaping through the jungle and running off into the distance.

"Can this monkey king really find the spiritual fruit?"

Ye Yang flapped his wings and followed. There were two giant bears not far from the tree.

The brown bear patted the head of the giant panda who wanted to run away, and the two giant bears ran in the direction of the monkey king.


At the Changbai Mountain Nature Reserve outpost, several forest rangers chat in the monitoring room

"Lao Wang, I don't know if the spiritual energy in the air is a good thing for us humans.……"

"Well, let’s not talk about this for now. Ever since the spiritual energy appeared, the animals in the reserve have grown in size like they were given hormones, and they are extremely aggressive."

"Yes, this nature reserve is very dangerous now. Didn’t Xiao Zhang get attacked by a cheetah and sent to the hospital last time?……"

"I heard that as long as these wild fruits are transported to the research institute in the city, our forest rangers in the nature reserve will be transferred away."

"It is very likely that other brothers in my unit have also been transferred away. After all, these wild animals are too dangerous now."

While talking, several forest rangers focused their attention on several trucks parked in the outpost. The trucks were full of piles of fruits, which were wild fruits from the nature reserve. They were collected by several forest rangers in person in the nature reserve.

"I don't know why the higher-ups gave us this task. Collecting these wild fruits caused many people to get injured.……"

"Don't think too much, the higher-ups will definitely have their own considerations."

""Oh my god! Look!"

A forest ranger suddenly exclaimed!

"What happened?"

The forest rangers all looked at the screen. In order to protect wild animals, the nature reserve has wireless cameras in various areas.

Under their gaze, they saw a burly monkey more than three meters tall approaching the sentry post!

"This is clearly just the appearance of a golden monkey, how come it has the body size of a gorilla?"

"Maybe it was influenced by the spiritual energy.……"

"It seems that this big golden monkey is heading towards our outpost!"

"No way!"

Originally they thought that the huge golden monkey was just on the road, but they didn't expect that this golden monkey would approach the sentry post directly!

The look in its eyes when it looked at the sentry post clearly indicated that the golden monkey's target was the sentry post they were at!

"Captain! I feel that this giant golden monkey and the tranquilizer gun should have no effect on him!"

The forest ranger nodded heavily.

Although the upper echelons of Daxia have informed them that if any wild animal attacks them, they can suppress or kill the target by force.

But they have been guarding here for many years and have developed deep feelings for the things here. They really can't bear to hurt the animals living in the nature reserve.

Taking a deep breath,"If a giant golden monkey attacks them, we will use rifles to repel and scare it away, and don't hurt it unless it is absolutely necessary."

Several forest rangers nodded. They also didn't want to hurt the animals in the reserve.

"Huh? What is that?……"

"What a big bird!"

The forest ranger who was staring at the surveillance screen nervously shouted!

There was actually a big white bird not far behind the huge golden monkey!

"This big white bird is the white-feathered eagle in the mountains outside Jianghai City!"

A forest ranger recognized Ye Yang,"How could he run here!"

Seeing Ye Yang appear, all the forest rangers present were terrified...

After the last outdoor anchor incident, almost all Jianghai citizens knew how terrifying the big white bird in the suburbs was.

Afterwards, an expert analyzed that it would take at least one ton of explosive power to smash the head of a wild boar with one blow...

In other words... The explosive power of this big white bird, the white-feathered eagle, is at least one ton!

It's simply a monster...

All the forest rangers turned pale and looked at the captain, not knowing what would happen next...

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