
In the cave on the top of the mountain, a huge white bird suddenly opened its golden eyes, with a puzzled look in its eyes.

"Did the two big bears encounter attacks from other animals?"The sleeping Ye Yang was awakened by the roar of the bears. The fierce roar coming from the bottom of the mountain showed that the battle was very fierce. He immediately flashed to the corner of the mountain top, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eagle eyes.

He actually saw a brown bear and a giant panda fighting!

This is really rare!

Although he has only tamed the brown bear and the giant panda for four or five days, he has also figured out their temperaments and habits.

Brown bears are undoubtedly aggressive animals. They like to hunt and eat meat. Except for eating vegetation to promote digestion, there is no food in their diet.

The giant panda is just the opposite. The diet is full of various vegetation!

Never eat any meat!

The golden eagle that died at the entrance of the cave on the mountain was given by Ye Yang to the brown bear, and the giant panda also had Monkey King.

The brown bear and the monkey king were very happy because devouring the flesh and blood of powerful creatures could make them stronger, but the giant panda didn't eat a single bite...

In addition, during the days of transporting the spiritual tree, the giant panda didn't eat any meat, but instead happily ate vegetation.

This made Ye Yang define the giant panda as a Buddhist giant panda, who doesn't eat meat, likes to eat vegetation, and doesn't have the fierce fighting temper of bears. He just eats and sleeps all day...

However, today he actually saw the giant panda get stronger for the first time! He actually dared to fight with the brown bear!

Looking at the bloodstains on the two bears, it was obvious that the two bears were fighting seriously!

What's even more incredible is that the giant panda actually suppressed the brown bear in the fight!

"I didn’t expect that the giant panda could even suppress the brown bear... As expected, this cute national treasure can be really scary when it gets angry.……"

A smile flashed across his golden eyes. He didn't care about the fight between the two bears. Instead, he watched the fight between the two bears leisurely.

The two bears were living wild animals. It was normal for them to fight and hone their fighting skills.

He could also find some fun to kill time on boring days.

"Wait... Why would a Buddha-like panda fight with a brown bear?"

Ye Yang looked down the mountain, his golden pupils shrank, and he saw two human girls nearby.

He was deeply impressed by these two human girls. After all, Ran Xiaoyue and Li Minmin were the two humans he saw when he first came to this world, and they also took care of him.

"What is the purpose of these two ordinary girls coming to the mountains outside the city?" He thought to himself.

He had been exposed from the perspective of humans. According to his understanding of humans, they would definitely not dare to go to the mountains outside Jianghai City casually.

And these two people……

"Go down and have a look……"


Down the mountain.

Li Minmin and Ran Xiaoyue hid in the distance, watching the two trucks' giant bears fighting each other.

"Come on, giant panda! Give us a good beating on that stinky brown bear!"

Li Minmin waved her little fist to cheer for the giant panda in the distance!

Just now, the giant panda carried them to a brown bear. They were scared and thought they would be swallowed by the brown bear.

Unexpectedly, the giant panda protected them and fought with the wild brown bear.

Ran Xiaoyue, who was standing by, also cheered for the giant panda silently in her heart, and then glanced at the surrounding environment.

"Minmin! Does the surrounding environment look familiar to you?"

"Hmm... I think I have seen it somewhere.……"

"This is Shenfeng Mountain!"


Li Minmin, who was concentrating on watching the giant bear fight, exclaimed!

Shenfeng Mountain!

Almost no citizen of Jianghai City does not know the name of this mountain!

Because there is a huge ancient creature, a white-feathered eagle, on this mountain!

So this mountain was named"Shenfeng Mountain" by Jianghai City netizens, and this name has spread throughout Jianghai City in the past few days.

"Let's get out of here quickly. If that ancient white-feathered eagle comes down, we'll be dead even with the giant panda protecting us!"

Ran Xiaoyue said with some fear.

The reason is that they know that the white-feathered eagle can smash the head of a wild boar of the same size as a giant bear with one blow, which is very dangerous!

"Okay... let's get out of here.……"


Just as they turned around and prepared to leave, a long howl came from the sky, and a huge shadow enveloped the two of them.

Looking up, they saw a huge creature in the sky rushing towards them quickly!

The strong wind pressure made them close their eyes.


With a dull sound, the ground shook!

They opened their eyes, and the behemoth appeared in their sight!

The whole body was snow-white without a trace of other colors. The snow-white feathers were purer than winter snowflakes, and they looked very holy at first glance.

A pair of smart golden eagle eyes inadvertently revealed wisdom and coldness.

The overall appearance is full of elegance and nobility. It doesn't look like an animal at all, but more like a work of art that is ingeniously crafted by nature!

But no matter how beautiful it looks, it can't cover up the oppressive feeling brought by its huge size!

The two girls stared at the big white bird a few meters away with wide eyes, and Ran Xiaoyue's lips trembled.

"This is... the white-feathered eagle... Why is the size of the white-feathered eagle so much bigger than the one in the last video?"

Li Minmin was horrified. At this moment, she gave up the idea of escaping. She could only hope that the smart giant panda could protect them.

At this moment, due to the arrival of Ye Yang, the two bears ended the fight.

There were many bloodstains on the bears' bodies, but for the strong bears, it was nothing.

The big brown bear looked at the giant panda with a silly expression after it withdrew from the fight with some surprise.

I never thought that the giant panda would have such a high fighting power when it burst out...

Damn... This guy doesn't eat meat... How can he have such a strong power!

The giant panda didn't care about these. It twisted its huge black and white body and trotted to Li Minmin and Ran Xiaoyue.


The two girls saw the giant panda's movements and knew that it wanted bread, but they didn't have any! They could only shake their heads in embarrassment and helplessness.

"Giant panda, next time I must bring you food that is more delicious than bread.……"


The giant panda waited for a long time and realized that he was deceived by the two two-legged beasts in front of him. The panda looked at the two two-legged beasts in front of him with resentment in its bright black eyes.


They walked slowly into the dense forest and continued to look for food.

After a few seconds, the two girls returned their sight to the beautiful white-feathered eagle in front of them. Now they felt vaguely safe, and the white-feathered eagle would not hurt them.

But what did it mean to stare at them with a pair of golden eyes?

Ye Yang wanted to ask the two people why they came here, but he found that he could not communicate at all and could only look at them with his eyes.

Ran Xiaoyue's bright eyes quietly looked at the golden pupils in front of her, which were as dazzling as stars.

Suddenly, his heart moved and he blurted out!

"Are you Little Phoenix?"

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