Inside the sentry station of Changbai Mountain Nature Reserve, the captain, who was watched by all the forest rangers, was also very flustered, but his face was calm, because he could not show fear in front of the team members, which was his duty as the captain.

"The paleontological white-feathered eagle is very dangerous. If this white-feathered eagle really comes to our sentry station later, try not to cause a conflict.……"

""We will stay in the sentry station and not go anywhere! Stay where you are!"

After a few breaths, the captain made a decision.

There were only a few live ammunition rifles in the sentry station. If they turned into ordinary creatures, even if they couldn't drive them away, they could still retreat.

However, they were obviously not confident enough to deal with the target, the white-feathered eagle, with its extremely high flying speed and explosive power that shocked everyone...

If they left the shelter of the sentry station and ran to the outside environment, they would simply be courting death.


A burly golden monkey jumped quickly in the forest. Although it was the size of a large chimpanzee, its limbs were as agile as a monkey.

Behind him, a large white bird was flying happily in the breeze.

Ye Yang, who was following the monkey king, suddenly shrank his golden pupils.

"That's a human building... a sentry post!"

With his extraordinary vision, Ye Yang quickly found the sentry post a few miles ahead.

"The destination of this monkey king should be the outpost. Is there really spiritual fruit in it?"

He was puzzled, but he still followed.

The monkey king stopped on a hillside far from the outpost.

""Squeak, squeak, squeak!!!" The monkey king pointed at the sentry post in front of him while twisting the stick in his hand.

Even though Ye Yang did not understand the monkey language, he could tell that the monkey king meant that the thing he was looking for was ahead.

Looking in the direction of the monkey king's finger, he saw several trucks.

His golden eyes narrowed and he focused his vision.

Through the gap in the truck door, he saw a mountain of fruits.

"Are these all spiritual fruits?"

Only when you get close to spiritual fruits can you feel their specialness. Otherwise, even Ye Yang can't tell the difference between spiritual fruits and wild fruits.

"It is impossible that they are all spiritual fruits. If the trucks were full of spiritual fruits, powerful beasts would have run rampant long ago.……"

But he still had to go, because if there were any spiritual fruits among these wild fruits, it would be a great deal, and he couldn't miss it.


The Monkey King looked at the sentry station ahead and made a warning sound towards him.

Ye Yang was stunned and looked at the Monkey King. The Monkey King obviously felt that the sentry station was dangerous.

"Is he afraid of humans? Could it be that the Monkey King has seen how powerful bipedal humans are? Or is it just an instinct deep inside his body?……"

After all, humans have ruled the Blue Planet for tens of thousands of years. In modern times, the fear of human bipeds is engraved deep in the DNA of animals that survive in nature.

Now that the spiritual energy has revived, the wisdom and instincts of these beasts have become more developed.

Ye Yang thought about it and flew over by himself.

At the same time, he was alert to the surroundings. If there was any disturbance, he would take off into the air.


He came to the door of the truck compartment, and the iron door of the iron compartment was broken like paper with his claws.


He overturned the truck violently, and the wild fruits piled up in the compartment fell to the ground.

The golden pupils looked down at the various wild fruits rolling on the ground, and found a few spiritual fruits!

He opened his beak and swallowed them whole.

The spiritual fruits that entered his stomach were instantly digested and absorbed by Ye Yang's powerful stomach, turning into a stream of pure spiritual energy that flowed into his body, making him feel very comfortable.

And after absorbing these spiritual fruits, he clearly felt a sense of saturation in his body. He was very familiar with this feeling. This was a sign that his level was about to be upgraded!

The golden pupils glowed!

There were two trucks next to him, so there must be spiritual fruits!

Sure enough, after Ye Yang tore the door of the carriage and pushed over the truck, he found more than a dozen spiritual fruits of different sizes...

After swallowing ten of them, the spiritual energy that had been accumulated for a long time finally burst out!

"Tip: Your level has been successfully upgraded from E to E+!"

As the system prompt sounded, the body began to swell rapidly!


The bones in the body are constantly growing, the flesh is constantly being tempered and becoming tougher, and the strength of the blood vessels and internal organs is also increasing...

The wingspan is three meters... four meters... five meters!

The wingspan has reached five meters!

""Ouch... it really hurts!"

A fierce and cold aura was contained in the golden pupils.

His eyes were like lightning, and he looked sideways in one direction, then retracted his gaze and turned to fly away.


In the sentry station monitoring room, the forest rangers were stunned. In front of them, the terrifying ancient creature, the white-feathered eagle, had expanded greatly in just a few minutes!

Even through the screen, they could tell that the white-feathered eagle had undergone a drastic change!

"Oh my god! Do monsters really exist in this world?!"

"Are we dreaming? This big white bird has expanded in size in just a few minutes!"

"Could it be that the Great White Bird is an ancient creature with a special physique?……"

"No matter how special it is, it is a bird that has existed on Blue Planet! There must be some secret behind the huge change of the White-Feathered Eagle!"

Just when the forest ranger was shocked by the scene before his eyes and couldn't help but exclaimed, the whole noisy monitoring room suddenly became quiet, and every forest ranger seemed to have entered the wilderness in the cold winter, with a chill in their bones!

At this moment, the cold light emitted by a pair of golden pupils on the screen caused countless people's brains to freeze and their bodies to lose control.

They didn't resume thinking until the White-Feathered Eagle disappeared from the screen.

When they came back to their senses, they didn't know when they broke out in a cold sweat.

No one spoke first, their eyes were scattered, they were soldiers with strong psychological qualities, and this was the first time they experienced fear in their lives.

The captain broke the calm with trembling pale lips���

"The ancient white-feathered eagle... This is just through the screen, but its aura can scare us soldiers. If we were to face the aura of the white-feathered eagle in person... most people would probably become incontinent or faint."

"Yes, the captain's white-feathered eagle must be a monster! It's so scary! I feel that even light thermal weapons can't destroy him!"

"This ancient creature is so scary! We have to send the video here to Jianghai City and let the official departments of Jianghai City be alert to this white-feathered eagle! If such a terrifying creature is allowed to enter the city, it will be a massacre for us humans!"

"You are right. We must send these videos to Jiang Haicheng and inform our superiors.……"

The captain looked at the figure disappearing from the screen. There were only a few broken trucks and wild fruits on the ground.

He knew that within three days, everything that happened here would shock the top leaders of Daxia...

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